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Created March 21, 2022 16:28
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how to sign 3th party binaries on MacOS with Gon

Gon is a tool to manage code signing without Apples Xcode app withing the Apple Developer portal. There are alreay a good explanation in the project repo. To verify here the step by step procedure

  1. Download and install the program with brew:
$ brew tap mitchellh/gon
$ brew install mitchellh/gon/gon
  1. Signup on the Apple Developer Programm Purchase is around $50 per year
  2. Create a "Developer ID Application" certificate on the Certificate page
  3. Import the certificate on your Mac by download

correct installation of the cert will looks like this

% security find-identity -v
  1) FCA2B1F866A1B8FAF0CD020534DAD6AC2E0F0E8 "Developer ID Application: Frank Kloeker (R13RWZX6LF)"
  2) BDBECC4C7B1DAEDA57791C1BFBFACC238D9FA62C "2721230f-3d26-4c58-9a06-62f60447a271-MDMIdentity"
     2 valid identities found
  1. Go to AppleID and login with your AppleID (free to sign up). Navigate to "App-Specific Passwords" and create a new password (hint: AppleID will generate the password for you if you apply a description for the password and the password self. Your password will NOT the application password and application password is NOT your AppleID password!)
  2. Generate a config.json file where all information comes together:
    "source" : ["/Users/ec2-user/bin/helm"],
    "bundle_id" : "de.mcsps.helm",
    "apple_id": {
        "username" : "",
        "password":  "@env:APP_PASSWORD"
    "sign" :{
         "application_identity": "R13RWZX6LF"
    "dmg" :{
        "output_path":  "helm.dmg",
        "volume_name":  "Helm"
    "zip" :{
        "output_path" : ""

In the example we will sign the binary helm with our developer key. For that we have our username, the app specific password as environment variable, the developer cert id, and the location for the output of zipand dmg file. bundle_id is the identifier for app developement and should contain a domain name which your owned.

  1. Start the signiging process
% gon config.json 
==> ✏️  Signing files...
    Code signing successful
==> 📦  Creating Zip archive...
    Zip archive created with signed files
==> 📦  Creating dmg...
    This will open Finder windows momentarily.
    Dmg file created: helm.dmg
    Signing dmg...
    Dmg created and signed
==> 🍎  Notarizing...
    Files will be notarized concurrently to optimize queue wait
    Path: helm.dmg
    [helm.dmg] Submitting file for notarization...
    [helm.dmg] Submitted. Request UUID: 74b63757-a6b8-4c61-9f4a-8bf741bbf6b2
    [helm.dmg] Waiting for results from Apple. This can take minutes to hours.
    [] Submitting file for notarization...
    [helm.dmg] Status: in progress
    [] Submitted. Request UUID: 5aa71bfc-5d9d-4301-8b56-70deb5256685
    [] Waiting for results from Apple. This can take minutes to hours.
    [] Status: in progress
    [helm.dmg] Status: success
    [helm.dmg] File notarized!
    [helm.dmg] Stapling...
    [helm.dmg] File notarized and stapled!
    [] Status: success
    [] File notarized!

Notarization complete! Notarized files:
  - (notarized)
  - helm.dmg (notarized and stapled)

Thats it! helm binary is now signed with our key as the binary itself, the zip file, and the dmg file for other installation methods


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