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Last active September 5, 2020 23:39
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simple sqlalchemy wrapper
import configparser
import sqlalchemy as sa
__sadb_version__ = "0.0.2"
# 2020-09-03:
# Jeremy Howard's 'fastsql' is quite a bit better designed than this, but it's also higher-level - uses more ORM stuff
# honestly this could probably be a full module...
# update docstring to reflect 0.0.2 changes
# escape special characters in the password if needed, e.g.,
# maybe add further convenience method for queries - in run_query, connect if not already connected
# 0.0.2
# introducd versioning / version string
# added 'query' convenience method, basically just alias for run_query()
# support non-postgres db connections
# 0.0.1
# initial release
class sadb:
""" SqlAlchemy db wrapper designed to easily run raw sql queries.
Lots of room for improvement here but it works so... eh.
You can probably do more advanced things with the self.engine object if you want.
# Config file should look like this:
[db] # default; a different section can be specified on instantiation
db_host =
db_user = qwerty
db_pass = abcde
default_db_name = dbname
# optional SQLAlchemy dialect -
dialect = mysql+mysqlconnector # defaults to "postgres" if not specified
## Inputs:
configfile = name of configuration file with connection details
dbname = database name to connect to; leave empty for default from config.
configsection = refers to the [db] section header within the config file, can be used for storing multiple sets of creds
# note to self, maybe look at addl improvements from here: (not public)
## Example usage:
from sadb import sadb
configfile = "/path/to/config"
dbinstance = sadb(configfile)
myq = "select now()"
with dbinstance as db:
res = db.run_query(myq)
# > [{'now': datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 16, 23, 53, 18, 972500,, name=None))}]
# alternatively:
db = dbinstance.connect()
# ... db.run_query(...)
# parameterized:
paramq = "select customer_id, customer_name
from fake_customers
where customer_id = :id"
customer_id = 5
with dbinstance as db:
res = db.run_query(paramq, params={"id":customer_id})
# > [{'customer_id': 5, 'customer_name': 'Average Products LLC'}]
def __init__(self, configfile, dbname=None, configsection="db"):
self.configfile = configfile
self.dbname = dbname
self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()
self.configsection = configsection
_ =
def __enter__(self):
""" Sets up the db engine."""
if self.dbname is None:
self.dbname = self.config[self.configsection]["default_db_name"]
# SA refers to this as "dialect+driver", e.g., mysql+mysqldb
# but we'll just call it dialect for simplicity
if 'dialect' in self.config[self.configsection]:
self.dialect = self.config[self.configsection]['dialect']
# default to postgres
self.dialect = "postgresql"
dsn = {
"db_host": self.config[self.configsection]["db_host"],
"db_user": self.config[self.configsection]["db_user"],
"db_pass": self.config[self.configsection]["db_pass"],
"db": self.dbname,
"dialect": self.dialect
for i in dsn:
if len(dsn[i]) < 1:
errmsg = "Error: DSN value for '" + i + "' is empty"
raise Exception(errmsg)
dsn_url = "{dialect}://{db_user}:{db_pass}@{db_host}/{db}"
self.engine = sa.create_engine(dsn_url.format(**dsn))
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def connect(self):
# convenience method for alternative to calling using 'with dbclass as db...'
# Make sure to manually disconnect if doing this.
return self.__enter__()
def disconnect(self):
# Convenience function
def close(self):
# Convenience function
def run_query(self, query, params=None):
# Query parameterization uses the named colon format:
# "AND BETWEEN :x AND :y " ...
# Pass params as a dict of values matching these names.
if not isinstance(query, sa.sql.elements.TextClause):
# convert to correct class:
query = sa.sql.text(query)
### add self.engine check here & create if not set
if params:
results = self.engine.execute(query, params)
results = self.engine.execute(query)
if results.returns_rows:
out = [dict(i) for i in results]
return out
return None
# convenience alias
def query(self, *kwargs):
return self.run_query(*kwargs)
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