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evanwill /
Created May 8, 2018 05:06
recipe for pannukakku finnish pancake


Inspired by memories of Chocolate Moose in Ely, MN, and ancient ancestral foods, we wanted to create thick, custardy, Pannukakku oven pancakes. Partly based on a "Scandinavian food expert" website, we came up with this recipe.

Basic concept is to create a batter following the ratio of 1 egg : 1/4 cup flour : 1/4 cup milk, beating it well (usually about 8 eggs for a rectangle cake pan). Add:

  • vanilla extract (1 tsp)
  • a bit of sugar (1 - 2 Tbs)
evanwill /
Last active July 21, 2017 16:46
command line mini workshop

Intro to the Command Line

Does command line interface (CLI), REPL, terminal, console, or shell sound scary? Don't worry, we'll learn about the basic computer interface that gives you super powers! If you want to work with Raspberry Pi, Linux, or many programming languages you need a basic familiarity with the CLI. This MILL-Mini will demystify the terminal so you can use it to get things done.

What is the Shell?

The command line is a text-based interface for efficiently getting stuff done. It's often called the shell, terminal, console, cmd, or Bash, but ultimately the Shell is just a program on your computer like any other application. Its job is to act as a command shell, taking input from the user, ordering the computer's operating system (OS) to execute the instructions, and returning the outputs.

Open Textbook on GitHub and gh-pages

Kris Shaffer, Bryn Hughes, and Brian Moseley, Open Music Theory, Hybrid Pedagogy 2014+.

Open Textbook =

  • open access: website
  • open source: GitHub repository
  • open license: cc-by-sa, you CAN copy, modify, and share it, as long as you attribute it and also openly license it.

Basically this open textbook is a Jekyll project, using Balzac theme, hosted on GitHub Pages. Thus:

evanwill /
Created April 18, 2017 18:50
prep for jekyll workshop

Build a Website with Jekyll and GitHub Pages

Workshop Prep

To get ready for this workshop, please create a free GitHub account if you do not have one already. Basic familiarity with the GitHub web interface and Git will be helpful. Check out GitHub's hello world guide and Try Git.

Local Jekyll Setup

Burn SD or USB for Raspberry Pi and more!

MILL-Mini 2017-01-27. This session will take you through the Why and How of burning ISO/IMG files to SD or USB for single board computers or installing Linux.


Burning a disk image or bootable USB stick is an important task if you want to use Raspberry Pi or Linux. When you buy a Windows, Chromebook, or Mac computer, the operating system (OS) comes pre-installed. However, if you are interested in running Linux or other open OS, you will most likely have to install it yourself.

Connect to AirVandalGold wifi on Linux

There is no automatic set up utility or documentation for University of Idaho's AirVandalGold wifi network for Linux users.

I got it to work using these steps on Ubuntu:

  1. Go to ITS Tools page, click on 'AirVandalGold Certificates for Linux' and 'Download Now' (or try this link). Note: you will have to log in with your UIdaho account.

  2. Extract the certificate zip file to a permanent location in your home directory.

evanwill /
Last active October 4, 2016 06:49
notes about static gen, Jekyll, and how to install

Use Jekyll Deploy command

jekyll-deploy adds a new jekyll command, accessed on the command line as jekyll deploy. It allows you to add a custom config to quickly deploy the site after build to a different destination.


Create a file in root project directory called Gemfile that contains:

Ubuntu tips

Ubuntu is great, but here are some tips to fix some issues that I regularly encounter.

Mouse doesn't seem quite right

If its a logitech mouse, install solaar with Unity/gnome extensions, sudo apt-get install solaar-gnome3. Then unplug the mouse and restart the system. Or try lomoco to manually configure.

evanwill /
Created August 31, 2016 18:45
wget notes


Wget is a handy commandline utility for grabbing stuff off the web. It is built into most UNIX systems. If you are on windows, install Git for Windows which comes packaged with Git Bash, a very handy UNIX terminal emulator (note: check if Git Bash has wget installed by typing wget --version. If it is not installed, check this Gist). Another handy windows option is MobaXterm.

Check all the commands by typing wget --help in your terminal.