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Created January 8, 2015 16:02
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Remembering Traditional Hanzi CUSTOM KEYWORDS to import in Reviewing the Kanji
一 one
丁 fourth
七 seven
丈 100 Chinese inches
三 three
上 above
下 below
不 no
丑 clown
且 moreover
世 generation
丘 hill
丙 third
丟 mislay
並 side by side
中 middle
串 string together
丸 pill
丹 cinnabar red
主 lord
乃 only then
久 long time
之 of
乍 for the first time
乎 ooh!
乏 weary
乒 ping
乓 pong
乖 well-behaved
乘 hitch a ride
乙 second
九 nine
乞 beg
也 also
乳 breast
乾 dry
亂 chaos
了 (-ed)
予 bestow
事 matter
二 two
于 Yu
云 utter/cloud
互 mutual
五 five
井 well
些 somewhat
亞 Asia
亡 deceased
交 mingle
亥 sign of the hog
亦 likewise
亨 go smoothly
享 enjoy
京 capital
亭 pavilion
亮 shiny
人 person
什 what?
仁 benevolence
仇 animosity
今 now
介 introduce
仍 still
仔 meticulous
他 he
仗 battle
付 pay
仙 immortal
代 substitute for
令 orders
以 by means of
仰 look up to
仲 mid-
件 piece
任 appoint
份 portion
仿 mimic
企 look forward to
伊 Queen Elizabeth
伍 V
伏 bend over
伐 fell
休 rest
伙 mate
伯 father's older brother
估 estimate
伴 partner
伶 actor
伸 extend
伺 attend to
似 similar
但 however
佈 announce
位 position
低 low
住 dwell
佐 assistant
佑 bless
佔 occupy
何 whatwhichwhowherewhy?
余 moi/excess
佛 Buddha
作 do
你 you
佩 wear at the waist
佳 superb
併 combine
使 use
侄 nephew
來 come
例 example
侍 serve
供 supply
依 depend on
侮 insult
侯 marquis
侵 invade
侶 associate
便 convenient
係 relate to
促 urge
俄 Russia
俊 pretty/handsome
俏 comely
俗 custom
俘 captive
保 safeguard
俠 chivalrous person
信 faith
修 repair
俯 bow one's head
俱 altogether
俺 we (exclusive)
倆 duo
倉 storehouse
個 individual
倍 times
們 (plural)
倒 upside down
倘 if
候 wait
倚 count on
借 borrow
倡 start
倦 worn out
倫 human relationships
值 value
假 vacation
偉 great
偏 partial
做 make
停 halt
健 healthy
側 lateral
偵 detect
偶 by chance
偷 steal
偽 bogus
傅 mentor
傍 close to
傑 outstanding
傘 umbrella
備 prepare
傢 furniture
催 prod
傭 put to work
傲 haughty
傳 spread
債 debt
傷 wound
傻 thick-headed
傾 incline
僅 merely
像 likeness
僑 live abroad
僕 servant
僚 coworker
僧 Buddhist monk
僵 stiff
價 price
僻 out-of-the-way
儀 rite
億 one hundred million
儉 thrifty
儒 Confucian
儘 utmost
償 repay
優 excellent
儲 put in storage
允 consent
元 beginning
兄 elder brother
充 sufficient
兆 portent
兇 cruel
先 before
光 ray
克 overcome
兌 convert
免 avoid
兒 youngster
兔 rabbit
兜 pocket
兢 cautious
入 enter
內 internal
全 whole
兩 dos
八 eight
公 public
六 six
共 together
兵 troops
其 his-hers-its-theirs
具 tool
典 canon
兼 double
冊 Vol.
再 once more
冒 risk
冗 superfluous
冠 crown
冤 injustice
冬 winter
冰 ice
冶 smelt
冷 cold
准 allow
凌 bully
凍 freeze
凝 congeal
凡 ordinary
凰 female phoenix
凱 triumphant
凳 bench
凶 sinister/cruel
凸 convex
凹 concave
出 exit
函 letter
刀 sword
刁 wily
刃 blade
分 part
切 cut
刊 publication
刑 punishment
划 paddle
列 line up
初 elementary
判 judge
別 don't
利 profit
刪 delete
刮 scrape
到 arrive
制 system
刷 brush
券 voucher
刺 thorn
刻 carve
剃 shave
則 rule
削 peel
前 in front
剎 brake
剖 cut open
剛 just now
剝 peel off
剩 leftover
剪 shears
副 vice-
割 cut off
創 initiate
劃 scratch
劇 drama
劈 split
劉 Liu
劍 saber
劑 pharmaceutical
力 power
功 achievement
加 add
劣 inferior
助 assist
努 toil
劫 plunder
勁 powerful
勃 vibrant
勇 courageous
勉 strive
勒 tighten
動 move
勘 survey
務 tasks
勝 victory
勞 labor
募 recruit
勢 force
勤 diligent
勳 merit
勵 encourage
勸 advise
勺 ladle
勻 uniform
勾 cross out
勿 not
包 wrap
匆 hurriedly
匕 ancient spoon
化 transform
北 north
匙 spoon
匠 artisan
匪 bandit
匯 converge
匹 match
匿 keep out of sight
區 region
十 ten
千 thousand
升 liter
午 noon
半 half
卑 lowly
卓 eminent
協 cooperate
南 south
博 knowledgeable
卜 divination
占 tell fortunes
卡 card
印 print
危 danger
即 immediately
卵 nest eggs
卷 exam paper
卸 unload
卻 withdraw
卿 minister
厚 thick
原 flatlands
厭 detest
厲 stern
去 go
參 participate
又 again
叉 fork
及 catch up with
友 friend
反 against
叔 uncle
取 take
受 accept
叛 betray
叢 thicket
口 mouth
古 ancient
句 sentence
另 another
叨 talkative
只 only
叫 call
召 summon
叭 trumpet
叮 sting
可 can
台 platform
史 history
右 right
司 take charge of
叼 hold in the mouth
吃 eat
各 each
合 fit
吉 lucky
吊 dangle
吋 inch
同 same
名 name
后 queen
吐 spit
向 orientation
君 monarch
吞 gulp down
吟 recite
否 negate
吧 bar
吩 in-
含 harbor
吳 Wu
吵 noisy
吶 holler
吸 inhale
吹 blow
吻 kiss
吼 roar
吾 I (literary)
呀 wow!
呂 spine
呆 dim-witted
呈 submit
告 declare
呢 woolen cloth
周 circumference
味 flavor
呵 rebuke
呻 groan
呼 shout
命 fate
和 harmony
咐 -struct
咒 curse
咕 mutter
咖 coffee (first drop)
咧 grin
咬 bite
咱 we (inclusive)
咳 cough
咸 everybody/salty
咽 throat
哀 grief
品 goods
哄 fool
哇 waaah!
哈 ha!
哎 Good grief!
員 employee
哥 older brother
哨 whistle
哩 mile
哪 which?
哭 cry
哲 philosopher
哺 breastfeed
哼 hum
唇 lips
唉 sigh--ay-ay
唐 Tang
售 vend
唯 solely
唱 sing
唾 saliva
啄 peck
商 salesman
啊 aah!
問 ask
啓 enlighten
啞 mute
啡 coffee (last drop)
啤 beer
啥 wha?
啦 !!
啪 clapping sound
啼 weep aloud
喂 Hello...
善 virtuous
喇 flared horn
喉 gullet
喊 yell
喘 wheeze
喚 call out
喜 joyful
喝 drink
喧 boisterous
喪 funeral
喬 pretend
單 list
喲 Oh!
喻 figure of speech
嗅 sniff
嗎 yes or no
嗓 voicebox
嗚 zoom-zoom
嗜 hanker
嗽 hack
嘆 sigh
嘉 commend
嘎 caw
嘔 vomit
嘗 attempt
嘛 (pause marker)
嘩 clamor
嘯 howl
嘲 ridicule
嘴 orifice
嘶 hoarse
嘻 giggling
嘿 Hey!
器 utensil
噩 shocking
噪 chirping
噴 spurt
噸 ton
嚇 terrify
嚐 taste
嚴 strict
嚷 cry out
嚼 chew
囂 hubbub
囊 sack
囑 admonish
囚 prisoner
四 four
回 return
因 cause
困 trapped
固 solid
圈 circle
國 country
圍 surround
園 park
圓 round
圖 picture
團 troupe
土 soil
在 at
地 ground
圾 trash
址 address
均 equal
坊 workshop
坎 hump
坐 sit
坑 pit
坡 slope
坤 female
坦 level
坪 level ground
垂 droop
垃 garbage
型 mold
垮 collapse
埃 fine dust
埋 bury
城 city
域 domain
執 clench
培 cultivate
基 base
堂 main room
堅 firm
堆 pile
堡 fort
堤 dike
堪 tolerate
堯 Yao
報 newspaper
場 site
堵 stop up
塊 lump
塌 fall down
塑 plastic
塔 pagoda
塗 smear
塘 pool
塞 stronghold
填 fill in
塵 dust
境 boundary
墊 pad
墓 grave
墜 plunge
增 increase
墨 black ink
墳 tomb
墾 reclaim
壁 partition
壇 altar
壓 pressure
壘 baseball base
壞 bad
壟 raised path between fields
壤 territory
壩 dam
士 soldier
壯 robust
壺 kettle
壽 longevity
夏 summer
夕 evening
外 outside
多 many
夜 night
夠 enough
夢 dream
夥 partnership
大 large
天 heavens
太 overly
夫 husband
夭 die young
央 center
失 lose
夷 barbarian
夾 press from both sides
奇 strange
奈 can't help but
奉 proffer
奏 play an instrument
契 contract
奔 dash
奕 radiating vitality
套 cover
奠 found
奢 extravagant
奧 of great depth
奪 take by force
奮 exert oneself
女 woman
奴 slave
奶 milk
她 she
好 good
如 be like
妄 absurd
妒 jealous of
妓 prostitute
妖 bewitching
妙 wonderful
妝 put on makeup
妥 appropriate
妨 hinder
妹 younger sister
妻 wife
姆 nanny
姊 elder sister
始 commence
姐 older sister
姑 father's sister
姓 surname
委 committee
姚 Yao-2
姜 Jiang-2
姦 adultery
姨 maternal aunt
姻 in-law
姿 looks
威 might
娃 newborn
娘 mom
娛 amusement
娜 na
娶 take a wife
婆 old woman
婉 tactful
婚 marriage
婦 married woman
婿 son-in-law
媒 matchmaker
媚 flatter
媳 daughter-in-law
媽 mama
嫁 marry
嫂 elder brother's wife
嫌 dislike
嫩 tender
嬌 attractive
嬰 baby
嬸 auntie
子 child
孔 cavity
孕 pregnant
字 character
存 deposit
孝 filial piety
孟 Mencius
季 seasons
孤 orphan
孩 tot
孫 grandchild
孵 hatch
學 study
它 it
宅 dwelling
宇 eaves
守 guard
安 peaceful
宋 Song Dynasty
完 finish
宏 magnificent
宗 religion
官 bureaucrat
宙 universe
定 settle on
宛 winding
宜 fitting
客 guest
宣 proclaim
室 room
宮 palace
宰 butcher
害 harm
宴 banquet
宵 nighttime
家 house
容 contain
宿 stay overnight
寂 lonely
寄 mail
寅 sign of the tiger
密 secret
寇 outlaw
富 wealthy
寒 frigid
寓 residence
寞 solitary
察 scrutinize
寡 widowed
寢 get some shuteye
寥 deserted
實 reality
寧 calm
寨 stockade
審 painstaking
寫 write
寬 wide
寵 dote on
寶 treasure
寸 Chinese inch
寺 Buddhist temple
封 seal
射 shoot
將 General
專 specialty
尊 venerate
尋 seek
對 that's right
導 guide
小 small
少 few
尖 tip
尚 esteem
尤 remarkable
尬 embarrassed
就 at once
尷 abashed
尹 overseer
尺 ruler
尼 nun
尾 tail
尿 urine
局 bureau
屁 fart
居 reside
屆 fall due
屈 knuckle under
屋 habitation
屍 corpse
屎 excrement
屏 folding screen
屑 bits
展 unfold
屠 slaughter
屢 time and again
層 story
履 footwear
屬 belong to
屯 stockpile
山 mountain
岔 diverge
岡 ridge of a hill
岩 rock
岳 Yue
岸 shore
峰 peak
島 island
峻 lofty
峽 gorge
崇 worship
崎 rugged
崔 Cui
崖 cliff
崗 hillock
崩 crumble
嶄 towering
嶺 mountain range
嶼 islet
川 stream
州 state
巡 patrol
巢 nest
工 work
左 left
巧 adroit
巨 gigantic
巫 witch
差 fall short of
己 self
已 already
巴 crust
巷 lane
巾 towel
市 market
布 cloth
帆 sail
希 hope
帕 handkerchief
帖 note
帝 sovereign
帥 commander
師 teacher
席 mat
帳 tent
帶 sash
常 often
帽 hat
幅 width of cloth
幕 curtain
幟 streamer
幣 currency
幫 help
干 offend
平 even
年 year
幸 good fortune
幹 trunk
幻 unreal
幼 young
幽 secluded
幾 how many?
床 bed
序 preface
底 bottom
店 store
府 government office
度 degrees
座 seat
庫 warehouse
庭 court of law
康 hale
庸 mediocre
廁 toilet
廂 side room
廈 skyscraper
廉 inexpensive
廊 hallway
廓 limitless
廚 kitchen
廟 temple
廠 factory
廢 discard
廣 extensive
廳 hall
延 prolong
廷 royal court
建 build
廿 twenty
弄 play with
弊 fraud
式 style
弓 bow
引 draw
弘 noble
弟 younger brother
弦 bowstring
弱 weak
張 stretch
強 strong
彈 bullet
彌 fill
彎 curved
彙 collection
形 shape
彥 erudite
彩 hue
彬 well-mannered
彭 Peng
彰 manifest
影 shadow
彷 seemingly
役 service
彼 the other
彿 as though
往 toward
征 go on an expedition/solicit
待 treat
很 very
徊 undecided
律 law
後 behind
徐 slowly
徑 trail
徒 follower
得 must
徘 irresolute
從 follow
御 imperial/withstand
復 recover
循 comply with
微 tiny
徵 solicit
德 morality
徹 thorough
心 heart
必 certainly
忌 shun
忍 endure
志 aspiration
忘 forget
忙 busy
忠 loyal
快 fast
念 miss
忽 suddenly
怎 how?
怒 anger
怔 terror-stricken
怕 dread
怖 be scared of
思 consider
怠 negligent
急 anxious
性 sex
怨 resentment
怪 peculiar
恆 permanent
恍 all of a sudden
恐 fear
恕 pardon
恢 immense
恥 shame
恨 hate
恩 kindness
恭 respectful
息 breath
恰 just right
悄 noiseless
悅 delighted
悉 be informed
悍 bold
悔 be sorry about
悟 realize
悠 without haste
患 troubles
您 you (respectful)
悲 sad
悶 stuffy
悼 mourn
情 feelings
惑 be bewildered
惕 watchful
惜 rue
惟 thinking
惠 favor
惡 evil
惰 indolent
惱 annoyed
想 think
惶 fearful
惹 provoke
愁 gloomy
愈 more and more
愉 overjoyed
意 idea
愕 stunned
愚 pea-brained
愛 love
感 feel
愧 ashamed
慈 kindhearted
態 attitude
慌 nervous
慎 prudent
慕 admire
慘 wretched
慚 conscience-stricken
慢 slow
慣 accustomed to
慧 intelligent
慨 incensed
慮 ponder
慰 console
慶 celebrate
慷 generous
慾 lust
憂 worried
憎 loathe
憐 pity
憑 proof
憤 indignation
憲 constitution
憶 recall
憾 regret
懂 understand
懇 wholeheartedly
懈 lax
應 ought to
懊 remorseful
懲 chasten
懶 lazy
懷 cherish
懸 suspend
懼 be frightened
戀 be enamored of
戈 halberd
成 turn into
我 I
戒 take precautions against
或 or
戚 kin
截 lop off
戰 war
戲 frolic
戳 jab
戴 have on
戶 door
房 domicile
所 place
扁 flat
扇 fan
手 hand
才 genius
扎 prick
扒 pick pockets
打 strike
扔 throw away
托 hold up
扛 carry over the shoulder
扣 button
扭 twist
扮 play the part of
扯 yank
扳 tug
扶 lend a hand
批 criticize
找 look for
承 undertake
技 skill
抄 copy
把 grasp
抑 curb
抓 grab
投 throw
抖 quiver
抗 combat
折 discount
披 drape over the shoulders
抬 elevate
抱 embrace
抵 resist
抹 smear on
押 pawn
抽 take out
拂 caress
拆 take apart
拇 thumb
拉 pull
拋 toss
拌 blend
拍 racquet
拐 turn
拒 refuse
拓 pioneer
拔 pull out
拖 drag
拘 detain
招 beckon
拜 adore
括 include
拭 wipe away
拱 arch
拳 boxing
拴 tether
拷 flog
拼 piece together
拾 tidy up
拿 hold
持 support
指 finger
按 press down on
挑 foment
挖 dig
挨 suffer
挪 transfer
挫 frustrate
振 vibrate
挺 erect
挽 tow
挾 coerce
捆 lash together
捉 catch
捏 pinch
捐 contribute
捕 capture
捧 carry in both hands
捨 abandon
捲 roll up
捷 nimble
掀 uncover
掃 sweep
授 confer
掉 drop
掌 palm of the hand
掏 draw out
排 row
掘 excavate
掙 struggle
掛 hang
掠 pillage
採 pick
探 spy
接 welcome
控 control
推 push
掩 conceal
措 arrange
揀 opt for
揉 knead
描 describe
提 bring up
插 insert
揚 publicize
換 exchange
握 grip
揣 conjecture
揪 hold tight
揭 reveal
揮 brandish
援 provide assistance
損 damage
搏 wrestle
搖 shake
搗 pound with a pestle
搜 search
搞 engage in
搬 relocate
搭 put up
搶 rob
摔 tumble
摘 handpick
摟 cuddle
摧 wreck
摩 rub
摯 earnest
摸 grope
撇 cast aside
撈 scoop up
撐 prop up
撒 scatter
撓 chafe
撕 rip
撞 bump into
撤 remove
撥 allocate
撫 comfort
播 broadcast
撰 compose
撲 pounce on
撼 joggle
撿 pick up
擁 hug
擅 act without authority
擇 select
擊 beat
擋 fend off
操 exercise
擔 assume
據 certificate
擠 squeeze
擦 scrub
擬 simulate
擱 put aside
擲 hurl
擴 enlarge
擺 put in order
擾 harass
攀 climb
攏 draw near
攔 impede
攜 take along
攝 take a photo
攤 vendor's stand
攪 stir
攬 take on
支 offshoot
收 receive
改 alter
攻 attack
放 release
政 politics
故 deliberately
效 effect
敏 quick-witted
救 rescue
敗 fail
敘 recount
教 teach
敞 spacious
敢 brave
散 scattered
敦 candid
敬 revere
敲 knock
整 entire
敵 enemy
敷 apply
數 number
斂 restrain
斃 die a violent death
文 literature
斑 speck
斗 big dipper
料 material
斜 slanting
斤 catty
斥 reprimand
斧 axe
斬 hew
斯 Sphinx
新 new
斷 sever
方 direction
於 (all-purpose preposition)
施 execute
旁 side
旅 travel
旋 whirl
族 tribe
旗 flag
既 since
日 day
旦 daybreak
旨 purpose
早 early
旬 decameron
旭 rising sun
旱 drought
旺 thriving
昂 hold one's head high
昆 descendants
昇 rise up
昌 prosperous
明 bright
昏 dusk
易 easy
昔 times past
星 star
映 reflect
春 springtime
昧 obscure
昨 yesterday
昭 evident
是 be
時 time
晃 sway
晉 promote
晚 nightfall
晝 daylight
晨 morning
普 universal
景 scenery
晰 distinct
晴 sunny
晶 sparkling
智 wisdom
暇 spare time
暈 dizzy
暑 summer heat
暖 warm
暗 dark
暢 smooth
暫 temporary
暮 sunset
暴 violent
曆 calendar
曉 dawn
曠 expansive
曬 bask
曰 sayeth
曲 bent
更 even more
書 book
曹 Cao
曼 drawn out
曾 formerly
替 replace
最 most
會 meeting
月 month
有 possess
朋 companion
服 apparel
朗 lucent
望 expect
朝 dynasty
期 period of time
朦 dim
木 tree
未 not yet
末 last
本 notebook
朱 vermillion
朵 flouds
朽 decayed
杉 fir tree
李 plum
杏 apricot
材 stuff
村 village
杖 cane
杜 prevent
束 bundle up
杯 cup
杰 hero/outstanding
東 east
松 pine tree
板 plank
枉 crooked
析 analyze
枕 pillow
林 woods
枚 small objects
果 fruit
枝 branch
枯 withered
架 shelf
柄 handle
柏 cypress
某 such and such
染 dye
柔 gentle
查 investigate
柱 pillar
柳 willow
柴 firewood
柵 palisade
柿 persimmon
栓 plug
栗 chestnut
校 school
株 tree trunk
核 nucleus
根 root
格 pattern
栽 sow
桂 cassia-bark tree
桃 peach
框 rectangular frame
案 case
桌 table
桐 paulownia
桑 mulberry tree
桶 bucket
桿 shaft
梁 Liang
梅 small plum
條 strip
梢 treetops
梨 pear
梭 shuttle
梯 ladder
械 weapon
梳 comb
棄 forsake
棉 cotton
棋 chess
棍 club
棒 cudgel
棕 palm tree
棗 jujube
棘 thorn bushes
棚 shed
棟 building
森 forest
棲 perch
棵 flora
棺 coffin
椅 chair
植 plant
椒 spice plant
楊 poplar
楓 maple
楚 clear
業 profession
極 extreme
概 approximate
榆 elm
榕 banyan
榜 roster
榨 extract
榮 glory
榴 pomegranate
構 frame
槍 gun
槐 scholar tree
槓 thick stick
槳 oar
槽 trough
樁 stake
樂 music
樑 roof beam
樓 multistory building
標 mark
樞 hub
模 imitate
樣 appearance
樸 plain
樹 timber
橄 olive (A)
橋 bridge
橘 tangerine
機 machine
橡 rubber tree
橫 horizontal
檔 files
檢 examine
櫃 cupboard
櫻 cherry
欄 railing
權 authority
欖 olive (B)
欠 lack
次 next
欣 elated
欲 desire
欺 dupe
欽 think highly of
款 funds
歇 take a rest
歉 apology
歌 song
歐 Europe
歡 joyous
止 stop
正 correct
此 this (literary)
步 footstep
武 military
歧 fork in the road
歪 askew
歲 years of age
歷 experience
歸 come back
歹 malicious
死 death
殃 calamity
殊 dissimilar
殖 breed
殘 incomplete
殲 annihilate
段 section
殷 ardent
殺 kill
殼 shell
殿 ceremonial hall
毀 ruin
毅 resolute
毆 hit
母 mother
每 every
毒 poison
比 compare
毛 fur
毫 milli-
毯 blanket
氏 family name
民 people
氓 hoodlum
氛 atmosphere
氣 air
氧 oxygen
氫 hydrogen
氯 chlorine
水 water
永 eternity
汁 juice
求 request
汗 sweat
江 Yangtze
池 pond
污 filthy
汪 tearful
汰 get rid of
決 decide
汽 vapor
沃 fertile
沈 Shen
沉 profound
沒 not have
沖 wash away
沙 sand
沛 copious
沫 foam
河 river
沸 bring to a boil
油 oil
治 govern
沼 marsh
沾 soak
沿 along
況 situation
泉 spring
泊 moor
泌 secrete
法 method
泛 nonspecific
泡 bubbles
波 waves
泣 weep
泥 mud
注 pour
泰 tranquil
泳 swim
洋 ocean
洗 wash
洛 L.A.
洞 cave
津 Tianjin
洩 discharge
洪 deluge
洲 continent
洶 turbulent
活 lively
洽 in agreement
派 faction
流 flow
浦 river mouth
浩 vast
浪 breakers
浮 float
浴 bathe
海 sea
浸 immerse
涂 Tu
消 extinguish
涉 ford
涕 snot
涯 bank
液 liquid
涵 culvert
涼 cool
淆 confuse
淋 drench
淑 graceful
淒 miserable
淘 wash in a container
淚 tears
淡 thin
淨 clean
淪 sink
淫 promiscuous
深 deep
淳 honest
淵 abyss
混 mix
淹 inundate
淺 shallow
添 augment
清 pure
減 reduce
渠 canal
渡 ferry
渣 sediment
渦 whirlpool
測 fathom
港 port
渴 thirsty
游 go swimming
渺 insignificant
渾 muddled
湊 gather together
湖 lake
湘 Hunan Province
湧 gush
湯 soup
溉 irrigate
源 source
準 standard
溜 slide
溝 ditch
溢 brim over
溪 creek
溫 temperature
溯 go upstream
溶 dissolve
滄 dark blue
滅 destroy
滋 nourish
滑 slippery
滔 surging
滯 stagnant
滲 seep
滴 drip
滾 trundle
滿 full
漁 fishing
漂 drift
漆 wall paint
漏 leak
演 perform
漠 desert
漢 Han
漫 overflow
漲 swell
漸 gradually
漿 thick liquid
潑 splash
潔 spotless
潘 Pan
潛 submerge
潤 moisten
潭 deep pool
潮 tide
潰 burst
澀 astringent
澄 transparent
澆 sprinkle
澡 bath
澤 swamp
澳 deep inlet
激 excite
濁 turbid
濃 concentrated
濕 wet
濟 relieve
濤 large waves
濫 indiscriminate
濱 water's edge
濺 splatter
濾 filter
瀉 diarrhea
瀑 waterfall
灌 pour into
灑 spill
灘 beach
灣 bay
火 fire
灰 ashes
灼 scorch
災 disaster
炊 cook
炎 inflammation
炒 stir-fry
炭 charcoal
炮 fireworks/cannon
炸 blow up
為 act
烈 intense
烏 crow
烘 warm by a fire
烤 roast
焚 burn
無 nothing
焦 apprehensive
焰 flame
然 sort of thing
煉 refine
煌 resplendent
煎 saute
煙 smoke
煞 goblin
煤 coal
煥 glowing
照 illuminate
煩 vexed
煮 boil
熄 put out
熊 bear
熙 splendid
熟 ripe
熬 stew
熱 heat
燃 ignite
燈 lamp
燒 fever
燕 swallow
燙 scald
營 camp
燥 parched
燦 brilliant
燭 candle
爆 explode
爍 luminous
爐 stove
爛 spoiled
爪 claw
爬 crawl
爭 contend
爵 upper crust
父 father
爸 papa
爹 dad
爺 grandfather
爽 frank
爾 you (literary)
牆 wall
片 slice
版 printing plate
牌 brand
牙 tooth
牛 cow
牡 dude
牢 jail
牧 herd
物 thing
牲 domestic animal
特 special
牽 lead along
犀 rhinoceros
犁 plow
犧 sacrifice
犬 pooch
犯 criminal
狀 state of affairs
狂 crazy
狐 fox
狗 dog
狠 ruthless
狡 sly
狸 raccoon dog
狹 narrow
狼 wolf
猛 fierce
猜 guess
猩 orangutan
猴 monkey
猶 just like
猾 cunning
猿 ape
獄 prison
獅 lion
獎 award
獨 alone
獲 seize
獵 hunt
獸 beast
獻 donate
玄 mysterious
率 rate
玉 jade
王 king
玩 play
玫 rose
玲 exquisite
玻 glass (front side)
珊 coral
珍 rare
珠 pearl
班 class
現 present
球 ball
理 logic
琉 glaze
琢 chisel
琳 gem
琴 stringed instrument
瑞 auspicious
瑟 Chinese harp
瑩 lustrous
瑪 Mary
瑰 marvelous
璃 glass (back side)
環 ring
瓊 fine jade
瓜 melon
瓣 petal
瓦 tile
瓶 bottle
瓷 porcelain
甘 sweet
甚 tremendously
甜 sugary
生 life
產 products
用 utilize
甩 fling
甫 Fu
田 rice field
由 wherefore
甲 first
申 express
男 male
甸 outlying areas
界 world
畏 be afraid of
畔 littoral
留 stay
畜 livestock
畝 Chinese acre
畢 complete
略 abbreviation
番 try
畫 drawing
異 different
當 work as
疆 dividing line
疊 heap
疏 sparse
疑 doubt
疤 scar
疫 epidemic
疲 fatigued
疼 hurt
疾 rapid
病 illness
症 disease
痕 trace
痛 ache
痰 phlegm
痴 idiotic
瘋 insane
瘡 sore
瘤 tumor
瘦 emaciated
療 cure
癌 cancer
癒 get well
癢 itch
癮 addiction
癱 paralysis
登 ascend
發 send out
白 white
百 hundred
皂 soap
的 bull's eye
皆 all
皇 emperor
皮 covering
皺 wrinkles
盃 trophy
盆 basin
盈 replete
益 benefit
盒 small box
盛 flourishing
盜 master thief
盞 small cup
盟 alliance
盡 exhausted
監 supervise
盤 tray
盧 Louvre
盪 swing
目 eye
盯 stare at
盲 blind
直 straight
相 one another
盼 await hopefully
盾 shield
省 economize
眉 eyebrows
看 look at
真 true
眠 slumber
眨 blink
眷 dependents
眼 eyelet
眾 multitude
睛 eyeball
睜 unshut
睡 sleep
督 superintend
睬 notice
睹 behold
瞄 aim
瞇 squint
瞎 visionless
瞞 dissemble
瞧 lay eyes on
瞪 glare
瞬 instant
瞭 comprehend
瞻 look upward
矛 spear
矢 dart
知 know
矩 square
短 short
矮 short of stature
矯 rectify
石 stone
砂 gravel
砌 lay brick
砍 chop
研 grind away
砲 cannon
破 break
砸 smash
硫 sulfur
硬 hard
碌 commonplace
碎 shattered
碑 stele
碗 bowl
碟 saucer
碧 green jade
碩 big
碰 bump
碳 carbon
確 reliable
碼 numeral
磁 magnetism
磅 pound
磚 brick
磨 grind
礁 reef
礎 foundation
礙 obstruct
礦 mine
示 show
社 society
祈 supplicate
祕 confidential
祖 ancestor
祝 wish well
神 gods
祟 evil spirit
祥 propitious
票 ticket
祭 offer sacrifice
禁 prohibit
禍 misfortune
福 happiness
禦 withstand
禪 meditation
禮 ceremony
禱 pray
禽 fowl
禾 standing grain
禿 bald
秀 elegant
私 private
秉 wield
秋 autumn
科 academic discipline
秒 seconds
租 rent
秤 scale
秦 Qin
秩 order
移 shift
稀 scarce
稅 tax
程 journey
稍 a little
稚 immature
稠 dense
種 species
稱 weigh
稻 unhulled rice
稼 crops
稿 draft
穀 cereal
穆 reverent
穌 rise again
積 accumulate
穎 clever
穗 ear of grain
穩 stable
穫 harvest
穴 hole
究 research
空 empty
穿 pass through
突 abruptly
窄 strait
窗 window
窘 poverty-stricken
窟 den
窩 hollow
窮 poor
窯 kiln
窺 peep
竄 scurry
竊 pilfer
立 standing up
站 station
竟 unexpectedly
章 chapter
童 juvenile
竭 use up
端 upright
競 compete
竹 bamboo
竿 pole
笑 laugh
笛 flute
符 symbol
笨 stupid
第 No.
筆 pen
等 etc.
筋 tendon
筍 bamboo shoot
筐 rectangular basket
筒 tube
答 answer
策 strategy
筷 chopsticks
箏 Chinese zither
算 calculate
管 pipe
箭 arrow
箱 box
節 holiday
範 model
篇 piece of writing
築 construct
篩 sift
簇 cluster
簡 simple
簽 sign
簾 drapes
簿 register
籃 basket
籌 make arrangements
籍 records
籠 cage
籤 bamboo slip
籬 fence
籮 bamboo basket
籲 plead
米 rice
粉 powder
粒 grain
粗 coarse
粘 glue
粥 porridge
粹 unmixed
精 refined
糊 batter
糕 cake
糖 sugar
糙 rough
糞 dung
糟 messed up
糠 chaff
糧 provisions
系 lineage
糾 entangle
紀 epoch
約 make an appointment
紅 red
紋 design
納 let in
紐 New York
純 unadulterated
紗 yarn
紙 paper
級 rank
紛 disorderly
素 vegetarian diet
紡 spin
索 large rope
紫 purple
紮 bind
累 tired
細 fine
紳 gentry
紹 acquaint
終 end
組 group
結 tie
絕 discontinue
絞 wring
絡 web
給 give
絨 down
絮 long-winded
統 continuum
絲 silk
綁 truss
經 scripture
綜 sum up
綠 green
綢 silk fabric
維 maintain
綱 guidelines
網 net
綴 embellish
綽 ample
綿 continuous
緊 tight
緒 inception
線 line
緞 satin
締 conclude
緣 reason
編 compile
緩 unhurried
緯 latitude
練 practice
緻 delicate
縛 bind fast
縣 county
縫 sew
縮 shrink
縱 vertical
總 general
績 accomplishments
繁 numerous
織 weave
繞 go around
繡 embroidery
繩 rope
繪 paint
繫 fasten
繭 cocoon
繳 shell out
繼 carry on
續 continue
纏 wind around
纖 fiber
纜 cable
缸 vat
缺 deficient
罐 jar
罕 rarely
罩 overspread
罪 guilt
置 set up
罰 penalize
署 add your John Hancock
罵 scold
罷 cease
羅 silk gauze
羊 sheep
美 beautiful
羞 shy
群 crowd
羨 envy
義 righteousness
羽 feathers
翁 elderly man
翅 fins
習 learn
翔 soar
翠 emerald green
翰 writing brush
翹 turn upward
翻 turn over
翼 wings
耀 show off
老 old man
考 take an exam
者 someone
而 and
耍 mess around
耐 -proof
耕 till
耗 consume
耳 ear
耶 Jerusalem
耽 indulge in
耿 dedicated
聊 chat
聖 holy
聘 employ
聚 assemble
聞 hear
聯 unite
聰 smart
聲 voice
聳 shrug
職 job
聽 listen
聾 deaf
肅 solemn
肆 IV
肉 meat
肌 muscle
肖 resemble
肘 elbow
肚 belly
肝 liver
股 thigh
肢 limb
肥 plump
肩 shoulder
肯 agree
育 education
肺 lungs
胃 stomach
背 back
胎 fetus
胖 fat
胞 placenta
胡 recklessly
胸 bosom
能 ability
脂 grease
脅 threaten
脆 fragile
脈 blood vessels
脊 backbone
脖 head-hinge
脫 undress
脹 bloated
脾 spleen
腎 kidneys
腐 rotten
腔 body cavity
腕 wrist
腥 fishy smell
腦 brain
腫 swollen
腰 waist
腳 foot
腸 intestines
腹 abdomen
腺 gland
腿 leg
膀 upper arm
膏 ointment
膚 skin
膛 chest
膜 membrane
膝 knees
膠 gum
膨 puffy
膩 sick and tired of
膽 gall bladder
臂 arm
臉 face
臘 dried meat
臟 guts
臣 feudal official
臥 for sleeping
臨 be about to
自 oneself
臭 stinking
至 until
致 bring about
臺 Taiwan
舅 mother's brother
與 offer
興 excitement
舉 lift up
舊 old
舌 tongue
舍 abode
舒 relax
舞 dance
舟 boat
航 navigate
般 sort
舶 liner
船 ship
艇 light boat
艘 vessels
艙 ship's cabin
艦 warship
良 high-quality
艱 arduous
色 color
艷 gorgeous
艾 Chinese mugwort
芒 mango
芙 hibiscus (A)
芝 sesame
芬 essence
花 flower
芳 aromatic
芹 celery
芽 sprout
苗 seedling
苛 exacting
若 as if
苦 suffering
英 England
茂 lush
范 Fan
茄 eggplant
茅 thatch
茫 boundless
茶 tea
草 grass
荒 wasteland
荷 Holland
莉 jasmine
莊 hamlet
莖 plant stem
莫 nobody
莽 rude
菊 chrysanthemum
菌 fungus
菜 vegetable
菠 spinach
菩 bodhisattva
華 splendor
菱 water caltrop
菲 humble
菸 tobacco
萄 grapes (B)
萊 lambsquarters
萌 bud
萍 duckweed
萎 wilt
萬 ten thousand
落 fall
葉 leaf
著 -ing/author
葛 kudzu
葡 grapes (A)
董 director
葬 inter
葵 large-flowered plants
蒂 fruit stem
蒐 search for
蒙 Mongolia
蒜 garlic
蒲 cattail
蒸 steam
蒼 ash-colored
蓄 save up
蓉 cottonrose hibiscus (B)
蓋 lid
蓬 disheveled
蓮 lotus
蔑 despise
蔚 luxuriant
蔣 Jiang
蔥 onion
蔬 veggies
蔭 shady
蔽 shelter
蕉 banana
蕩 licentious
蕭 desolate
蕾 flower bud
薄 slight
薑 ginger
薛 Xue
薦 recommend
薩 Samoa
薪 fuel
薯 yam
藉 excuse/in disorder
藍 blue
藏 hide
藝 technique
藤 rattan
藥 medicine
藻 algae
蘆 reeds
蘇 revive
蘊 amass
蘋 apple
蘭 orchid
蘿 edible root
虎 tiger
虐 despotic
處 location
虛 false
虜 take captive
號 appellation
虧 loss
虹 rainbow
蚊 mosquito
蛇 serpent
蛋 egg
蛙 frog
蛛 spider (back end)
蛾 moth
蜂 bee
蜓 dragonfly (back end)
蜘 spider (front end)
蜜 honey
蜻 dragonfly (front end)
蝕 eat away
蝗 locust
蝠 bat
蝦 shrimp
蝴 butterfly (front end)
蝶 butterfly (back end)
蝸 snail
融 melt
螞 leech-hopper
螢 firefly
螺 spiral shell
蟬 cicada
蟲 insects
蟹 crab
蟻 ant
蠅 flies
蠟 wax
蠢 foolish
蠶 silkworm
蠻 barbaric
血 blood
行 line of business
衍 develop
術 art
街 street
衛 defend
衝 collide
衡 weight
衣 clothing
表 surface
衫 shirt
衰 decline
衷 innermost feelings
袁 Yuan
袋 bag
袍 robe
袖 sleeve
被 quilt
袱 wrapping cloth
裁 tailor
裂 crack
裕 abundant
裙 skirt
補 patch
裝 attire
裡 inside
裸 naked
裹 envelop
製 manufacture
複 duplicate
褐 brown
褲 trousers
襄 aid
襟 front of a garment
襪 socks
襯 inner garments
襲 raid
西 west
要 want
覆 overturn
見 see
規 regulations
覓 try to find
視 inspect
親 relatives
覺 senses
覽 view
觀 observe
角 angle
解 untie
觸 touch
言 say
訂 place an order
計 plan
訊 interrogate
討 condemn
訓 instruction
託 entrust
記 remember
訝 surprised
訟 litigate
訪 call on
設 establish
許 permit
訴 accuse
診 diagnose
註 annotate
詐 swindle
評 evaluate
詞 word
詠 chant
詢 inquire
試 test
詩 poem
詭 deceitful
話 talk
該 should
詳 detailed
詹 verbose
誇 brag
誌 annals
認 recognize
誓 vow
誕 nativity
誘 entice
語 language
誠 sincere
誡 warn
誣 charge falsely
誤 error
誦 read aloud
說 speak
誰 who?
課 lesson
誼 friendship
調 tune
談 discuss
請 invite
諒 forgive
論 theory
諜 espionage
諧 in accord
諮 consult with
諷 mock
諸 various
諾 promise
謀 scheme
謂 meaning
謊 lie
謎 riddle
謙 unassuming
講 lecture
謝 thank
謠 rumor
謬 wrong
謹 careful
證 evidence
譏 deride
識 knowledge
譚 Tan
譜 musical score
警 police
譬 analogy
譯 translate
議 deliberate
譴 censure
護 protect
譽 reputation
讀 read
變 change
讓 yield
讚 praise
谷 valley
豆 beans
豈 (rhetorical question)
豎 perpendicular
豐 plentiful
象 elephant
豪 unrestrained
豫 pleased
豬 pig
豹 leopard
貌 mien
貓 cat
貝 shellfish
貞 chaste
負 defeated
財 riches
貢 tribute
貧 impoverished
貨 commodities
販 peddler
貪 greedy
貫 pierce
責 responsibility
貯 store up
貳 II
貴 expensive
貶 devalue
買 buy
貸 loan
費 expense
貼 paste
貿 trade
賀 congratulate
賄 bribe
資 assets
賈 merchant
賊 burglar
賓 visitor
賜 grant
賞 prize
賠 compensate
賢 worthy
賣 sell
賤 cheap
賦 levy
質 quality
賭 gamble
賴 rely on
賺 earn
購 purchase
賽 competition
贈 make a present of
贊 succor
贏 win
贓 stolen goods
贖 redeem
赤 crimson
赫 illustrious
走 walk
赴 go to
起 begin
趁 take advantage of
超 transcend
越 surpass
趕 hurry
趙 Zhao
趟 trip
趣 interest
趨 hasten
足 lower leg
趴 prostrate oneself
跌 slump
跑 run
距 distance
跟 heel
跡 indication
跨 straddle
跪 kneel
路 path
跳 jump
踏 trample
踐 tread on
踢 kick
踩 step on
踴 eagerly
蹄 hoof
蹈 tread
蹟 remains
蹤 tracks
蹦 hop
蹲 squat
躁 impetuous
躍 leap
身 somebody
躬 stoop
躲 dodge
躺 lie down
軀 human body
車 car
軋 flatten
軌 rails
軍 army
軒 veranda
軟 soft
軸 axle
較 relatively
載 laden
輔 supplement
輕 lightweight
輛 vehicles
輝 radiance
輩 lifetime
輪 wheel
輯 edit
輸 transport
輻 spokes
輿 popular
轄 administer
轉 rotate
轎 sedan chair
轟 rumble
辛 peppery
辜 crime
辣 spicy hot
辦 manage
辨 differentiate
辭 phraseology
辮 braid
辯 dispute
辰 sign of the dragon
辱 disgrace
農 agriculture
迄 so far
迅 speedy
迎 greet
近 near
返 go back
迫 compel
述 narrate
迴 revolve
迷 lost
追 chase
退 retreat
送 deliver
逃 escape
逆 go against
透 penetrate
逐 pursue
途 route
逗 tease
這 this
通 communicate
逛 stroll
逝 pass away
逞 flaunt
速 quick
造 create
逢 chance upon
連 one after another
逮 arrest
週 week
進 advance
逸 flee
逼 press
逾 exceed
遂 satisfy
遇 encounter
遊 tour
運 carry
遍 everywhere
過 cross
道 way
達 reach
違 disobey
遙 remote
遜 modest
遞 hand over
遠 distant
遣 dispatch
適 suitable
遭 meet with
遮 screen
遲 tardy
遵 abide by
遷 resituate
選 choose
遺 bequeath
遼 far away
避 evade
邀 request the presence of
邁 stride
還 give back
邊 border
邏 make the rounds
那 that
邦 nation
邪 wicked
郁 Yu-2
郊 outskirts
郎 young man
部 department
郭 outer walls
郵 post
都 metropolis
鄉 countryside
鄙 despicable
鄧 Deng
鄭 Zheng
鄰 neighbor
酋 chieftain
酌 pour wine
配 distribute
酒 liquor
酬 reward
酷 brutal
酸 sour
醇 mellow wine
醉 drunk
醋 vinegar
醒 awaken
醜 ugly
醫 physician
醬 thick sauce
釀 brew
釁 quarrel
采 pluck/pick
釋 explain
里 li
重 heavy
野 wild
量 quantity
釐 smidgen
金 gold
釘 nail
針 needle
釣 go fishin'
鈔 paper money
鈕 push button
鈞 30 catties
鈴 small bell
鉗 pliers
鉛 lead
鉤 hook
銀 silver
銅 copper
銘 inscription
銜 title
銳 sharp
銷 put up for sale
鋁 aluminum
鋒 cutting edge
鋤 hoe
鋪 shop
鋸 saw
鋼 steel
錄 record
錘 hammer
錢 coin
錦 brocade
錫 tin
錯 mistaken
錶 watch
鍊 chain
鍋 pot
鍛 forge
鍬 shovel
鍵 keyboard keys
鍾 draw together
鎖 lock
鎮 at ease
鏟 small shovel
鏡 mirror
鏽 rust
鐘 bell
鐮 sickle
鐵 iron
鑄 cast
鑑 probe
鑰 key
鑼 gong
鑽 drill
鑿 bore a hole
長 long
門 gate
閃 flash
閉 close
開 open
閒 leisure
間 interval
閘 floodgate
閣 cabinet
閥 valve
閱 peruse
闆 boss
闊 broad
闖 rush
關 shut
闡 explicate
闢 repudiate
防 ward off
阻 block
阿 Apollo
附 attach
陋 undesirable
陌 footpath
降 descend
限 limit
陡 steep
院 Inst.
陣 battle formation
除 eliminate
陪 accompany
陰 Yin
陳 exhibit
陵 mausoleum
陶 pottery
陷 get stuck
陸 land
陽 Yang
隆 impressive
隊 team
階 stairs
隔 separate
隙 rift
際 occasion
障 barrier
隧 tunnel
隨 as you wish
險 perilous
隱 hidden
隸 bondservant
隻 one of a pair
雀 sparrow
雁 wild goose
雄 grand
雅 polished
集 gather
雇 hire
雕 sculpture
雖 although
雙 pair
雛 chick
雜 miscellaneous
雞 chicken
離 leave
難 difficult
雨 rain
雪 snow
雲 cloud
零 zero
雷 thunder
雹 hail
電 electricity
需 need
震 quake
霉 mildew
霍 all at once
霜 frost
霞 red sky
霧 fog
露 dew
霸 tyrant
靈 spirit
青 blue or green
靖 pacify
靜 quiet
非 non-
靠 lean on
面 face-to-face
革 leather
靴 boots
鞋 shoes
鞏 strengthen
鞠 bow respectfully
鞭 whip
韋 tanned hide
韓 Korea
音 sound
韻 rhyme
響 echo
頁 page
頂 crest
頃 100 Chinese acres
項 item
順 obey
須 have to
頌 extol
預 beforehand
頑 stubborn
頒 promulgate
頓 pause
頗 quite
領 collar
頭 head
頰 cheek
頸 neck
頹 decrepit
頻 repeatedly
顆 granule
題 topic
額 forehead
顏 countenance
願 wish
顛 invert
類 kind
顧 look back
顫 tremble
顯 obvious
風 wind
颱 typhoon
飄 flutter
飛 fly
食 food
飢 starving
飯 meal
飲 beverage
飼 rear
飽 sated
飾 ornaments
餃 dumpling
餅 cookie
養 raise
餐 dine
餓 hungry
餘 excess
餡 filling
館 Bldg.
饅 bread
饒 spare
饞 gluttonous
首 heads
香 perfume
馨 fragrant
馬 horse
馮 Feng
馳 gallop
馴 tame
駁 refute
駐 be stationed
駕 drive
駛 maneuver
駝 camel (back end)
駱 camel (front end)
騎 ride
騙 cheat
騰 take flight
騷 disturb
騾 mule
驅 drive away
驕 arrogant
驗 check
驚 startled
驟 trot
驢 donkey
骨 skeleton
髒 dirty
髓 marrow
體 body
高 tall
髮 hair of the head
鬆 loose
鬍 beard
鬥 fight
鬧 stir up trouble
鬱 depressed
鬼 ghost
魁 leader
魂 soul
魄 vigor
魅 enchant
魏 Wei
魔 demon
魚 fish
魯 Lu
鮮 fresh
鯉 carp
鯨 whale
鱷 crocodile
鳥 bird
鳳 male phoenix
鳴 twitter
鴉 raven
鴨 duck
鴻 swan
鴿 pigeon
鵝 goose
鵬 roc
鵲 magpie
鶯 oriole
鶴 crane
鷗 gull
鷹 hawk
鹹 salty
鹽 salt
鹿 deer
麗 lovely
麟 Chinese unicorn
麥 wheat
麵 noodles
麻 hemp
麼 (suffix)
黃 yellow
黎 host
黏 sticky
黑 black
默 silent
點 spot
黨 political party
鼎 old cooking pot
鼓 drum
鼠 mouse
鼻 nose
齊 identical
齋 abstain from food
齒 teeth
齡 length of service
齣 shows
龍 dragon
龐 huge
龜 tortoise
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