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Created January 19, 2015 19:20
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Doctrine 2.5-dev getLoadedMetadata() returns entries that arent ClassMetadataInfo
// Loads NewProductCommand into Class Metadata
public function indexAction()
$productCollection = $this->productRepository->findAll();
$response = $this->responseGenerator->okResponse();
'productCollection' => $productCollection,
'newProductForm' => $this->formManager->getFormView(
new NewProductCommandFormType($this->taxRateChoices))
return $response;
// Loads SaveTagCommand into Class Metadata
public function indexAction()
$tagCollection = $this->entityRepository->findAll();
$response = $this->responseGenerator->okResponse();
'tagsCollection' => $tagCollection,
'form' => $this->formManager->getFormView(new SaveTagCommandFormType(), new SaveTagCommand())
return $response;
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