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Last active September 2, 2020 17:30
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So many things to do; it's been forever since I wrote and i should keep it up. But even though I've dropped some things, still
other things have gotten so busy and I'm really having weird feelings about where I'm at, how far I've come, and what I'm about
to do. I'm confident I look like a good candidate and the big test will be acing all the grueling interviews.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take," said by Wayne Gretzky, is now hanging up on the edge of a shelf which I view every
day all day when i sit down at my computer.
Here's what I have left to do before I will call myself officially prepped for interviews:
- Review pretty much all my notes
- Leetcode
- OOAD diagrams for my transcript mgmt app
- finish CTCI book after having reviewed all this stuff
- put significant work into java transcript mgmt back end
- take notes on Agile Estimating and TDD books
- update & add Anki cards for all topics (Node/Express/Knex, VB, Tailwind, GraphQL, Emmet, Bootstrap, Regex, Graphs, Computers,
OOAD, scalability, system design & architecture, SD interviews, UML, Docker, Azure, Cortana, Postman,
Clean Code/Coder/Arch, CS)
- finish adding notes to my volumes of good notebooks
- cortana, powershell, vb, tailwind, graphql, emmet, postman, bootstrap, clean books
- add hot seat questions/answers from channel to notes
- contact courtlistener for open source
- look up intellij shortcuts or java
- frontend masters
- find tech conferences on youtube
So still a ton of content to get through. Main & biggest thing is getting through all this system design, then DS/algos.
Rest of it will be a daily grind like I've done for the last nine months, no biggie.
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evoingram commented Aug 8, 2020

Friday, 08/14/2020

  • review google docs/maps system design videos & notes
  • practice one system design interview
  • review notes on OOAD, UML, Java, system design, scalability
  • one OOAD design problem
  • work on MS style guide notes
  • review behavioral questions/answers
  • review projects
  • take notes on TutorialsPoint OS tutorial
  • powerpoint presentation for interviews
  • make cheat sheets (behavioral, CS, tech stacks, scalability, system design, system design interviews)
  • add OOD patterns & glossary, UML, Agile, TypeScript, SQL, Scalability, SD, SD Interviews, behavioral, Docker, Azure, Clean Coder, Clean Arch, Git, PowerShell, Computers, Node/Express/Knex, GraphQL, React/Redux, JavaScript, HTML/CSS notes
  • continue book or work on a project (Agile Estimating and TDD books, Java back end, OOAD diagrams for transcript webapp)
  • Leetcode problems

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