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surfin' the web

Fabrice D. fabd

surfin' the web
  • Belgium
  • 13:57 (UTC +01:00)
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fabd / gist:7750320
Last active December 30, 2015 00:29
Hanzi data parsed in order kHanyuPinlu > kXHC1983 > kHanyuPinyin
19968 one 一 yi1 1 1 1
20108 two 二 er4 2 1 2
19977 three 三 san1 3 1 3
22235 four 四 si4 4 1 5
20116 five 五 wu3 5 1 4
20845 six 六 liu4 6 1 4
19971 seven 七 qi1 7 1 2
20843 eight 八 ba1 8 1 2
20061 nine 九 jiu3 9 1 2
21313 ten 十 shi2 10 1 2
fabd / Diablo II.ahk
Last active June 13, 2023 22:03
A script I use to center the game window and play at exactly 2x the original resolution to avoid stretching and blurry image.
; Diablo II LoD
; Instructions:
; 1) Start the game in windowed mode (eg. "-sndbkg -skiptobnet -w" options in shortcut).
; 2) Press Ctrl Alt f , Ctrl Alt h to set game to 1600x1200 centered on the desktop.
; Ctrl Alt f Toggle active window title bar.
fabd / RTH-Custom-Keywords.txt
Created January 8, 2015 16:02
Remembering Traditional Hanzi CUSTOM KEYWORDS to import in Reviewing the Kanji
一 one
丁 fourth
七 seven
丈 100 Chinese inches
三 three
上 above
下 below
不 no
丑 clown
且 moreover
fabd / css.php
Created October 7, 2015 19:59
A modified css.php file to allow for easier editing of the stylesheets when working on a MyBB theme. Bypasses the cached files and uses *.css files you can edit in your editor of choice, and instantly see results.
* MyBB 1.8
* Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
* Website:
* License:
fabd / extract_mybb_templates.php
Created October 11, 2015 14:48
Simple php script to extract all the MyBB templates used in the default theme, to a folder of your choice. This is mostly for reference, so that grep returns the template name when searching for variables and the like.
* A very simple command line php script to extract all the templates from the
* default MyBB theme into a given folder.
* This makes it easier to search the templates with grep and similar tools.
* The .html extension is added to the template names for proper syntax
* highlighting in most editors.
fabd / eq2ui_textstyles.xml
Last active March 27, 2016 13:28
EverQuest II xml file to place in your custom UI folder. Use alone or on top of LargeFonts mod ( ). Uses Arial for the floating damage, and increases font size. Uses bold font for tabs / large text.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Page BackgroundColor="#554736" BackgroundOpacity="1.000" Name="TextStyles" PackSize="1,1" ScrollExtent="1024,768" Size="1024,768" Visible="false">
<Page Location="10,110" Name="BigLarge" ScrollExtent="200,50" Size="200,50">
<Text Font="BigLargeStyle" Name="CopyAndPasteMe" ScrollExtent="200,50" Size="200,50">:58a8d828a4322275:BigLarge</Text>
<TextStyle Algorithm="Simple" FontName="Zapf Calligraphic 801 Bold BT" Language="english" Name="BigLargeStyle" PointSize="42" PrivateFontPath="UI/Fonts/zcal801b.TTF" ShadowStyle="/" UseCachedFont="true" />
<TextStyle Algorithm="Bold" FontName="Times New Roman" Language="english" Name="BigLargeStyle_Euro_" PointSize="18" ShadowStyle="/" UseCachedFont="true" />
<TextStyle Algorithm="Bold" FontName="Times New Roman" Language="japanese" Name="BigLargeStyle_Japanese_" PointSize="18" ShadowStyle="/" UseCachedFont="true" />
fabd / Piece-wise-copying-line-above.sublime-macro
Created November 28, 2016 21:12
Piece-wise copying of the line above the current one (an incredibly useful VIM macro converted to Sublime Text)
"by": "lines",
"forward": false
"command": "move"
fabd / VMRC maximize desktop area.ahk
Created January 30, 2019 13:30
Simple script to maximize the desktop area of VMware remote console, with the Windows 10 Taskbar docked to the side.
; VMRC "Maximizer"
; Simple procedure to maximize VMRC's desktop area, while keeping the Windows 10
; taskbar docked to the side. Remove the VMRC window titlebar, and the toolbar.
; - Set Windows Taskbar docked to the right
fabd / sticky.html
Last active July 25, 2019 11:56
Simple "sticky bar" based on scrolling -- without using jQuery ( IE 10+ )
<!-- some page content -->
<!-- buttons, that will stick to top as the user keeps scrolling -->
<div id="JsPreshopSticky">
<button>Sign up</button>
<button>Sign in</button>
<!-- more page content -->
fabd / escaping.scss
Last active November 19, 2019 15:44
SASS creating utilities and ESCAPING special chars in class name
// Add some sizes to tailwind text-* utilities
// Outputs eg:
// .text-3\.5 {
// font-size: 3.5rem;
// }
$textExtraSizes: (('2' 2), ('3\\.5' 3.5), ('4\\.3', 4.3));
@each $size in $textExtraSizes {
.text-#{nth($size, 1)} {