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Created January 10, 2020 11:59
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from fractions import Fraction
from copy import deepcopy
def places():
for r in range(1, 8+1):
for c in range(1, 8+1):
yield (r, c)
def neighbors(b1, b2):
r1, c1 = b1
r2, c2 = b2
if (r1, c1) == (r2, c2):
return False
return abs(r1-r2) <= 1 and abs(c1-c2) <= 1
def transitions():
num_neighbors = {}
for b1 in places():
num_neighbors[b1] = len(list(b2 for b2 in places() if neighbors(b1, b2)))
trans = {}
for b1 in places():
for b2 in places():
if neighbors(b1, b2):
trans[(b1,b2)] = Fraction(1, num_neighbors[b1])
trans[(b1,b2)] = Fraction(0)
return trans
def transition_matrix(trans):
P = []
for b1 in places():
row = []
for b2 in places():
return P
def verify_transition_matrix(P):
n = len(P)
for r in range(n):
row_sum = Fraction(0)
for c in range(n):
row_sum += P[r][c]
assert row_sum == 1, f'every row should sum to 1, but row {r} sums to {row_sum}'
def prepare_for_solving(P):
n = len(P)
# transpose
for r in range(n):
for c in range(r+1, n):
P[r][c], P[c][r] = P[c][r], P[r][c]
# subtract 1 from the diagonal
for r in range(n):
P[r][r] -= 1
# add the results column (zeros)
for r in range(n):
# add the sum-check row (sum of all the results must be 1)
P.append([1 for _ in range(n+1)])
def gaussian_eliminate(P):
def swap_rows(r0, r1):
n = len(P)
for c in range(n):
P[r0][c], P[r1][c] = P[r1][c], P[r0][c]
def multiply_row(r, k):
n = len(P)
for c in range(n):
P[r][c] *= k
def add_row_multiple(r0, r1, k):
n = len(P)
for c in range(n):
P[r1][c] += P[r0][c] * k
n = len(P)
for r in range(n):
if P[r][r] == 0:
for r1 in range(r+1, n):
if P[r1][r] != 0:
swap_rows(r, r1)
multiply_row(r, 1/P[r][r])
for r1 in range(n):
if r == r1:
add_row_multiple(r, r1, -P[r1][r])
def extract_result(P):
n = len(P)-1
return [P[r][n] for r in range(n)]
def multiply(vec, P):
n = len(P)
res = [Fraction(0) for _ in range(n)]
for j in range(n):
for i in range(n):
res[j] += vec[i] * P[i][j]
return res
P = transition_matrix(transitions())
S = deepcopy(P)
result = extract_result(S)
verify = multiply(result, P)
print('result:', ' '.join(map(str, result)))
print('verify:', ' '.join(map(str, verify)))
print('Stationary distribution visualization on the chess board:')
board = [[None for _ in range(8)] for _ in range(8)]
for (i, (r, c)) in enumerate(places()):
board[r-1][c-1] = format(str(result[i]), '>6')
for row in board:
print(' '.join(row))
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