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Professional full-stack web developer with a knack for solving real-world problems & overcoming challenges, extremely resourceful and adaptable with excellent communication skills from two decades in writing & court transcription; thorough, well equipped to work independently under regular strict deadlines.

Technical Skills


Professional Experience

SoFi, Seattle, WA

SoFi is a fintech providing banking, credit card, invest, loans, and other related services through their tech platform.

Software Engineer, Invest - July 2023 to January 2024

  • Hybrid work
  • Learned & developed solutions & features in Kotlin, Java, Spring Boot, Kafka, Kubernetes, Docker, JUnit, Mockito, Kraken, Angular, and Temporal
  • Develop solutions to problems under Agile framework
  • Build events & features & fix bugs
  • Design, diagram, test & code both internal & external solutions
  • Review team members' pull requests
  • Help unblock team members & help move their tickets forward
  • Participate in on-call rotation
  • Use monitoring service to diagnose & investigate issues
  • Utilize CI/CD pipeline to manage releases & software delivery
  • Document data flows & development processes & runbooks
  • Participate in discussions around and create architectural diagrams
  • Design with and interact with various Apex Group services, Braze, Optimizely, Sonarqube

Software Engineer, Credit Card - August 2022 to July 2023

  • Hybrid work
  • Learned & developed solutions & features in Kotlin, Spring Boot, Kafka, Kubernetes, Docker, JUnit, Mockito, and Kraken
  • Develop solutions to problems under Agile framework
  • Build events & features & fix bugs
  • Design, diagram, test & code both internal & external solutions
  • Review team members' pull requests
  • Help unblock team members & help move their tickets forward
  • Participate in on-call rotation
  • Use monitoring service to diagnose & investigate issues
  • Utilize CI/CD pipeline to manage releases & software delivery
  • Document data flows & development processes & runbooks
  • Participate in discussions around and create architectural diagrams
  • Design with and interact with various Fiserv services, Braze, LaunchDarkly

Software Engineer, Relay - February 2022 to August 2022

  • Hybrid work
  • Learned & developed solutions & features in Kotlin, Kafka, ActiveMQ, Kubernetes, Docker, JUnit, Mockito, Kraken, Spring Boot, and Ruby
  • Develop solutions to problems under Agile framework
  • Build events & features & fix bugs
  • Design, diagram, test & code both internal & external solutions
  • Review team members' pull requests
  • Help unblock team members & help move their tickets forward
  • Participate in on-call rotation
  • Use monitoring service to diagnose & investigate issues
  • Utilize CI/CD pipeline to manage releases & software delivery
  • Document data flows & development processes & runbooks
  • Participate in discussions around and create architectural diagrams
  • Design with and interact with Plaid API, Braze, Optimizely

Clearcover, Chicago, IL

SoFi is a fintech providing banking, credit card, invest, loans, and other related services through their tech platform.

Software Engineer II - January 2022 to March 2022
Software Engineer I - October 2020 to January 2022

  • Remote work
  • Learn & develop solutions & features in Kotlin, Kafka/Zookeeper, NodeJS & TypeScript, Kubernetes, Docker, Jsonnet, Jest, Kotest, JUnit, Spring Boot
  • Develop solutions to problems under Agile framework
  • Build events & features & fix bugs
  • Design, diagram, test & code both internal & external solutions
  • Review team members' pull requests
  • Participate in on-call rotation
  • Use monitoring service to diagnose & investigate issues
  • Create dashboards, graphs, and metrics to diagnose and resolve issues more quickly
  • Utilize CI/CD pipeline to manage releases & software delivery
  • Document data flows & development processes
  • Participate in discussions around and create architectural diagrams as necessary
  • Perform root cause analyses for major outages
  • Help unblock team members & help move their tickets forward

A Quo Co., Seattle, WA

A Quo Co. provided court transcription services with unique transcript features and great customer service through leveraging technology.

Web Developer - July 2009 to October 2020

  • Remote work
  • Developed and maintained company website for 13 years

Software Developer - July 2017 to October 2020

  • Remote work
  • Built software to automate workflow with VB & MySQL, integrating with several APIs & programs such as Word, Excel, OneNote, Publisher, Outlook, Express Scribe, FTR Player, Acrobat, Wunderlist, and Paypal, among others. See its GitHub repo for a full list of features.
  • Used text-analyzing software on over 10,000 transcript pages to produce autocorrect entries in Word to improve typing speed and accuracy, then used VBA to automate creation of those entries regarding proper names and nouns
  • Completely unique features such as authority hyperlinking via CourtListener, .gov sites, and the like as well as tables of authority for free with every transcript via VBA automation

Owner/Operator - July 2009 to October 2023

  • Remote work
  • Diverse customer base, attorneys & pro se parties
  • Standard business operations such as accounting and project management
  • Streamlined consistent business communications and marketing
  • General & legal transcription services of digital audio and video formats
  • Consistently producing twice the number of transcript pages as most colleagues due to VB automation

Lambda School, Remote - January 2020 to June 2020

Lambda School offers an immersive, online nine-month program to prepare students for a successful career in web development.

Team Lead

  • Code review & 1:1s for every student on team twice per week
  • Hosted two stand-up meetings with six to seven students weekly
  • Presentations to facilitate students' growth during stand-ups
  • Mentored & provided feedback to students on improvement areas
  • Tracked attendance and other student metrics
  • Use of Slackbot & Slack Workflow Builder to manage progress

AAERT, March 2012 to January 2014

American Association of Electronic Reporters & Transcribers


  • Proctored AAERT certification examinations


Endorsement, Full Stack Web Development, Lambda School, Remote, 2019-2020

  • Computer science and software engineering academy providing intense immersive curriculum in web development & computer science-focused topics such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node, Express, React, Redux, Python, Knex, Git, SQL, NPM/Yarn, data structures & algorithms, & Jest among other things. Worked with cross-functional international teams during build weeks to develop software projects.
  • During this time, I served as team lead for six months & ran my business as well as learning Java, TypeScript, Docker, UML, advanced Postman, advanced Agile PM, PowerShell, how to make a Cortana bot, advanced VB, Azure, & MS Teams.
  • Lambda Labs: In every track at Lambda, each student goes through an eight-week 'apprenticeship'. The student collaborates in two full continuous development cycles using Agile methodology from design through deployment, working in cross-functional teams. I was responsible for all testing on the project as well as creating PowerPoint presentations and presenting the product vision and release canvasses to the product owner.
  • To learn system design, scalability, & object-oriented design patterns, I studied several books not in the Lambda curriculum; the Gang of Four design patterns book, Web Scalability for Startup Engineers, the Clean series by Martin, & researched all three subjects extensively online, including studying 40-ish system designs of major apps in depth such as Twitter, Netflix, Pastebin, Ticketmaster, and the like.


  • "Gang of Four book" (Commonly referred to as "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides)
  • "Web Scalability for Startup Engineers" by Artur Ejsmont
  • "Clean Code" by Robert C. Martin
  • "The Clean Coder" by Robert C. Martin
  • "Clean Architecture" by Robert C. Martin
  • "Clean Craftsmanship" by Robert C. Martin
  • "Debugging" by David J Agans
  • "Agile Estimation and Planning" by Mike Cohn
  • "JUnit in Action" by Petar Tahchiev, Felipe Leme, Vincent Massol, and Gary Gregory
  • "Kotlin in Action" by Dmitry Jemerov and Svetlana Isakova
  • "Spring Boot in Action" by Craig Walls
  • "ActiveMQ in Action" by Bruce Snyder, Dejan Bosanac, and Rob Davies
  • "Kubernetes in Action" by Marko Luksa
  • "Hands-On Design Patterns with Kotlin" by Alexey Soshin
  • "Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices" by Alexey Soshin
  • "Practical Monitoring" by Mike Julian
  • "The Well-Grounded Rubyist" by David A. Black
  • "Effective Kafka" by Emil Koutanov
  • "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch
  • "Java Concurrency in Practice" by Brian Goetz and others
  • "Building Microservices" by Sam Newman
  • "Enterprise Integration Patterns" by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf
  • "Testing Computer Software" by Cem Kaner, Jack Falk, and Hung Q. Nguyen
  • "Test Driven Development" by Kent Beck
  • "Refactoring" by Martin Fowler
  • "Designing Data-Intensive Applications" by Martin Kleppmann
  • "Applying UML and Patterns" by Craig Larman
  • "Domain-Driven Design" by Eric Evans
  • "Working With Legacy Code" by Michael Feathers
  • "Beautiful Code" edited by Andy Oram and Greg Wilson
  • "Code Complete" by Steve McConnell
  • "The Art of Unit Testing" by Roy Osherove
  • "RabbitMQ Essentials" by David Dossot
  • "Building Event-Driven Microservices" by Adam Bellemare
  • "Code that Fits in Your Head" by Mark Seemann
  • "Think Like a Programmer" by V. Anton Spraul
  • "Intro to Algorithms" by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein
  • "Node.js Design Patterns" by Mario Casciaro and Luciano Mammino
  • "Typescript 4 Design Patterns and Best Practices" by Peter O'Hanlon
  • "Implementing Domain-Driven Design" by Vaughn Vernon
  • "Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design" by Scott Millett and Nick Tune
  • "Cracking the Coding Interview" by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
  • "The Art of Monitoring" by James Turnbull
  • "Essential TypeScript" by Adam Freeman
  • "Effective TypeScript" by Dan Vanderkam
  • "The Pragmatic Programmer" by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
  • "Soft Skills" by John Sonmez
  • "Complete Software Developer's Career Guide" by John Sonmez
  • "First 90 Days" by Michael Watkins
  • "Atomic Habits" by James Clear
  • "Getting Things Done" by David Allen
  • "Shell Scripting" by Jason Cannon
  • "Software Requirements" by Karl Weigers and Beatty Joy
  • "Machine Learning Bookcamp" by Alexey Grigorev

Frontend Masters, 2019-2020

  • Completed Learning Paths:
    • Beginner (Electives: Modern SEO)
    • Professional (Electives: Mastering Chrome Developer Tools v2, Design for Developers, SVG Essentials & Animation, v2, Introduction to Node.js)
    • React (Electives: Client-Side GraphQL in React, Introduction to Gatsby)
    • Computer Science
    • Design To Code
    • Node
    • JavaScript
    • Full Stack (Electives: Server-Side GraphQL in Node.js, Git In-Depth)
  • Other Completed Courses:
    • Visual Studio Code Can Do That?

Microsoft Learn, 2020

  • Completed Learning Paths:
    • Azure Fundamentals
    • Evolve Your DevOps Practices
    • Extend Office Fundamentals
    • Implement Resource Management Security in Azure
    • Introduction to Version Control with Git
    • Develop Windows 10 applications

Socratica's Python course, 2018

Wes Bos's JavaScript 30, 2019

Brad Traversy, 2018-2019

  • JavaScript, CSS, ReactJS, Git & GitHub, Node.js, Flexbox, SSH crash course, many videos on how to do special/cool HTML effects like a Netflix landing page clone or picture blur, responsive HTML sites; also SASS, VS Code how-to/extensions, how to learn how to code, Wordpress/Docker set-up, Python Flask.


Lambda School, full-stack web development IBM's Master the Mainframe, Part 3 Introduction to IBM z/OS Mainframe IBM Developer for z/OS Basics Networking on z/OS - Foundations z/OS TCP/IP Configuration with NCA Microsoft Office Master
June 2020 April 2020 April 2020 April 2020 April 2020 April 2020 July 2018
  • freeCodeCamp, 2019
    • Responsive Web Design, Front End Libraries, JavaScript Algorithms & Data Structures, and Data Visualization
  • Notary Public in the state of Washington since July 2009
    • credential ID 143430
  • Certified Electronic Reporter & Transcriber, American Association of Electronic Reporters & Transcribers, since October 2009
    • recertification requirement every three years
    • credential ID CERT**D-521
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