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bryan escherize

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===== begin copy =====
Dear Hiring Manager,
I would like to express my interest in the {{position}} position posted in the career section of your site. I have enclosed my resume detailing my unique skill set for you.
I recently graduated from the User Experience Design Immersive program at General Assembly where I improved my skills in most every facet of user experience design. I esspecially excelled at {{user research methods, prototyping, wireframing, user flows, and interaction design}}. Plus, I hold a BFA in Digital Art from the University of Washington. I have an insatiable passion for designing great digital products and to cultivate myself at {{company}} in a design capacity would be a dream for me.
As a design consultant for Centro Community Partners, I was given the opportunity to use my skills in interaction design and product development to lay plans for a mobile application for business consultants. I developed {{features, user research, personas, site map, wireframes ,user flows, and many it
===== begin copy =====
Dear Hiring Manager,
I would like to express my interest in the {{position}} position posted in the career section of your site. I have enclosed my resume detailing my unique skill set for you.
I recently graduated from the User Experience Design Immersive program at General Assembly where I improved my skills in most every facet of user experience design. I esspecially excelled at
{{user research methods,
user flows,
({:price-per-person 606.4223756906077,
:headcount 3,
:dimensions [15.25 11.25],
:title "jeff's room"}
{:price-per-person 875.687914364641,
:headcount 1,
:dimensions [11.5 13.5],
:title "bryan's room"}
{:price-per-person 784.0449585635359,
{:total-prices (661.4463756906077 930.711914364641 839.068958563536),
({:price-per-person 606.4223756906077,
:headcount 3,
:dimensions [15.25 11.25],
:title "jeff's room"}
{:price-per-person 875.687914364641,
:headcount 1,
:dimensions [11.5 13.5],
:title "bryan's room"}

Chesterfield errors out every time now, because

furtive sometimes calls get-buckets before get-user-token, And not sure why yet. :(

Exceptions encountered:

#<CompilerException java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space,

=> upped permgen size to 1024mb

IOException Stream closed (

=> Not sure of this cause

“msg”:”Exception while Posting to E.P.”,”host”:”http://localhost:5001”,”relative-url”:”/update-runtime”,

=> A possible bug?

;; Author: Bryan Maass <>
;; URL:
;; Keywords: emacs clojure setup el-get
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sensable Builtins ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(setq inhibit-splash-screen 1) ; no splash screen, thanks
(line-number-mode 1) ; have line numbers and
;; modify inputs if you wish and paste into
(let [total-sq-ft 1267
price 3479
utilities 275.12
rooms [{:title "jeff's room" :headcount 3 :area 171.5625}
{:title "bryan's room" :headcount 1 :area 155.25}
{:title "thaly's room" :headcount 1 :area 121.875}]
private-area (apply + (map :area rooms))
occupants (apply + (map :headcount rooms))
common-area (- total-sq-ft private-area)
(let [total-sq-ft 1267
price 3479
utilities 275.12
rooms [{:title "jeff's room" :headcount 3 :area 171.5625}
{:title "bryan's room" :headcount 1 :area 155.25}
{:title "thaly's room" :headcount 1 :area 121.875}]
private-area (apply + (map :area rooms))
occupants (apply + (map :headcount rooms))
common-area (- total-sq-ft private-area)
price-sqft (double (/ price total-sq-ft))
(ns rent-calc.core
(:use-macros [dommy.macros :only [sel sel1]])
(:require [dommy.core :as dommy]))
(defn p [s]
(js/alert (str s)))
(defn by-id [id]
(.getElementById js/document id))
<link type="text/css"
href="" rel="stylesheet">
<div id="app"></div>
<script src="../../target/cljsout/public/js/rent_calc.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">