I hereby claim:
- I am exwar on github.
- I am exwar (https://keybase.io/exwar) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASAX7S3EgCU4zSEOgz_atZ-dLcvUikDFhwDBkep2_8EA8go
To claim this, I am signing this object:
{ | |
"background": "#1D1F21", | |
"black": "#000000", | |
"blue": "#81A2BE", | |
"brightBlack": "#000000", | |
"brightBlue": "#81A2BE", | |
"brightCyan": "#8ABEB7", | |
"brightGreen": "#B5BD68", | |
"brightPurple": "#B294BB", | |
"brightRed": "#CC6666", |
const availableHours = 5.5; | |
const availableMeetings = [ | |
{ title: 'Welcome greetings', duration: 5.45 }, | |
{ title: 'Stand Up', duration: 0.05 }, | |
{ title: 'Product catch up', duration: 1.5 }, | |
{ title: 'Candidate interview', duration: 1.0 }, | |
{ title: 'Coffee break', duration: 1.0 }, | |
{ title: 'Spring planning', duration: 2.0 }, | |
{ title: 'Sub-project estimation', duration: 2.0 }, | |
]; |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Visit my blog or connect with me on Twitter
git init
var express = require('express'); | |
var router = express.Router(); | |
router.use('/playlists', require('./playlists')); | |
router.use('/songs', require('./songs')); | |
module.exports = router; |
BODY { | |
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width: 48px; | |
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background-image: url("http://d.pr/i/M5gO+"); | |
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border-radius: 10px; | |
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body { background-color: violet; } | |
img { opacity: .3; } |
textarea { | |
text-transform: uppercase; | |
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body { | |
background: #ff0; | |
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