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Francis Avila favila

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(defn- debounce-future
"Returns future that invokes f once wait-until derefs to a timestamp in the past."
[f wait wait-until]
(loop [wait wait]
(Thread/sleep wait)
(let [new-wait (- @wait-until (System/currentTimeMillis))]
(if (pos? new-wait)
(recur new-wait)
favila / zip-partition.clj
Created March 25, 2014 15:49
Lazy Clojure(Script) function to return row-oriented slices of sequential data suitable for display in a table. E.g. [0 1 2 3 4] -> ((0 3)(1 4)(2 nil))
(defn zip-partition
"Return a sequence of length n of sequences of every nth item, each offset
by one. Suitable for building the rows of a table with n columns where the
sequence items flow down columns then rows. Example:
(zip-partition [0 1 2 3 4] 2) -> ((0 4)
(1 nil)
(2 nil)
(3 nil))"
[s n]
(in-ns 'eclj.core)
(defprotocol Fn
:on-interface clojure.lang.Fn
"Marker interface indicating invokeables that are explictly functions")
(defprotocol IFn
:on-interface clojure.lang.IFn
(^{:on :invoke} -invoke
ptaoussanis / transducers.clj
Last active December 17, 2021 13:54
Quick recap/commentary: Clojure transducers
(comment ; Fun with transducers, v2
;; Still haven't found a brief + approachable overview of Clojure 1.7's new
;; transducers in the particular way I would have preferred myself - so here goes:
;;;; Definitions
;; Looking at the `reduce` docstring, we can define a 'reducing-fn' as:
(fn reducing-fn ([]) ([accumulation next-input])) -> new-accumulation
;; (The `[]` arity is actually optional; it's only used when calling
;; `reduce` w/o an init-accumulator).
favila / async-util.clj
Created November 28, 2014 17:06
Some missing pieces of core.async. as-transducer: Make a transducer function easily without Clojure 1.7. go-pipe: async/pipe, but returns the go-loop. fast-pipeline-blocking: faster than async/pipeline-blocking, but unordered results. blocking-consumer: consume a channel with multiple worker threads.
(ns favila.async-util
"Some missing pieces of core.async.
as-transducer: Make a transducer function easily without Clojure 1.7.
go-pipe: async/pipe, but returns the go-loop.
fast-pipeline-blocking: faster than async/pipeline-blocking, but unordered results.
blocking-consumer: consume a channel with multiple worker threads."
(:require [clojure.core.async :as async
:refer [go go-loop <! >! <!! >!! close! take! put! chan]]))
rauhs / humanize-schema-errors.clj
Last active May 27, 2023 05:29
Translate prismatic's schema.core errors to a human readable form. Use this for presenting validation errors to users. Don't use this for programming errors like a missing map key etc.
(ns x.y
(:use [plumbing.core]) ;; Just for the map-vals
(:require [clojure.walk :refer [postwalk prewalk prewalk-demo postwalk-demo]]
[clojure.core.match :refer [match]]
[schema.utils :refer [named-error-explain validation-error-explain]]
[schema.core :as s])
(:import (schema.utils NamedError ValidationError)))
;; Partially FROM:
vvvvalvalval / mock-connection.clj
Last active September 19, 2018 06:09
Mocking datomic.Connection for fast in-memory testing
(ns bs.utils.mock-connection
"Utilities for using Datomic"
(:require [datomic.api :as d])
(:use clojure.repl clojure.pprint)
(:import (java.util.concurrent BlockingQueue LinkedBlockingDeque)
(datomic Connection)))
(defrecord MockConnection
[dbAtom, ^BlockingQueue txQueue]
favila / entity-changes.clj
Last active October 16, 2019 13:14
enity-changes Return transaction history for a datomic entity and its components.
(require '[datomic.api :as d])
(defn entity-changes
"Return transaction history for an entity and its components.
Returns a sequence of maps, each is the transaction map (tx metadata) plus a
key `:entity-changes`, which is a nested map of keys: entity id, attribute
ident, `:db/add` or `:db/retract`, and the value added or retracted, e.g.:
{12345678910 {:long-card-1-attr {:db/retract 1
:db/add 0}
:long-card-many-attr {:db/add #{0}}
ghadishayban / productions.clj
Last active November 20, 2021 00:06
unified generators
;; Example usages at the bottom of the file
(defn productions
"Returns a sequence of values by repeatedly calling `produce!` until it
returns `fin`. The sequence can be used lazily/caching or reducible/non-caching.
The arity-2 variant's `produce!` takes no arguments and returns a value
or the terminator.
Jaretbinford / peermetrics.txt
Created January 18, 2017 13:58
metrics reported from the peer
The Datomic Pro peer can create the following CloudWatch metrics:
-----------------------------------PEER METRICS
| Metric | Units | Statistic | Description |
| AvailableMB | MB | minimum | unused RAM on peer * |