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Last active April 21, 2022 21:12
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Notes for CS51 guest lecture.


You can try online and check out some examples

Keep this OCaml vs Elm syntax doc open!

Common Uses are web apps (code), data visualization, and 3D Graphics.


Practical Benefits



Common uses include servers, terminal apps, and compilers.

Here is the Elm compiler and an example of how ADTs make writing compilers quite nice!

I think there is still lots of opportunity for creating a simpler server library for Haskell. There is not currently one that I would unreservedly recommend for someone getting started. Haskell’s support for concurrency is really great though, so once you learn enough, it can be really nice and performant. Here is some server code and some other server code in case you want some examples of what can be improved upon!

-- elm install terezka/elm-charts
import Chart exposing (..)
import Chart.Attributes exposing (..)
main =
[ height 300
, width 300
, margin { left = 40, right = 40, top = 40, bottom = 40 }
[ xLabels [ withGrid ]
, yLabels [ withGrid ]
, series .time
[ scatter .temperature []
, scatter .humidity []
type alias Sample =
{ time : Float
, temperature : Float
, humidity : Float
sampleData : List Sample
sampleData =
[ Sample 0.1 2.0 4.0
, Sample 0.2 3.0 4.2
, Sample 0.8 4.0 4.6
, Sample 1.0 2.0 4.2
, Sample 1.2 5.0 3.5
, Sample 2.0 2.0 3.2
, Sample 2.3 1.0 4.3
, Sample 2.8 3.0 2.9
, Sample 3.0 2.0 3.6
, Sample 4.0 1.0 4.2
-- elm install elm/parser
import Html exposing (..)
import Parser exposing (..)
main =
text (Debug.toString ( expr "(1 + 2)"))
type Expr
= Lit Int
| Add Expr Expr
expr : Parser Expr
expr =
[ map Lit int
, succeed Add
|. symbol "("
|. spaces
|= lazy (\_ -> expr)
|. spaces
|. symbol "+"
|. spaces
|= lazy (\_ -> expr)
|. spaces
|. symbol ")"
-- elm install elm/parser
import Html exposing (text)
import Parser exposing (..)
main =
case pExpr "((1 + 2) * 10)" of
Ok expr ->
text (String.fromInt (eval expr))
Err _ ->
text "invalid expression"
type Expr
= Lit Int
| Binop Expr Op Expr
type Op
= Add
| Sub
| Mul
| Div
eval : Expr -> Int
eval expr =
case expr of
Lit number ->
Binop x op y ->
case op of
Add -> eval x + eval y
Sub -> eval x - eval y
Mul -> eval x * eval y
Div -> eval x // eval y
pExpr : Parser Expr
pExpr =
[ map Lit int
, succeed Binop
|. symbol "("
|. spaces
|= lazy (\_ -> pExpr)
|. spaces
|= pOperator
|. spaces
|= lazy (\_ -> pExpr)
|. spaces
|. symbol ")"
pOperator : Parser Op
pOperator =
[ map (\_ -> Add) (symbol "+")
, map (\_ -> Sub) (symbol "-")
, map (\_ -> Mul) (symbol "*")
, map (\_ -> Div) (symbol "/")
-- 1. Try combining with to
-- implement a calculator.
-- 2. Try ading the ^ operator for expressions like (4 ^ 2) == 16
-- 3. Try adding a (Parser.keyword "x") option to handle a single variable.
-- You will need to extend Expr and add an Int argument to eval so you can
-- fill in any "x" values.
-- 4. Try combining this with terezka/elm-charts to graph formulas like
-- "((x ^ 2) + (3 * x))" as people type them in!
-- elm install avh4/elm-color 1.0.0
-- elm install ianmackenzie/elm-3d-camera 3.1.0
-- elm install ianmackenzie/elm-3d-scene 1.0.1
-- elm install ianmackenzie/elm-geometry 3.9.1
-- elm install ianmackenzie/elm-units 2.9.0
import Angle
import Camera3d exposing (Camera3d)
import Color
import Direction3d
import Html exposing (Html)
import Length exposing (Meters)
import Pixels
import Point3d
import Scene3d exposing (Entity)
import Scene3d.Material as Material
import Viewpoint3d
main : Html msg
main =
{ entities = [ square ]
, camera = camera
, clipDepth = Length.meters 1
, background = Scene3d.transparentBackground
, dimensions = ( 400, 300 )
square : Entity Int
square =
Scene3d.quad (Material.color
(Point3d.meters -1 -1 0)
(Point3d.meters 1 -1 0)
(Point3d.meters 1 1 0)
(Point3d.meters -1 1 0)
camera : Camera3d Meters Int
camera =
{ viewpoint =
{ focalPoint = Point3d.origin
, eyePoint = Point3d.meters 4 2 2
, upDirection = Direction3d.positiveZ
, verticalFieldOfView = Angle.degrees 30
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