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Last active December 25, 2016 21:23
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#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <events>
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "0.7"
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Spectator Kill Fix",
author = "fakuivan",
description = "Fixes an exploit related to projectiles and entities not being kill on team switch",
url = ""
public void OnPluginStart()
HookEvent("player_team", Event_OnClientChangeTeam, EventHookMode_Pre);
RegAdminCmd("sm_trigger_distroy_me", Trigger, ADMFLAG_RCON);
char gs_prop_ents[][][] =
{"tf_projectile_energy_ball" , "m_hOwnerEntity"},
{"tf_projectile_rocket" , "m_hOwnerEntity"},
{"tf_projectile_pipe" , "m_hThrower"},
{"tf_projectile_pipe_remote" , "m_hThrower"},
{"obj_sentrygun" , "m_hBuilder"},
{"obj_dispenser" , "m_hBuilder"},
{"obj_teleporter" , "m_hBuilder"}
public Action Trigger(int i_client, int i_args)
CleanParented(i_client, gs_prop_ents, sizeof(gs_prop_ents));
public void Event_OnClientChangeTeam(Event h_event, const char[] s_name, bool b_dontBroadcast)
char s_client_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
int i_userid = GetEventInt(h_event, "userid");
int i_team = GetEventInt(h_event, "team");
int i_old_team = GetEventInt(h_event, "oldteam");
bool b_disconnect = GetEventBool(h_event, "disconnect");
GetEventString(h_event, "name", s_client_name, sizeof(s_client_name));
PrintToServer("[SPECTATOR HOTFIX] Player %N changed team", GetClientOfUserId(i_userid));
if (b_disconnect || i_team == i_old_team)
PrintToServer("[SPECTATOR HOTFIX] Killing player %N's things", GetClientOfUserId(i_userid));
CleanParented(GetClientOfUserId(i_userid), gs_prop_ents, sizeof(gs_prop_ents));
void CleanParented(int i_client, char[][][] s_ent_prop_names, int i_entnum)
int i_entity;
for (int i = 0; i < i_entnum; i++)
while ((i_entity = FindEntityByClassname(i_entity, s_ent_prop_names[i][0])) != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE)
int i_owner = GetEntPropEnt(i_entity, Prop_Send, s_ent_prop_names[i][1]);
if (i_owner == i_client)
AcceptEntityInput(i_entity, "Kill");
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