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Michal Štrba faiface

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faiface / .rs
Last active December 18, 2023 18:43
pub trait Proc: 'static {
type Then<P: Proc>: Proc;
type Dual: Proc;
fn extend(this: Self) -> Self::Then<Noop>;
fn map<P: Proc, Q: Proc>(this: Self::Then<P>, f: impl 'static + FnOnce(P) -> Q) -> Self::Then<Q>;
fn apply<P: Proc>(src: Self::Dual, dst: Self::Then<P>) -> P;
fn then_assc<P: Proc, Q: Proc>(this: Self::Then<P::Then<Q>>) -> <Self::Then<P> as Proc>::Then<Q>;
fn dual_dist<P: Proc>(this: <Self::Dual as Proc>::Then<P::Dual>) -> <Self::Then<P> as Proc>::Dual;
faiface / .rs
Created December 11, 2022 14:56
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct Dir {
name_and_parent: Option<(String, Box<Dir>)>,
files: HashMap<String, usize>,
subdirs: HashMap<String, Box<Dir>>,
total_size: usize,
faiface / gist:4b58c78a6903d873a8904e8b861a6bde
Created May 16, 2022 20:07
Snake in Dynamic Modal Playground
(events Left Right Up Down Tick)
(define interpolate
(lambda (dynamic)
(begin [^] (value (@ dynamic))
(after [Tick] (@ dynamic))
(after [^] value)))))
(define direction
faiface / .rs
Last active April 20, 2022 23:49
// I have to create a custom type because the undesired behavior
// only occurs if I use a custom type for the parsing result. If
// I tried with something like bool, I get my custom error returned
// back just as I want it. Very strange.
pub enum MyUnit { Only }
// Now this parser returns "found end of input" if the input is not
// equal to "only". But a custom error is generated and wanted to be
// returned instead.
pub fn example() -> impl Parser<char, MyUnit, Error = Simple<char>> {
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct DFA<State, Action> {
initial: State,
accepting: BTreeSet<State>,
transition: BTreeMap<State, BTreeMap<Action, State>>,
faiface / .rs
Created February 28, 2022 20:20
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
struct DFA<State, Action> {
initial: State,
accepting: BTreeSet<State>,
transition: BTreeMap<State, BTreeMap<Action, State>>,
from fractions import Fraction
from copy import deepcopy
def places():
for r in range(1, 8+1):
for c in range(1, 8+1):
yield (r, c)
def neighbors(b1, b2):
r1, c1 = b1
faiface / .md
Last active January 23, 2020 04:53
Go 2 generics counterproposal: giving up restricting types

Go 2 generics counterproposal: giving up restricting types

"I want to make a generic function which works on any type that satisfies these and these constraints."

When we think about generics, this is the sort of problem that pops up into our minds. The critical part is restricting the set of types our function intends to work on. Trying to solve this problem of restriction has led people to what I call reasons why we hesitate to have generics in Go.

C++ templates with horrific error messages, or even it's new concepts, Java's T extends Comparable<T>, Rust's generic traits, Haskell's type classes, and sadly even contracts from the [original generics proposal by the Go Team](

record Rat =
nom : Int,
den : Int,
func gcd : Int -> Int -> Int =
\a \b
if (zero? b) a;
gcd b (a % b)
func norm : Rat -> Rat =

Problem: the "context" package

More than a year ago, I wrote a blog post titled Context Should Go Away For Go 2 which received a fair amount of support and response. In said blog post, I described reasons why the "context" package is a bad idea because it's too infectious.

As explained in the blog post, the reason why "context" spreads so much and in such an unhealthy fashion is because it solves the problem of cancellation of long-running procedures.

I promised to follow the blog post (which only complained about the problem) with a solution. Considering the recent progress around Go 2, I decided it's the right time to do the follow up now. So, here it is!

Solution: bake cancellation into Go 2