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Created March 12, 2016 03:39
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scrapes stuff
$locations = @(
@('3747','Plaza One'),
@('3743','Plaza Three')
$restaurants = @(
'Claddagh''s Irish Pub',
'Mikey''s Late Night Slice',
'Greek Street',
'Phy Pho Phom',
'Mark Pi',
'Lemon Grass'
$msg = ""
$today = get-date -Format "dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy"
foreach ($location in $locations)
$locationId = $location[0]
$locationName = $location[1]
$resp = Invoke-WebRequest "$locationId"
$todaysMenuUrl = "$(($resp.Links | where {$_.innerHTML -eq $today}).href)".Replace("&","&")
$resp = (Invoke-WebRequest $todaysMenuUrl).content
$msg += "$($locationName):`n"
foreach ($restaurant in $restaurants)
if ($resp.contains($restaurant))
$msg += " $restaurant`n"
$msg += "`n"
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