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Last active August 6, 2023 21:46
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The Flat Earth model is just plane wrong!

There's been so much arguments from flatties about how the "ball earth model" doesn't work and has no proof. Well, someone on the internet (not me, I can't take credit for this and I can't find the source) decided they had enough, and they made a list of all the massively obvious flaws in the idea that we live on a flat earth.

So here it is. Flat Earthers:

  • Have no complete working model or map which encompasses all their explanations. Oh there's a few models alright, but they actually contradict one another!
  • Have no way to determine proper distances or directions between two point on the earth not sharing the same longitude.
  • Have no explanation for how the sun and the moon circle the earth, or how the sun migrates from the tropic of Capricorn to the tropic of Cancer and back over the year.
  • Have no idea why the ancient Greeks such as Pythagoras, Aristotle, Eratosthenes and Aristarchus believed the earth was a sphere.
  • Have no idea what P (primary) and S (secondary) shockwaves detected by seismology equipment tells us about the internal structure of the earth, and the shape and dimensions of the surface of the earth.
  • Have no idea what powers the sun and the stars.
  • Have no idea of the distance to the stars.
  • Have no idea how to explain sunsets and sunrises.
  • Are clueless as to why almost all stars don't appear to change position in the sky from opposite sides of earth's orbit around the sun when the phenomena of parallax says they should, and why we can only use the parallax method for measuring the distance of stars that are closest to the earth. Luckily, Polaris is one that we can determine the distance to using parallax, because it is also a Cepheid variable star, which allows the distance to be measured to much more distant stars where the parallax method not longer works.
  • Have no idea of the distance from the earth to the planets, or even much about them at all.
  • Have no idea why binary stars obey Newton's law of gravitation.
  • Have no explanation as to why we can only see 59% of the total surface area of the moon when, from a flat earth perspective we should be able to see most of it, including the dark side of the moon.
  • Have no idea why the moon appears upside down in the southern hemisphere compared to how it looks in the northern hemisphere, and why the phases of the moon are on opposite sides of the Moon, and why it looks circular from all vantage points on the earth.
  • Have no idea why sunspots rotate in the opposite direction in the southern and northern hemispheres, or even what sun spots are.
  • Have no believable explanation for how GPS is implemented across the world.
  • Have no explanation as to why aircraft carry ring laser gyros onboard capable of detecting the rotation of the earth.
  • Have no idea how it is possible to develop gravitational maps of the earth's surface, or why anyone would want one, or how they could be used.
  • Have no explanation for how eclipses work, especially lunar eclipses, or how to predict them correctly.
  • Have no idea why the Humber bridge, the Verrazzano Narrows bridge are built to account for the earth's curvature.
  • Have no idea why CERN, LIGO and the Stanford linear accelerator vacuum rings and arms are constructed to take account of the earth's curvature.
  • Have no idea why physicists working on LIGO, the gravity wave detector, were awarded Nobel prizes in physics.
  • Have no idea why geodetic surveyors since their 1735-1745 (10 years) observations in modern day Ecuador keep claiming the earth is an oblate spheroid.
  • Have no idea why Google Earth does not publish its underlying flat earth model that allows it to project the earth as a globe.
  • Have no explanation as to why the sun rises due east for everyone on the earth on the equinox.
  • Have no idea why an observer on the equator during an equinox does not see the sun set at an angle 19° above the horizon.
  • Have no explanation as to why on the equinox the solar illumination reaches just the north pole (10000 Km) but manages to reach the 2 points of intersection with the ice wall at a distance of 22360 Km
  • Have no idea why there should be a discernible horizon that looks like the edge of the ocean viewed from a beach. The horizon should really be a blur as the farther we look out across the flat earth, the more light is scattered and the more particles in the atmosphere obscuring the view.
  • Have no idea how it is possible to see the sun set twice simply by changing your height above the earth (quickly by just a few tens of metres).
  • Have no reasonable explanation as to how Polaris can be used in conjunction with a sextant in the northern hemisphere to determine latitude.
  • Have no explanation as to why the Artic and Antarctic experience months of days and nights at differ times of the year.
  • Have no explanation why bright little objects called satellites by some are regularly visible in the night sky following a predicted path across the sky
  • Have no explanation for how tides work.
  • Have no explanation how (most times) boats disappear over the horizon when they should be visible on a flat earth.
  • Have no explanation as to why the horizon does not rise to eye level.
  • Have no credible explanation why helium balloons fitted with non-fish eye cameras often detect the curvature of the earth.
  • Have no credible explanation for the existence of the "Downward" force called gravity.
  • Have no explanation that does not implicitly make use of the theory of gravity for the atmospheric pressure gradient from high to low pressure with altitude, especially if we live in a dome.
  • Have no idea why (almost without exception) hurricanes and typhoons rotate in opposite directions in northern and southern hemispheres respectively.
  • Have no explanation for the Coriolis effect observable in controlled experiments such as those conducted by Ascher H. Shapiro in the 1960s.
  • Have no explanation as to why the northern celestial pole rotates counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere, and the southern celestial pole rotates clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
  • Have no idea what Antarctica even looks like, and where the South Pole is physically located.
  • Have no idea why Venus has phases.
  • Have no idea why planets, e.g. Mars, exhibit retrograde motion.
  • Have no idea why the planets and their moons in the solar system appear to be obeying Newton's laws of planetary motion.
  • Have no explanation whatsoever why Stellar Aberration occurs.
  • Have no idea why clouds are illuminated from the bottom at sun set.
  • Can't explain how a commercial aircraft can fly from Perth to Sydney in only 4 hours 10 mins across the flat earth, as to achieve this, it would need to fly faster than an F18 on afterburner all the way.
  • Have no idea why the CO2 atmosphere of Mars appears to "Cling" to the exterior of its spherical spinning surface without the need for physical containment. This phenomenon is observable on others planets too.
  • Have no idea why the sun and the moon don't change in angular size from rising to setting by a factor of 2 to 3 since they are local to the earth, and no idea why the sun according to the inverse law of radiation is not 4 to 9 times brighter at midday than at sunset and sunrise when viewed from Australia.
  • Have no credible reason why millions of people (mostly scientists, engineers and technicians ) over decades would lie to keep the globe earth alive, and why nations and commercial enterprises, accountable to the voters and shareholders respectively, would spend (waste) $2 trillion a year , each and every year to maintain the globe lie.
  • Have no idea how it is possible to measure the value of G, the universal gravitational constant and in so doing, verify the theory of gravity.
  • Have no scientific papers publish in the last 100 years supporting the flat earth.
  • Have no idea why the horizon does not rise to eye level. Abu Rayhan al-Biruni (973 - 1048 AD) knew that and he had no modern precision instruments.
  • Have no explanation why Alfred Wallace found earth curvature in 1870 over a 6 mile track of old Bedford level consistent with the earth being a sphere, thereby disproving that the earth is flat.
  • Have no idea how and when to use the 8 inches per mile squared drop due to earth curvature formular, and its limitations.
  • Have no idea how it is possible for a sailing yacht to circumnavigate Antartica in under 40 days on a flat earth. The yacht would need to sail at almost 70 mph to finish the yearly Antartic Yacht race in this time.
  • Have no idea why 50,000+ tourists visit Antartica every year, since the 1961 UN Antartic Treaty is supposed to stop this from happening.
  • Have no idea even if you accept Eratosthenes' experiment fits the flat earth model with a local sun, why Aristarchus' experiment then says the moon is only 11 miles above the earth when it clearly isn't.
  • Have no idea how Aistarchus was able measure the distance to the sun from the earth in terms of multiples of the distance of the earth to the moon.
  • Have no idea why using the Erathosthenes’ method for measuring the distance from the earth of a local sun on a flat earth (Pythagorean theorem), the distance is always different when we repeat the measure using different locations, and the sun seems always nearer to the surface the more the measure is taken near the north pole or the ice wall.
  • Have no idea what powers the sun and the stars, even although spectroscopic analysis and EM observations tell us what the sun is made of, and that its energy output is consistent with the sun being a giant fusion reactor (not confined within a container I might add).
  • Have no idea of the distances to the planets. E.g. Mars, Venus, Mercury etc, even although the distance to these planets was measured by radar in the 1960s.
  • Have no explanation why radar says the moon is about 250,000 miles away, while the flat earth model says it is only a few thousand miles away.
  • Are clueless as to why almost all stars don't appear to change position in the sky from opposite sides of earth's orbit around the sun when the phenomena of parallax says they should.
  • Have no idea what the planets and their atmospheres are made of, even although spectroscopic analysis tells us otherwise.
  • Have no explanation as to why ships carry a mechanical gyrocompass that works only with earth’s rotation and is not influenced by any magnetic field.
  • Have the mistaken belief that a selenelion eclipse, where the sun and the eclipsed moon appear in the sky at the same time proves the earth is not causing the eclipse.
  • Have no idea why people driving over the lake Pontchartrain causeway bridge can't see either shore of the lake during an 8 mile stretch of the drive.

Now the globe earth and the heliocentric model have answers that are consistent with each other to all of the above that the flat earth can't explain, but the globe earth is wrong and the flat earth is correct , even although the flat earth model is almost useless at explaining anything?

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