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Forked from Fristi/Aggregate.hs
Created November 6, 2022 20:50
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DDD/Event Sourcing in Haskell. Implemented an aggregate as a type class and type families to couple event, command and error types specific to the aggregate. Errors are returned by using Either (Error e) (Event e). Applying Applicative Functors fits here well to sequentially check if the command suffice.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Function (on)
import Control.Applicative
data EventData e = EventData {
eventId :: Int,
body :: Event e
instance Show (EventData e) where
show = show . eventId
instance Eq (EventData e) where
(==) = (==) `on` eventId
instance Ord (EventData e) where
compare = compare `on` eventId
class Aggregate s where
data Error s :: *
data Command s :: *
data Event s :: *
execute :: s -> Command s -> Either (Error s) (Event s)
apply :: s -> Event s -> s
seed :: s
data User = User {
name :: String,
email :: String
} deriving (Show)
instance Aggregate User where
data Error User = NotAllowed
| TooShortUsername Int Int
| EmptyUsername
| EmptyEmail
deriving (Show)
data Event User = NameChanged String
| EmailChanged String
deriving (Show)
data Command User = ChangeName String
| ChangeEmail String
deriving (Show)
_ `execute` ChangeName n = NameChanged
<$> validate notEmpty EmptyUsername n
<* validate (lengthBetween 4 8) (TooShortUsername 4 8) n
_ `execute` ChangeEmail e = EmailChanged
<$> validate notEmpty EmptyEmail e
state `apply` NameChanged n = state { name = n }
state `apply` EmailChanged e = state { email = e }
seed = User "" ""
load :: (Aggregate a) => [EventData a] -> a
load = foldl folder seed
folder state = apply state . body
validate :: (a -> Bool) -> e -> a -> Either e a
validate f err x
| f x = Right x
| otherwise = Left err
notEmpty :: [a] -> Bool
notEmpty = (> 0) . length
lengthBetween :: Int -> Int -> String -> Bool
lengthBetween s e str
| len >= s && len <= e = True
| otherwise = False
where len = length str
main :: IO()
main = do
print $ load $ map (EventData 1) [NameChanged "Borak", NameChanged "Fristi", EmailChanged ""]
print $ execute seed $ ChangeEmail ""
print $ execute seed $ ChangeName "Te"
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