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Created March 26, 2016 14:19
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from z3 import *
import binascii
import sys
# Calculates the installation id from the entered string
# This function just reverses the order of dwords in each quadword
def getInstallIdFromString(iid_string):
qword1, qword2, qword3, qword4 = iid_string.split('-')
dword1 = list(binascii.unhexlify(qword1))[3::-1]
dword2 = list(binascii.unhexlify(qword1))[7:3:-1]
dword3 = list(binascii.unhexlify(qword2))[3::-1]
dword4 = list(binascii.unhexlify(qword2))[7:3:-1]
dword5 = list(binascii.unhexlify(qword3))[3::-1]
dword6 = list(binascii.unhexlify(qword3))[7:3:-1]
dword7 = list(binascii.unhexlify(qword4))[3::-1]
dword8 = list(binascii.unhexlify(qword4))[7:3:-1]
return map(ord, dword1 + dword2 + dword3 + dword4 + dword5 + dword6 + dword7 + dword8)
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print 'Please provide the installation id as an argument'
# Sanity Check
assert len(sys.argv[1]) == 16*4+3
install_id = getInstallIdFromString(sys.argv[1])
# The install id must encode to this hardcoded string
target = map(ord, list('0how4zdy81jpe5xfu92kar6cgiq3lst7'))
s = Solver()
# The two parts of the unlock code
part1 = edx = BitVec('part1', 32)
part2 = ebx = BitVec('part2', 32)
for i in xrange(32):
# text:00401105 lodsb
byte = install_id[i]
# text:00401106 sub al, bl
byte -= Extract(7, 0, ebx)
# text:00401108 xor al, dl
byte ^= Extract(7, 0, edx)
# text:0040110B rol edx, 1
edx = RotateLeft(edx, 1)
# text:0040110D rol ebx, 1
ebx = RotateLeft(ebx, 1)
# Add constraint
s.add(byte == target[i])
# Solve the system
if s.check() == sat:
m = s.model()
print 'Unlock Code: ',
print '%08X-%08X' %(m[part1].as_long(), m[part1].as_long () ^ m[part2].as_long())
if __name__ == '__main__':
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