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ezl / Thirty Percent
Last active July 5, 2024 06:01
Thirty Percent Feedback by Jason Freedman (42 Floors)

Thirty Percent Feedback

By Jason Freedman in Startups and Uncategorized on February, 26, 2014 Source: (Copied in case this resource disappears)

I remember showing school essays to my dad growing up. He’s a really good writer and so getting his feedback before I turned a paper in usually helped me make some improvements. But whenever I’d watch him reading over the pages, I would secretly be hoping he’d read it and say that everything is perfect. I obviously thought it was already perfect, otherwise I wouldn’t have shown it to him.

Impact divided by Resources

Figuring out what to work on is easy.

  1. Estimate the impact of each thing item in your to do list.
  2. Estimate the resources required to execute each one.
  3. Order by maximum impact per unit of resources.
  4. Start with the top one.

ezl /
Created June 15, 2016 15:41
Saving user acquisition information
class OriginalRefererMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
referer = request.META.get("HTTP_REFERER")
host = request.META.get("HTTP_HOST")
path_info = request.META.get("PATH_INFO")
user_agent = request.META.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
server_name = request.META.get("SERVER_NAME")
if not "ORIGINAL_HTTP_REFERER" in request.session.keys():
request.session['ORIGINAL_HTTP_REFERER'] = referer
ezl / Work Hard, Not
Last active September 18, 2015 13:49
Work Hard, Not Smart

If you have to pick between working hard -OR- working smart, work hard.

Of course, you don't have to pick. But our culture has an idealized working smart as an alternative to working hard (which is a stupid), so a lot of people believe you have to choose.

Obviously, working smart is better than working dumb.

Nobody ever sets out to work dumb; everyone thinks they're working smart.

So when people say they're working smart, it's usually just an excuse to justify why they don't work hard.

ezl / Informed Economic
Created August 11, 2015 13:36
Informed Economic Analysis


#Informed Economic Analysis#

When you make a request for a change to the site or to some other internal process/ procedure, please provide "Informed Economic Analysis" about why this change should or shouldn't be made.

Here is an example of what he is looking for when he requests an Informed Economic Analysis. Taken from a Slack conversation on 3/11/2015 between @ezl and @theora and edited for clarity.

ezl / Anatomy Of A Well Written Ticket.markdown
Last active September 22, 2020 04:17
Anatomy Of A Well Written Ticket

##How to specify a ticket or repair request:##

  1. identify problem -- use screenshots, copy/paste screen text, etc
  2. describe how to reproduce the error -- detailed steps that a toddler could follow to replicate the bug / behavior
  3. identify correct behavior, include images, screen shots, descriptions, whatever, including, if necessary, what testable behavior would indicate success in fixing this problem.
  4. state the impact on the business and the customer, the reason for making the change -- basically, make the case for devoting time/effort/money to fixiing the issue.
  5. recommendation for repair urgency and/or informed economic analysis

##Example (reported by Theora):##


This document contains some guiding principles for how our organization works and gives a sense of how individuals are expected to operate.

The first section is a list of other resources that have influenced this thinking and a lot of principles we use. We use a lot of these principles and reference them often.

The second section is the actual principles of how we work. Ultimately these boil down to just 2 principles:

  1. Be reliable
  2. Do your best work
ezl / Weekly Goal
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
Weekly Goal Setting

#Weekly Goal Setting Questions#

  1. What have you accomplished in the last 7 days?
  2. What do you want to accomplish in the next 7 days?
  3. What, if any, differences are there between your projected and realized performance, and why?

#Criteria For Good Answers To The Above Questions#

The answers to the first two questions should always be:

ezl /
Last active December 31, 2021 10:31
Are there any put-call parity opportunities? Lets check facebook options
Checking for put-call parity mispricings in facebook.
fb is American, so put call parity doesn't actually apply, but
this is a short term option, with no dividends between now and the
expiration (apr 17, 1 week option), in a low interest rate environment
so you can expect the trees to act almost european.
easier to find this data on yahoo than actual european data and
everyone knows what facebook is so i went with it.