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Veck Hsiao fbukevin

Working from home
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fbukevin /
Created December 27, 2024 00:54 — forked from sean2121/

Ruby Association Certified Ruby Examination Silver Sample Questions

Q1. Which of the following have true values in Ruby? (Choose two.)

  • (a) ""
  • (b) 0
  • (c) false
  • (d) nil

fbukevin / xfyun_ots_demo.js
Last active October 28, 2019 02:21
訊飛科技機器翻譯 WebAPI Node.js Demo
const crypto = require('crypto');
const rq = require('request-promise');
class Translate {
constructor(host) {
// 应用 ID(到控制台获取)
this.APPID = '*******';
// 接口 APIKey(到控制台机器翻译服务页面获取)
this.APIKey = '**************';
// 接口 APISercet(到控制台机器翻译服务页面获取)
fbukevin /
Created March 11, 2019 18:10
Job Post: TensorFlow TPU, Swift for TensorFlow, and ML Compiler Infrastructure Teams

TensorFlow TPU, Swift for TensorFlow, and ML Compiler Infrastructure Teams

Google is an “AI first” company and Google Brain is making major investments to build out infrastructure for existing accelerators such as Cloud TPUs and GPUs as well as the coming wave of “edge” accelerators for mobile, automotive, AIY, and other low-power applications. Our infrastructure is pervasively open-source, and covers all levels of the stack - from compilers and programming languages, to high-performance runtimes, to production ML model development, support for multiple ML frameworks, and includes research on large batch training and other novel applications of these accelerators.

We are looking to hire for a significant number of positions in the areas listed below, including a number of technical leadership and manage

fbukevin /
Created January 22, 2019 08:50 — forked from jlehikoinen/
Swift syntax highlighting for Vim
# Swift syntax highlighting for Vim
# Source:
echo "--- Installing and configuring Pathogen.."
mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle
curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim
echo "execute pathogen#infect()
syntax on
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe TodosController, :type => :controller do
describe "GET #index" do
#describe "POST #create" do
#describe "GET #show" do
#describe "PATCH #update" do (or PUT #update)
#describe "DELETE #destroy" do
#describe "GET #new" do
fbukevin / Dockerfile
Created August 27, 2018 04:33
Use native Node.js module to create an HTTP server and package it to a Docker container
FROM node:10
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . .
CMD [ "node", "server.js" ]
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowUserToSeeBucketListInTheConsole",
"Action": ["s3:ListAllMyBuckets", "s3:GetBucketLocation"],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::*"]
|__ /Adele
|__ /Bob
|__ /David
var TimeTool = {
// _year: '1997',
// _month: '01',
// _date: '01',
// _hour: '00',
// _minute: '00',
// _second: '00',
getTime: ()=>{
var date = new Date();
class TimeTool {
public Date stringToDate(String dateString){
Date date = null;
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
try {
date = sdf.parse(dateString);
} catch(ParseException e) {
return date;