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Eslam Khaled Korany eslam69

  • Valeo
  • Cairo, Egypt
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Is there an ultimate Makefile?: Part 1 - Applications

Have you ever struggled with writing your Makefile manually or dealing with your projects without depending on a specific IDE? If so, this article is for you to break your chains.

Picture this: a Makefile that adapts to your project like a chameleon, requiring only a few parameter tweaks to fit most of your needs. Gone are the days of wrestling with convoluted build scripts or spending hours integrating external libraries. With this Makefile in your arsenal, you'll conquer the build process with ease and finesse.

Who is this article for?

  • If you have a GNU Linux development environment.
  • If you are using GNU compilers such as g++.
  • If you don't depend on any IDE for project configurations.
eNV25 /
Last active June 12, 2024 19:44
Instructions to Update the BIOS/UEFI for an HP Laptop on Linux

Instructions to Update the BIOS/UEFI for an HP Laptop on Linux

To update the BIOS/UEFI firmware requires HP-specific files in the EFI System Partition, also referred to as ESP.

On a Linux system, the ESP is typically mounted on /boot/efi or /efi. Whithin you should also find a EFI directory, e.g. /boot/efi/EFI or /efi/EFI. This article assumes that the ESP is mounted on /efi and that the /efi/EFI directory exists. You can replace that with the mount point your system uses.

The HP-specific files are located in /efi/EFI/HP or /efi/EFI/Hewlet-Packard. These files typically come preinstalled in HP Windows PCs. If you have these files you could skip Install HP-specific files.

OxiBo / Makefile
Created August 6, 2017 16:09
CS50 pset5/speller_implemented with hash table
# compiler to use
CC = clang
# flags to pass compiler
CFLAGS = -ggdb3 -O0 -Qunused-arguments -std=c11 -Wall -Werror
# name for executable
EXE = speller
# space-separated list of header files
peteristhegreat / freedesktop.org_icons_with_descriptions.txt
Last active May 24, 2024 12:50
QIcon::fromTheme, List of icons in gnome theme, in qt standardPixmaps and list on
#, aggregate list from each section
address-book-new The icon used for the action to create a new address book.
application-exit The icon used for exiting an application. Typically this is seen in the application's menus as File->Quit.
appointment-new The icon used for the action to create a new appointment in a calendaring application.
call-start The icon used for initiating or accepting a call. Should be similar to the standard cellular call pickup icon, a green handset with ear and mouth pieces facing upward.
call-stop The icon used for stopping a current call. Should be similar to the standard cellular call hangup icon, a red handset with ear and mouth pieces facing downward.
contact-new The icon used for the action to create a new contact in an address book application.
document-new The icon used for the action to create a new document.
document-open The icon used for the action to open a document.
document-open-recent T
joshbuchea /
Last active June 26, 2024 18:43
Semantic Commit Messages

Semantic Commit Messages

See how a minor change to your commit message style can make you a better programmer.

Format: <type>(<scope>): <subject>

<scope> is optional


wojteklu /
Last active June 26, 2024 17:29
Summary of 'Clean code' by Robert C. Martin

Code is clean if it can be understood easily – by everyone on the team. Clean code can be read and enhanced by a developer other than its original author. With understandability comes readability, changeability, extensibility and maintainability.

General rules

  1. Follow standard conventions.
  2. Keep it simple stupid. Simpler is always better. Reduce complexity as much as possible.
  3. Boy scout rule. Leave the campground cleaner than you found it.
  4. Always find root cause. Always look for the root cause of a problem.

Design rules

oakie /
Created March 30, 2016 18:49
Sets up a ROS node which subscribes to the topics listed in topics.txt and pushes the messages to the corresponding firebase route.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import String
from firebase import firebase as fb
import os
class Listener:
def __init__(self, topics):