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Last active July 8, 2023 15:19
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juno fee reduction
"@type": "/cosmos.params.v1beta1.ParameterChangeProposal",
"title": "Reduce Network Fees in JUNO to 10% of current level",
"description": "# Reduce Minimum Gas Prices\n\n[Commonwealth thread](\n\n Application developers overwhelmingly desire lower fees. If Juno is to become an application development testbed, it needs to be a friendly place for them. This cuts ATOM fees to two thirds their current level, and JUNO fees to ten percent. \n'''\n\n---\n\n\n## Voting Options\n\nYES: Reduce minimum fees to 10% of their current level.",
"changes": [
"subspace": "globalfee",
"key": "MinimumGasPricesParam",
"value": "[{\"denom\":\"ibc/C4CFF46FD6DE35CA4CF4CE031E643C8FDC9BA4B99AE598E9B0ED98FE3A2319F9\",\"amount\":\"0.002000000000000000\"},{\"denom\":\"ujuno\",\"amount\":\"0.007500000000000000\"}]"
"initial_deposit": [
"denom": "ujuno",
"amount": "1000000000ujuno"
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