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Last active February 11, 2017 06:04
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A python3.4 script for creating a update manifest for @GoD-Tony's plugin updater
import vdf
import os
import argparse
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
class RemoteToPathFormatter:
def __init__(self, local_root, remote_root):
local_root This Path or string should be replaced by your local root directory.
remote_root This PurePosixPath or string should be put instead of the local root.
self.local_root = Path(local_root)
self.remote_root = PurePosixPath(remote_root)
def format(self, local_directory):
local_directory This directory will have it's local root folder swapped by the remote one.
return self.remote_root.joinpath(PurePosixPath(Path(local_directory).relative_to(self.local_root)))
def strip_local(self, local_directory):
local_directory The directory to strip
return Path(local_directory).relative_to(self.local_root)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Creates an update script for GoD-Tony\'s sourcemod plugin updater.')
parser.add_argument("--sm_path", type=Path, help="The path to the root sourcemod folder that you bundle with your plugin")
parser.add_argument("--version", type=str, help="The current version of the plugin")
parser.add_argument("--mod_path", type=Path, help="The path to the mod root folder", nargs="?")
parser.add_argument("--notes", type=str, help="Notes to add to the update scirpt, usually a brief changelog", nargs="+")
parser.add_argument("--output", type=Path, help="Output file")
args = parser.parse_args()
sm_path = args.sm_path
script = god_tony_update_script(Path(args.sm_path), args.mod_path, list(args.notes), str(args.version))
with open(str(args.output), "w") as fp:
vdf.dump(script.build_vdf(), fp, pretty = True)
class god_tony_update_script:
type_map_SM = {"scripting" : "Source",
None : "Plugin"}
type_map_MOD = {None : "Plugin"}
def __init__(self, sm_path, mod_path, notes, version):
self.sm_formatter = RemoteToPathFormatter(sm_path, "Path_SM")
if mod_path != None:
self.mod_formatter = RemoteToPathFormatter(mod_path, "Path_Mod")
self.mod_formatter = None
self.version = str(version)
self.notes = list()
for note in list(notes):
self.notes += [str(note)]
def get_files(self):
self.files = vdf.VDFDict()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(str(self.sm_formatter.local_root), topdown=True):
root = Path(root)
for file in files:
file = root.joinpath(file)
remote = self.sm_formatter.format(file)
root_file_folder = self.sm_formatter.strip_local(file).parts[0]
_type = self.type_map_SM.get(root_file_folder, self.type_map_SM[None])
self.files[_type] = str(remote)
if self.mod_formatter is not None:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(str(self.mod_formatter.local_root), topdown=True):
root = Path(root)
for file in files:
file = root.joinpath(file)
remote = self.mod_formatter.format(file)
file_path_parts = self.mod_formatter.strip_local(file).parts
root_file_folder = file_path_parts[0]
if root_file_folder != "addons" and file_path_parts.get(1) != "sourcemod": #skip the sm folder
_type = self.type_map_MOD.get(root_file_folder, self.type_map_MOD[None])
self.files[_type] = str(remote)
def build_vdf(self):
root = vdf.VDFDict()
root["Updater"] = vdf.VDFDict({"Information" : vdf.VDFDict({
"Version" : vdf.VDFDict({
"Latest" : str(self.version)})}),
"Files" : self.files})
for note in self.notes:
root["Updater"]["Information"]["Notes"] = note
return root
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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