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Created May 30, 2020 17:35
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Today will be mostly a transcribing day. I am watching a Frontend Masters React video about state to refresh myself because I
could really use a review of the video's topics. No coding today. I will be watching review FEM videos alongside typing all day
today, so maybe a TypeScript video if i finish with this one.
I got a three on my CGOL project yesterday that I've been working on all week, did well on my unit assessment for computer
science, & watched a lot of big-four interviews last night while rewriting my notes on JavaScript into one of the new notebooks
I recently got. The notebooks look much more business oriented and I feel good about people seeing them; my last ones helped me
get by but were not exactly professional-looking.
I feel really great about those interviews now. I do still need some content review & study terms more closely, but I feel a lot
better. A lot of the people said they only prepped for four weeks prior and did around 50 problems, and I mean, jeez, if that's
true, I'm going to leave everyone in the dust; I've done probably over 100 and still have four more weeks to prep before applying,
plus any time to prep between applying and a potential interview. So my prep is working, I think.
As a side note, also I learned these big-four places have software devs who just create software for their
legal teams! I had no idea and I will definitely be looking into trying to get onto a team like that. That's awfully specific,
though, so we'll see.
I am going to do a little whiteboard practice but this isn't that different from things I've done as a team
lead, so I don't expect to need much. I'm not afraid of coding in front of a bunch of people. Something i didn't see in many of
the interviews was people making comments/pseudocode, which is strange to me. If you're as nervous as you say you are, why
wouldn't you use pseudocode to help you stay focused? Also most people didn't write down the important parts of the problem &
IDK why yet. I need to find someone I can ask about that.
Not sure yet if i should add my CGOL project to my portfolio or not.
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