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(TypeScript exercise) A small jquery-like utility library
* A tiny jQuery inspired library for common DOM manipulation.
* Recent versions of Edge, Chrome, Safari, iOS Safari, Chrome for Android (as per
* NOT supported: IE <= 9, Opera Mini.
* Chaining a method is allowed *only once* after the constructor. To call more
* than one method, just assign the result (using `$` prefix as a convention
* to distinguish the actual element from the DomJS constructor):
* const $app = $('#app')
* $app.css('background', 'powderblue')
* $app.on('click', evt => { console.log('clicked %o', })
* Import:
* import $ from 'dom'
* Use with selector (use `[0]` or `el()` to get the actual element):
* let $el = $('.box')[0]
* let $el = $('.box').el()
* Use with element:
* let parent = $('.box').closest('.container') => returns actual element
* $(parent).on(...)
* Convention: use a $ for instances of DomJS to distinguish from actual Element:
* let $box = Dom('.box')
* $box.css('width') = '20px'
* $box.on('click', (ev) => { console.log("clicked el %o", })
* el(i = 0) ... return the underlying DOM element (index defaults to 0)
* closest(selector) ... find the first ancestor matching selector
* css(prop) ... get/set inline styles
* css(prop, value)
* css({ prop1: value, ...})
* each(callback) ... callback arguments: element, index (similar to
* forEach)
* on(event, callback)
* on([event1, event2 ...], fn)
* off(event) ... unbind event(s) or listener
* off([event1, event2 ...])
* off(fn)
* once(event, callback) ... call handler once, then remove it
* remove(node)
* getStyle()
* insertAfter(newNode, refNode) ... insert newNode as next sibling of refNode
import Lang from "./lang";
// types
type StringOrStringArray = string | string[];
type StringHash = { [key: string]: string };
// aliases
const document = window.document;
const documentElement = document.documentElement;
// helpers
const inDocument = (el: Node | null) => documentElement.contains(el);
type $Event = {
el: DOMJS.ElementOrWindow;
type: string;
fn: EventListener;
let $Events: $Event[] = [];
declare interface DomJSInterface {
* Retrieve one of the elements matched by the selector.
* NOTE! Unlike jQuery's "get", el() by default returns the first
* element, for convenience:
* if (Dom('.box').el()) {
* // element is found...
* }
el(i?: number): DOMJS.ElementOrWindow;
* Returns first ancestor matching selector, or null.
* NOTE! Unlike Element.closest() method, this function does NOT
* return the original element.
* const ul = $('.TodoList-item').closest('ul') as HTMLUListElement
closest(selector: string): Element | null;
* Get / set inline style(s).
* Usage:
* css('prop') Get inline style
* css('prop', value) Set one inline style
* css({ prop1: value, ...}) Set multiple inline styles
css(props: string | object, value?: any): any;
* Iterate over collection returned by the constructor.
* Return explicit `false` to end the loop.
* Example:
* $('#todolist li').each( (el, index) => { console.log(el, index) })
each(callback: {(element: Element, index: number): false | void}): void;
* Bind one or more event types to a listener, for a SINGLE element
* @param events One or more event types, eg. ['click', 'focus']
* @param callback
on(events: string | string[], callback: EventListener): void;
* Detach event listeners.
* @param events One or more event types, OR the listener to detach (one argument)
* @param callback (optional) Detach only events matching this callback
off(events: string | string[], callback?: EventListener): void;
* Fire an event only once, then remove said event.
* Example:
* Dom(el).once('transitionend', fn)
once(event: string, fn: EventListener): void;
* Removes the node from the tree it belongs to.
* @return Returns removed node, or null
remove(): Node | null;
type DomJSSelector = string | Window | Node;
export namespace DOMJS {
export type ElementOrWindow = Element | Window;
declare type Foo = string;
class DomJS implements DomJSInterface {
// ArrayLike
length: number;
[n: number]: DOMJS.ElementOrWindow;
constructor(selector: DomJSSelector, context: Element) {
let nodes: ArrayLike<DOMJS.ElementOrWindow>;
if (Lang.isString(selector)) {
nodes = (context || document).querySelectorAll(selector);
// window is not instanceof Node, has "length", but doesn't behave like an array
else if (Lang.isWindow(selector)) {
nodes = [window];
// assume it's a Node
else {
this[0] = selector as Element;
this.length = 1;
return this;
for (let i = 0, l = (this.length = nodes.length); i < l; i++) {
this[i] = nodes[i];
el(i?: number) {
return this[i || 0];
closest(selector: string): Element | null {
console.assert(Lang.isString(selector), "closest() : selector is invalid");
let el = this[0] as Element;
console.assert(Lang.isNode(el), "closest() : el is invalid");
if (!inDocument(el)) {
return null;
let matchesSelector = (el: Element) => el.matches(selector);
while ((el = el.parentElement || (el.parentNode as Element))) {
if (matchesSelector(el)) return el
return null;
each(callback: {(element: Element, index: number): false | void}): void {
for (let i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
if (false === callback(this[i] as Element, i)) break;
on(events: string | string[], callback: EventListener) {
let el = this[0];
console.assert(el === window || Lang.isNode(el), "on() el is invalid");
if (Lang.isString(events)) {
events = [events];
events.forEach(event => {
el.addEventListener(event, callback, false);
$Events.push({ el: el, type: event, fn: callback });
off(events: string | string[] | EventListener | null) {
let callback: EventListener;
const el = this[0];
console.assert(el === window || Lang.isNode(el), "off() : el is invalid");
// .off('click')
if (Lang.isString(events)) {
events = [events];
// .off(callback)
else if (Lang.isFunction(events)) {
callback = events as EventListener;
events = null;
// .off()
else {
console.assert(arguments.length === 0, "off(): invalid arguments");
$Events = $Events.filter(e => {
if (
e.el === el &&
(!callback || callback === e.fn) &&
(!events || (events as string[]).indexOf(e.type) > -1)
) {
e.el.removeEventListener(e.type, e.fn);
return false;
return true;
once(event: string, fn: EventListener) {
let that = this;
let el = this[0];
console.assert(Lang.isFunction(fn), "once() : fn is not a function");
console.assert(el === window || Lang.isNode(el), "once() : el is invalid");
let listener = function(this: any) {
// console.log('called once just now');
(fn as Function).apply(this, arguments);;
this.on(event, listener);
css(props: string | StringHash, value?: any): any {
let element = this[0] as HTMLElement;
let styles: StringHash;
if (Lang.isString(props)) {
let prop = props;
// css('prop')
if (arguments.length === 1) {
console.assert(prop in, "invalid property name");
// css('prop', value)
styles = { [prop]: value };
} else {
styles = props;
// set one or more styles
for (let prop in styles) {, styles[prop]);
remove(): Node | null {
const node = this[0] as Node;
return (node.parentNode && node.parentNode.removeChild(node)) || null;
const factory = (selector: DomJSSelector, context?: any) => {
return new DomJS(selector, context);
* add(el, 'foo')
* add(el, 'foo bar')
* add(el, ['foo', 'bar'])
* remove(el, 'foo')
* remove(el, 'foo bar')
* remove(el, ['foo', 'bar'])
* toggle(el, name)
* toggle(el, name, force)
* - IE10/11 : does not support add/remove of multiple classes (only the 1st one)
export const classList = {
_set(el: Node, names: StringOrStringArray, add: boolean) {
console.assert(Lang.isNode(el), "classList.add/remove : invalid node");
Lang.isString(names) || Lang.isArray(names),
"classList : class must be a String or Array"
if (!el) return;
let classes: string[] = Lang.isString(names)
? names.split(" ")
: /* assumed Array */ names;
// FIXME? IE10/11 does not support multiple classes for add/remove (loop?)
(el as HTMLElement).classList[add ? "add" : "remove"](...classes);
add(el: Node, names: StringOrStringArray) {
this._set(el, names, true);
remove(el: Node, names: StringOrStringArray) {
this._set(el, names, false);
toggle(el: Node, name: string, force: boolean) {
// NOTE: doing it this way supports IE10/11 lack of support for "force"
if (arguments.length > 2) {
this._set(el, [name], !!force);
} else {
(el as HTMLElement).classList.toggle(name);
export { factory as default };
// language utils
const isNode = (el: any) => {
return el instanceof Node;
const isNodeList = (el: any) => {
return (
el instanceof NodeList ||
el instanceof HTMLCollection ||
el instanceof Array
const isArray = (o: any): boolean => Array.isArray(o);
const isBoolean = (o: any): o is boolean => typeof o === "boolean";
const isFunction = (f: any): f is Function => typeof f === "function";
const isNumber = (s: any): s is number => typeof s === "number";
const isString = (s: any): s is string => typeof s === "string";
const isUndefined = (o: any): o is undefined => typeof o === "undefined";
const isWindow = (o: any): o is Window => o === window;
export default {
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