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Forked from tkersey/
Created February 21, 2023 09:34
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[fit] Algebra to

[fit] (Co)monads

$$Cᴮᴬ = (Cᴮ)ᴬ$$

$$Cᴮᴬ = (Cᴮ)ᴬ$$

$$Pair<A,B> → C ≅ A → B → C$$

[fit] Algebraic

[fit] Structures

[fit] Ring-like

[fit] structures

[fit] Group-like

[fit] one binary operation

[fit] Ring-like

[fit] two binary operations,

[fit] often called addition and multiplication,

[fit] with multiplication distributing over addition.

[fit] Lattice-like

[fit] two or more binary operations,

[fit] including operations called meet and join,

[fit] connected by the absorption law

[fit] Module-like

[fit] composite systems involving two sets

[fit] and employing at least two binary operations

[fit] Algebra-like

[fit] composite system defined over two sets,

[fit] a ring R and an R-module M equipped with

[fit] an operation called multiplication

[fit] Group-like

[fit] structures


[fit] Magma


A type with a (closed) binary operation

$$A × A → A$$

protocol Magma {
  static func <> (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self

$$A × A → A$$

interface Magma<A> {
  readonly concat: (x: A, y: A) => A

[fit] Semigroup

[fit] Semigroup

A magma where the operation is associative

$$A × A → A$$

protocol Semigroup: Magma {}

$$A × A → A$$

interface Semigroup<A> extends Magma<A> {}

[fit] Semigroup Law

[fit] Associativity

[fit] Associativity

$$a <> (b <> c) ≅ (a <> b) <> c$$ $$a + (b + c) ≅ (a + b) + c$$ $$a × (b × c) ≅ (a × b) × c$$ $$a → (b → c) ≅ (a → b) → c$$

[fit] Monoid

[fit] Monoid

A semigroup with an identity element

$$A × A + 1 → A$$

protocol Monoid: Semigroup {
  static var empty: Self { get }

$$A × A + 1 → A$$

interface Monoid<A> extends Semigroup<A> {
  readonly empty: A

[fit] Monoid Law

[fit] Identity

[fit] Identity

$$a <> empty = empty <> a = a$$ $$a + empty = empty + a = a$$ $$a × empty = empty × a = a$$

[fit] Monoid

[fit] Examples


struct Sum<A: Numeric>: Monoid {
 let sum: A

  init(_ sum: A) {
    self.sum = sum
  static func <> (lhs: Sum, rhs: Sum) -> Sum {
    self.init(lhs.sum + rhs.sum)
  static var empty: Sum {


const Sum: monoid<number> = {
  empty: 0,
  concat: (u: number, v: number) => u + v


struct Product<A: Numeric>: Monoid {
 let product: A

  init(_ product: A) {
    self.product = product
  static func <> (lhs: Product, rhs: Product) -> Product {
    self.init(lhs.product * rhs.product)
  static var empty: Product {


const Product: monoid<number> = {
  empty: 1,
  concat: (u: number, v: number) => u * v


struct Endo<A>: Monoid {
  let call: (A) -> A

  init(_ call: @escaping (A) -> A) { = call
  static func <> (lhs: Endo<A>, rhs: Endo<A>) -> Endo<A> {
    .init {$0)) }
  static var empty: Endo<A> {
    .init { $0 }


const Endo = <A>(): Monoid<Endo<A>> => ({
  empty: (a) => a,
  concat: (lhs: Endo<A>, rhs: Endo<A>) => rhs(lhs())


struct All: Monoid {
  let bool: Bool

  init(_ bool: Bool) {
    self.bool = bool

  static func <> (lhs: Bool, rhs: Bool) -> Bool {
    .init(lhs.bool && rhs.bool)

  static var empty: Bool {


const All: monoid<boolean> = {
  empty: true,
  concat: (x, y) => x && y


struct Any: Monoid {
  let bool: Bool

  init(_ bool: Bool) {
    self.bool = bool

  static func <> (lhs: Bool, rhs: Bool) -> Bool {
    .init(lhs.bool || rhs.bool)

  static var empty: Bool {


const Any: monoid<boolean> = {
  empty: false,
  concat: (x, y) => x || y


extension Array: Monoid {
  static func <> (lhs: Array, rhs: Array) -> Array {
    lhs + rhs

  static var empty: Array {


const List: monoid<Array<A>> = {
  empty: [],
  concat: (x, y) => x.concat(y)


extension String: Monoid {
  static func <> (lhs: String, rhs: String) -> String {
    lhs + rhs

  static var empty: String {


const String: monoid<string> = {
  empty: '',
  concat: (x, y) => x + y


extension Optional: Monoid where Wrapped: Monoid {
  static func <> (lhs: Optioanl, rhs: Optional) -> Optional {
    switch (lhs, rhs) {
    case (.none, _):
      return rhs
    case (_, .none):
      return lhs
    case let (.some(l), some(r)):
      return .some(l <> r)

  static var empty: Optional {


export interface None {
  readonly _tag: 'None'

export interface Some<A> {
  readonly _tag: 'Some'
  readonly value: A

export type Option<A> = None | Some<A>

export const isSome: <A>(fa: Option<A>) => fa is Some<A> = _.isSome
export const isNone = (fa: Option<unknown>): fa is None => fa._tag === 'None'

export const Maybe = <A>(S: Semigroup<A>): Monoid<Option<A>> => ({
  empty: none,
  concat: (x, y) => (isNone(x) ? y : isNone(y) ? x : some(S.concat(x.value, y.value)))

use cases

performance optimization

reversing a list


reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse [] = []
reverse (a : as) = reverse as ++ [a]

List monoid

instance Monoid [a] where
  mempty = []
  mappend as bs = as ++ bs

Every monoid can be represented by a set of endo-functions.

type DList a = [a] -> [a]
rep :: [a] -> DList a
rep as = \xs -> as ++ xs
unRep :: DList a -> [a]
unRep f = f []
rep [] = id
rep (xs ++ ys) = rep xs . rep ys
rev :: [a] -> DList a
rev [] = rep []
rev (a : as) = rev as . rep [a]


fastReverse :: [a] -> [a]
fastReverse = unRep . rev


protocol Foldable {
  associatedtype A
  associatedtype B

  func foldr(_ folder : (A) -> (B) -> B, _ initial : B) -> B

  func foldl(_ folder : (B) -> (A) -> B, _ initial : B) -> B

  func foldMap<M : Monoid>(_ map : (A) -> M) -> M

Recursion schemes


How the abstract algebra and probabilistic data structures help solve fast versus big data issues that many are struggling with.

autoscale: true

[fit] Algebraic

[fit] Types


Symbols Operations Laws
0, 1, 2, x, y, z +, –, ×, % 0 + x = x


Symbols Operations Laws
Types Type constructors ?
(Void, Int, Bool) (Optional, Either) ?


Symbols Operations Laws
Things Ways to make
new things
Rules the
things follow

[fit] Zero


enum Never {}


type Void = never

[fit] One


struct Unit {}


type Unit = void

[fit] Two


enum Bool {
  case true
  case false


type Bool = False | True

[fit] Three


enum Three {
  case one
  case two
  case three


type Three = One | Two | Three

[fit] Addition

[fit] $$L + R$$


enum Either<L, R> {
  case left(L)
  case right(R)


type Either<L, R> = Left<L> | Right<R>

[fit] How many values of type

[fit] Either<Bool, Three>

[fit] are there?


Either<Bool, Three>


Either<Bool, Three>

[fit] $$+$$ Laws

$$0 + X = X$$

Either<Never,X> ≅ X

$$X + Y = Y + X$$

Either<X,Y> ≅ Either<Y,X>

[fit] Multiplication


struct Pair<First, Second> {
  let first: First
  let second: Second


type Pair<First, Second> = [First, Second]

[fit] How many values of type

[fit] Pair<Bool, Three>

[fit] are there?


Pair<Bool, Three>
Pair(.false, .one)
Pair(.false, .two)
Pair(.false, .three)
Pair(.true, .one)
Pair(.true, .two)
Pair(.true, .three)



[fit] $$×$$ Laws

$$0 × X = 0$$

$$Pair&lt;Never,X&gt; ≅ Never$$

$$1 × X = X$$

$$Pair&lt;Unit,X&gt; ≅ X$$

$$X × Y = Y × X$$

$$Pair&lt;X,Y&gt; ≅ Pair&lt;Y,X&gt;$$

[fit] Exponentiation


struct Reader<R, A> {
  let run: (R) -> A


interface Reader<R, A> {
  (r: R): A

[fit] How many values of type

[fit] BoolThree

[fit] are there?


Set<(Three) -> Bool>
(.false, .false, .false),
(.false, .false, .true),  
(.false, .true,  .true),  
(.false, .true,  .false), 
(.true,  .true,  .true), 
(.true,  .true,  .false), 
(.true,  .false, .false), 
(.true,  .false, .true),

[fit] AR Laws

1A = 1

$$A → Unit ≅ Unit$$

A1 = 1

$$Unit → A ≅ A$$

$$(B × C)ᴬ = Bᴬ × Cᴬ$$

$$A → Pair&lt;B,C&gt; ≅ Pair&lt;A → B, A → C&gt;$$

$$Cᴮᴬ = (Cᴮ)ᴬ$$

$$Pair&lt;A,B&gt; → C ≅ A → B → C$$

[fit] Types

[fit] Algebraically

[fit] Partiality

$$1 + A$$

$$1 + A$$

struct Optional<A> {
  case none
  case some(A)

$$1 + A$$

type Option<A> = None | Some<A>

[fit] Recursive

[fit] Types

[fit] Lists

$$1 + A × List$$

$$1 + A × List$$

enum List<A> {
  case empty
  indirect case cons(A, List<A>)

$$1 + A × List$$

type List<A> = Nil | Cons<Pair<A, List<A>>>

$$List = 1 + A × List$$

$$List = 1 + A × List$$

$$List = 1 + A × (1 + A × List)$$

$$List = 1 + A × List$$

$$List = 1 + A × (1 + A × List)$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) × List$$

$$List = 1 + A × List$$

$$List = 1 + A × (1 + A × List)$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) × List$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) × (1 + A × List)$$

$$List = 1 + A × List$$

$$List = 1 + A × (1 + A × List)$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) × List$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) × (1 + A × List)$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) + (A×A×A) × List$$

$$List = 1 + A × List$$

$$List = 1 + A × (1 + A × List)$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) × List$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) × (1 + A × List)$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) + (A×A×A)× List$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) + (A×A×A) × (1 + A × List)$$

$$List = 1 + A × List$$

$$List = 1 + A × (1 + A × List)$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) × List$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) × (1 + A × List)$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) + (A×A×A)× List$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) + (A×A×A) × (1 + A × List)$$

$$List = 1 + A + (A×A) + (A×A×A) + (A×A×A×A) × List$$


$$List = 1 + A × List$$

$$List = 1 + A × List$$

$$List - A × List = 1$$

$$List = 1 + A × LiSt$$

$$List - A × List = 1$$

$$List × (1 - A) = 1$$

$$List = 1 + A × LiSt$$

$$List - A × List = 1$$

$$List × (1 - A) = 1$$

$$List = 1 / (1 - A)$$

$$List = 1 / (1 - A)$$

List<A> = 1 / (1 - A)
        = 1 + A + A×A + A×A×A + A×A×A×A + ...
        = 1 + A + A² + A³ + A⁴ + ...

[fit] Trees

$$T = 1 + A × T²$$

$$T = 1 + A × T²$$

enum Tree<A> {
  case empty
  indirect case node(A, Pair<Tree<A>, Tree<A>>)

$$T = 1 + A × T²$$

type Tree<A> = Empty | Node<A, Pair<Tree<A>, Tree<A>>>

$$T = 1 + A × T²$$

$$A × T² - T + 1 = 0$$

T<A> = (1 - √1-4A) % 2A

$$T = 1 + A × T²$$

$$A × T² - T + 1 = 0$$

$$1 + A + 2A² + 5A³ + 14A⁴ + ...$$

[fit] Algebraic

[fit] Structures


autoscale: true

[fit] Speed

[fit] Iteration

[fit] Deliver working software in

[fit] small batches of user value

[fit] Quality

[fit] Code Review

[fit] Code Review1

[fit] Pairing

[fit] Sustainable Pace

[fit] Sustainable Pace2

[fit] An unstressed, well rested, not overworked

[fit] team that is happy with its job

[fit] will produce orders of magnitude better quality

[fit] Improvement

[fit] Reflection

[fit] Reflection

[fit] The team will regularly reflect

[fit] on how to become more effective,

[fit] then tune and adjust behavior accordingly


  1. [Intro to Empirical Software Engineering: What We Know We Don't Know]((

  2. Intro to Empirical Software Engineering: What We Know We Don't Know

autoscale: true

[fit] TDD

[fit] $$λ$$-calculus


Syntax Name Description
x Variable A character or string representing a parameter or mathematical/logical value
(λx.M) Abstraction Function definition (M is a lambda term). The variable x becomes bound in the expression
(M N) Application Applying a function to an argument. M and N are lambda terms

[fit] Let's think of a unit test

[fit] like function application

[fit] we'll vary our inputs

[fit] while asserting on our outputs

[fit] Unit test

[fit] Input → Output

[fit] Local reasoning

the idea that the reader can make sense of the code directly in front of them, without going on a journey discovering how the code works.

[fit] Pure

[fit] Functions

[fit] Pure Functions

The function return values are identical for identical arguments

The function application has no side effects

[fit] Curry-Howard-Lambek

[fit] correspondence

[fit] Intuitionistic Logic

[fit] ≅

[fit] Typed Lambda Calculus

[fit] ≅

[fit] Cartesian Closed Categories

[fit] Logic

[fit] ≅

[fit] Types

[fit] ≅

[fit] Categories

[fit] Curry-Howard-Lambek

Logic Types Categories
propositions types objects
proofs terms arrows
proof of proposition A inhabitation of type A arrow f: t → A
implication function type exponential
conjunction product type product
disjunction sum type coproduct
falsity void type (empty) initial object
truth unit type (singleton) terminal object T

[fit] Propositions

[fit] as types

[fit] proofs

[fit] as programs

[fit] normalization of proofs

[fit] as evaluation of programs

[fit] Curry-Howard-Lambek

Logic Types Categories
propositions types objects
proofs terms arrows
proof of proposition A inhabitation of type A arrow f: t → A
implication function type exponential
conjunction product type product
disjunction sum type coproduct
falsity void type (empty) initial object
truth unit type (singleton) terminal object T

[fit] implication

[fit] a → b

[fit] if a then b

[fit] Tagged

type Dollars = number & { readonly __tag: unique symbol };

[fit] Scoping

[fit] The extent of the area or subject matter

[fit] that something deals with or to which it is relevant.

[fit] Total Functions

Just another name for a regular function to make it clear that it is defined for all elements of its input.

head :: [a] -> a

safehead :: [a] -> Maybe a

type NonEmptyArray<T> = [T, ...T[]];

[fit] Make impossible

[fit] states impossible

[fit] Functions with side effects

A function that has an observable effect besides returning a value.

interface Writer<W, A> {
  (): [A, W]

[fit] Architecture

[fit] UI is a function of state

UI = fn(state)

[fit] Model–view–viewmodel (MVVM)

[fit] Moore machine

a finite-state machine whose output values are determined only by its current state.

[fit] elm

[fit] Redux

[fit] Janus

[fit] The Composable

[fit] Architecture

[fit] Property tests

[fit] Galaxy brain

[fit] Dependent types

[fit] Write tests

[fit] Thank you for

[fit] attending my Tim Talk

[fit] Write txxxs

[fit] Feed

[fit] back

[fit] Write fewer

[fit] Runtime tests

^ Possibly fewer tests ^ Will show techniques to reduce the scope of what needs to be runtime tested ^ In some cases for things are hard to or nearly impossible to test otherwise

[fit] Write more

[fit] Compile-time

[fit] types

^ Types can be a form of testing, proving that the code does what you think it does

[fit] Rule of least power




[fit] Parse, don't validate




[fit] Make impossible

[fit] states impossible

[fit] Correspondence

^ A direct relationship between computer programs and mathematical proofs ^ Pictures and bios of Curry and Howard ^ Give a little explaination of your passion for mathematical thinking

[fit] Intuitionistic Logic

[fit] ≅

[fit] Typed Lambda Calculus

[fit] Logic

[fit] ≅

[fit] Types

[fit] Curry-Howard

Logic Types
propositions types
proofs terms
proof of proposition A inhabitation of type A
implication function type
conjunction product type
disjunction sum type
falsity void type (empty)
truth unit type (singleton)

[fit] Propositions

[fit] as types

[fit] proofs

[fit] as programs

[fit] normalization of proofs

[fit] as evaluation of programs

[fit] Curry-Howard

Logic Types
propositions types
proofs terms
proof of proposition A inhabitation of type A
implication function type
conjunction product type
disjunction sum type
falsity void type (empty)
truth unit type (singleton)
^ It's enough to have an instance (inhabitant) of a type to prove it

[fit] Curry-Howard

Logic Types
propositions types
proofs terms
proof of proposition A inhabitation of type A
implication function type
conjunction product type
disjunction sum type
falsity void type (empty)
truth unit type (singleton)

[fit] implication

[fit] a → b

[fit] if a then b

[fit] Rule of least power

[fit] Parse, don't validate

[fit] Parsing?

[fit] Turning nebulous data

[fit] into structured data

const head = (i: Array<a>): a = {...}

const head = (i: Array<a>): Maybe<a> = {...}

export interface None {
  readonly _tag: 'None'

export interface Some<A> {
  readonly _tag: 'Some'
  readonly value: A

export type Maybe<A> = None | Some<A>

[fit] Make impossible states impossible

[fit] Red, Green, Refactor

[fit] Red, Green, Refactor

| Red | Green | Refactor | | Types | Implementation | Refactor |

[fit] Type Driven Development?

[fit] Pragmatism

[fit] Notes

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