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Created June 19, 2020 10:09
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I have to work most of today, tomorrow, and Sunday, but I did make a lot of progress on my interviewing material. And also today
is my last sprint challenge, for computer architecture. Yesterday, I went through each project that i thought i would be using
during my job search and made a pretty detailed readme which encapsulates the project. It includes things like a Code Climate
badge, links to deployed project/related resources, description, key features, tech stack, and more. Surprisingly, it took me
most of yesterday but i did get through all 11 that i wanted to do.
Here's what i have left before the tech interview on the 26th; not too bad:
- review all Anki card material and notes
- clean up all project code
- maybe prepare a presentation/high-level overview, pointing to features for examples (use self-study Qs?)
- take notes on Clean Code and the Clean Coder books
My notes on the core curriculum are done and they fit perfectly inside of one of the fancy notebooks I bought recently. I am
working on writing Cornell review questions for all the content.
So i think my timing is still okay; gotta get the job i'm working on done on or before Monday and then audio-proof the other job
i finished typing sometime next week, by the 29th, and find time to do the above this coming week for my tech interview. Next
week will be an interview-prep build week so likely there will be lots of time in between tasks to get other stuff done.
Then there's a week-long school break, so i'll be using that to clean my apartment, review more Anki, take more notes, read more
books, and catch up on everything else I've left undone in the meantime. I'm pretty excited about what's coming up. I'll get to
relax somewhat in a couple weeks and have my schooling mostly behind me. After this coming build week, the focus will be all on
studying for an MS interview so the focus will be a little different than it is now.
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