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Fooling around in elixir…

Evan Travers evantravers

Fooling around in elixir…
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-- stolen from:
if (count of theSelectionFromBrave()) is greater than 0 then
set str to "tags: #link
" & theTitleFromBrave() & "
> " & theSelectionFromBrave() & "
[" & theTitleFromBrave() & "](" & theCurrentUrlInBrave() & ")"
# general settings
auto-reload yes
max-items 500
show-read-feeds no
text-width 50
reload-threads 11
# set browser for osx
browser /usr/bin/open -a "/Applications/Brave" '%u'
# general settings
auto-reload yes
max-items 500
show-read-feeds no
text-width 50
reload-threads 11
# set browser for osx
browser /usr/bin/open -a "/Applications/Brave" '%u'
require 'date'
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
require 'rubygems/text'
include Gem::Text
SRC = "./"
DST = "./migrated"
require 'date'
SRC = "./"
DST = "./migrated"
ORGTAG = /:([a-zA-Z\-_]+)/
def render(data)
%{id: #{data[:id]}
tags: #{data[:tags]}
date: #{data[:date]}
let t = `title: {{title}}{{#subtitle}}
subtitle: {{subtitle}}{{/subtitle}}
author: {{authors}}
publisher: {{publisher}}
year: {{publishedDate}}
identifier: {{identifier}}
id: {{id}}
let template = MustacheTemplate.createWithTemplate(t);
evantravers / transform_vimwiki_diary_to_simple_markdown_zettelkasten.rb
Last active April 4, 2020 00:18
I'm in the process of turning my vimwiki diary into a set of zettelkasten following my Simple Markdown Zettelkasten format… here's a script to migrate them.
require 'date'
SRC = "./"
DST = "./transform"
ORGTAG = /:([a-zA-Z\-_]+):/
def render(data)
title: #{data[:title]}
id: #{data[:id]}
var zk_get_metadata = function(d, pattern) {
let match = zk_metadata(d)
.match(RegExp("^" + pattern + ": (.*)", 'm'));
if (match !== null) {
return match[1];
} else {
return null;

Simple Markdown Zettelkasten

(Simple Markdown Zettelkasten, or SMZ for giggles.)

As I've lurked productivity twitter, I've noticed that a lot of the digital Zettelkasten[^1] systems that I've seen fall into two categories: ones using markdown plain text files, and ones using a dedicated tool like Roam/Notion. Systems using markdown files can differ wildly given the eccentricities of the particular user, and their favorite text editor.

After some research, here is what I believe to be the most compatible markdown format for plain-text Zettelkasten files.

tags: #notes, #productivity