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Created April 22, 2016 19:20
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
static uint16_t rotl(uint16_t value, uint16_t shift)
return (value << shift) | (value >> (32 - shift));
static void s20_quarterround(uint16_t *y0, uint16_t *y1, uint16_t *y2, uint16_t *y3)
*y1 = *y1 ^ rotl(*y0 + *y3, 7);
*y2 = *y2 ^ rotl(*y1 + *y0, 9);
*y3 = *y3 ^ rotl(*y2 + *y1, 13);
*y0 = *y0 ^ rotl(*y3 + *y2, 18);
static void s20_rowround(uint16_t y[16])
s20_quarterround(&y[0], &y[1], &y[2], &y[3]);
s20_quarterround(&y[5], &y[6], &y[7], &y[4]);
s20_quarterround(&y[10], &y[11], &y[8], &y[9]);
s20_quarterround(&y[15], &y[12], &y[13], &y[14]);
static void s20_columnround(uint16_t x[16])
s20_quarterround(&x[0], &x[4], &x[8], &x[12]);
s20_quarterround(&x[5], &x[9], &x[13], &x[1]);
s20_quarterround(&x[10], &x[14], &x[2], &x[6]);
s20_quarterround(&x[15], &x[3], &x[7], &x[11]);
static void s20_doubleround(uint16_t x[16])
static uint16_t s20_littleendian(uint8_t *b)
return (b[0] + (b[1] << 8));
static void s20_rev_littleendian(uint8_t *b, uint16_t w)
b[0] = w;
b[1] = w >> 8;
b[2] = w >> 16; // always zero
b[3] = w >> 24; // always zero
static void s20_hash(uint8_t seq[64])
int i;
uint16_t x[16];
uint16_t z[16];
// Create two copies of the state in little-endian format
// First copy is hashed together
// Second copy is added to first, word-by-word
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
x[i] = z[i] = s20_littleendian(seq + (4 * i));
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
z[i] += x[i];
s20_rev_littleendian(seq + (4 * i), z[i]);
static void s20_expand32(uint8_t *k, uint8_t n[16], uint8_t keystream[64])
int i, j;
// The constants specified by the Salsa20 specification, 'sigma'
// "expand 32-byte k"
uint8_t o[4][4] = {
{ 'e', 'x', 'p', 'a' },
{ 'n', 'd', ' ', '3' },
{ '2', '-', 'b', 'y' },
{ 't', 'e', ' ', 'k' }
// Copy all of 'sigma' into the correct spots in our keystream block
for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 20)
for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
keystream[i + j] = o[i / 20][j];
// Copy the key and the nonce into the keystream block
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
keystream[4+i] = k[i];
keystream[44+i] = k[i+16];
keystream[24+i] = n[i];
int s20_crypt(uint8_t *key,
uint8_t nonce[8],
uint16_t si,
uint8_t *buf,
uint16_t buflen)
uint8_t keystream[64];
// 'n' is the 8-byte nonce (unique message number) concatenated
// with the per-block 'counter' value (4 bytes in our case, 8 bytes
// in the standard). We leave the high 4 bytes set to zero because
// we permit only a 32-bit integer for stream index and length.
uint8_t n[16] = { 0 };
uint16_t i;
// If any of the parameters we received are invalid
if (key == NULL || nonce == NULL || buf == NULL)
return -1;
// Set up the low 8 bytes of n with the unique message number
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
n[i] = nonce[i];
// If we're not on a block boundary, compute the first keystream
// block. This will make the primary loop (below) cleaner
if (si % 64 != 0) {
// Set the second-to-highest 4 bytes of n to the block number
s20_rev_littleendian(n+8, si / 64);
// Expand the key with n and hash to produce a keystream block
s20_expand32(key, n, keystream);
// Walk over the plaintext byte-by-byte, xoring the keystream with
// the plaintext and producing new keystream blocks as needed
for (i = 0; i < buflen; ++i) {
// If we've used up our entire keystream block (or have just begun
// and happen to be on a block boundary), produce keystream block
if ((si + i) % 64 == 0) {
s20_rev_littleendian(n+8, ((si + i) / 64));
s20_expand32(key, n, keystream);
// xor one byte of plaintext with one byte of keystream
buf[i] ^= keystream[(si + i) % 64];
return 0;
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