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surfin' the web

Fabrice D. fabd

surfin' the web
  • Belgium
  • 15:03 (UTC +01:00)
View GitHub Profile
fabd / GWMouseLook.ahk
Last active May 1, 2024 00:18
Guild Wars Mouselook Toggle (Autohotkey Script) - relieve the wrists by no longer having to hold the right mouse button all the time - best for solo play/questing
; Guild Wars Mouselook Toggle v1.2b
; - Toggle Mouselook with Tab key
; >> While Mouselook is on use the mouse wheel for Camera Zoom In/Out
; >> While Mouselook is on, press Interract key to select the entity in front of the character
; and automatically turn off Mouselook - very handy to loot chest, start a NPC dialogue etc.
fabd /
Last active March 10, 2024 22:25
Running Windows games on a Mac Mini M1 from 2020

Holy cows. Mac Mini M1 16GB, 2020 model with only 8/8 cores.

Rogue Legacy 2

Has a native Mac port. Just run through Mac Steam. Smooth as butter on a 8/8 core M1.

Diablo II Resurrected

  • Use Whisky.
  • Use Windows 10, set version to 14494
fabd / kanjis_table_diff.diff
Last active March 3, 2023 14:59
Kanji Koohii - kanjis table updated from current KANJIDIC & UNIHAN data. Diff before live update.
< 35588 facsimilie 謄 トウ 1211 1296 17
> 35588 facsimile 謄 トウ 1211 1296 17
< 20842 Unicode #20842 兪 ツ 20842 20842 9
> 20842 Unicode #20842 兪 ユ 20842 20842 9
< 23032 Unicode #23032 姸 ケンゲン 23032 23032 8
fabd / install ruby and jekyll on mac mini m1 apple
Last active August 22, 2023 00:27
Install JEKYLL for GITHUB PAGES on Mac Mini M1 ( AUGUST 2021 )


  • I only care about running jekyll for Github Pages.
  • ruby 3.x doesn't seem to work correctly with Jekyll
  • since I don't care about any other users on my machine, I will NOT install gems to user folder to simplify the process

Double check the pre-installed version of RUBY we DONT want (version 2.6)

$ ruby -v
fabd / EverQuest_II_FullScreen_Borderless.ahk
Last active February 23, 2024 12:31
Better Mouse Look Toggle functionality for EverQuest II (EQ2) than the one built in the game. The main difference is you can press the Interact key when facing an NPC or door or chest etc. without having to toggle off MouseLook first. Simply face an NPC or object and press the Interact key to start a dialogue or grab your loot - it works well. T…
; EverQuest II ( EQ2 ) Better Mouse Look Toggle
; INSTALL (do this once)
; 1. launch game, go to Options > Performance
; - UNCHECK "fullscreen" (we want "windowed" mode)
; - SELECT the desktop resolution
; 2. Exit game
fabd / log.ts
Last active January 15, 2020 09:54
console.log() helper function in TypeScript
// first attempt : but why?
const log = (...args: [any?, ...any[]]) => { console.log.apply(console, args) }
// better : use console.log() signature
const log = (msg?: any, ...params: any[]) => { console.log.apply(console, [msg, params]) }
// test
log('document is %o', document)
fabd / domjs.ts
Last active January 14, 2020 09:23
(TypeScript exercise) A small jquery-like utility library
* A tiny jQuery inspired library for common DOM manipulation.
* Recent versions of Edge, Chrome, Safari, iOS Safari, Chrome for Android (as per
* NOT supported: IE <= 9, Opera Mini.
fabd / escaping.scss
Last active November 19, 2019 15:44
SASS creating utilities and ESCAPING special chars in class name
// Add some sizes to tailwind text-* utilities
// Outputs eg:
// .text-3\.5 {
// font-size: 3.5rem;
// }
$textExtraSizes: (('2' 2), ('3\\.5' 3.5), ('4\\.3', 4.3));
@each $size in $textExtraSizes {
.text-#{nth($size, 1)} {
fabd / sticky.html
Last active July 25, 2019 11:56
Simple "sticky bar" based on scrolling -- without using jQuery ( IE 10+ )
<!-- some page content -->
<!-- buttons, that will stick to top as the user keeps scrolling -->
<div id="JsPreshopSticky">
<button>Sign up</button>
<button>Sign in</button>
<!-- more page content -->
fabd / VMRC maximize desktop area.ahk
Created January 30, 2019 13:30
Simple script to maximize the desktop area of VMware remote console, with the Windows 10 Taskbar docked to the side.
; VMRC "Maximizer"
; Simple procedure to maximize VMRC's desktop area, while keeping the Windows 10
; taskbar docked to the side. Remove the VMRC window titlebar, and the toolbar.
; - Set Windows Taskbar docked to the right