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require_once 'UnityBundle.php';
$f = fopen('patch.dat', 'r');
$head = fread($f, 1024);
$heads = new MemoryStream($head);
Decreasing Arcaea score!
Build with theos
esterTion / 0_Arcaea_Api_Switcher
Last active May 31, 2020 22:08
Redirect game api call host
shit title place holder
Dump dlst encrypted comic from PFViewer
Manual update timer for DataMeter on iOS 13
SBStatusBarStateAggregator hook is freezing SpringBoard
esterTion / arcaea-hp-algo.c
Created January 18, 2019 16:55
pseudo code of hp algorithm in Arcaea
ScoreState::init() {
if (skillType == 2) {
this->hp = 100.0;
} else if (this->characterAbility != NULL) {
this->hp = this->characterAbility->hpStart;
} else {
this->hp = 0.0;
if (noteCount < 1) {
// $return为获取到的durl json
// 按照设置 替换upos服务器
if (isset($_COOKIE['upos_server']) && in_array($_COOKIE['upos_server'], ['ks3u','cosu','kodou','bosu','hw','wcsu','xycdn'])) {
$return = preg_replace_callback('/upos\-hz\-mirror([a-z0-9]+?).acgvideo\.com/', function ($m) {
if (in_array($m[1], ['wcs','ks3','cos','kodo','bos'])) {
if (!empty($_COOKIE['upos_server_legacy'])) {
return 'upos-hz-mirror'.$_COOKIE['upos_server_legacy'].'';
* Semi-auto restore Princess Connect ReDive (PC-DMM) C# dll
* Step I: Run game and use Live RAM Caputurer ( )
* Step II: Use volatility to <pslist> and then <ramdump> ( )
* Step III: Use this script
if (!file_exists('Assembly-CSharp.dll')) {
esterTion / coneshell_extract_metadata.cpp
Last active May 25, 2021 12:59
Extract metadata from ConeShell (Cygames) processed binary
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
using namespace std;
void writeReverse(FILE* f, uint32_t num)
char* buf[4];
*(uint32_t*)buf = 0xFFFFFFFF - num;
fwrite(buf, 4, 1, f);