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jacobandresen / mod_proxy geoserver
Created June 2, 2011 15:53
mod_proxy geoserver
ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPass /geoserver http://localhost:8080/geoserver
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyStatus On
stepankuzmin / feature-grid.js
Created November 23, 2011 10:28
Mapping with OpenLayers and GeoExt
OpenLayers.IMAGE_RELOAD_ATTEMPTS = 5; // How many times should we try to reload an image before giving up?
OpenLayers.ImgPath = "";
var mapPanel, store, gridPanel, mainPanel;
Ext.onReady(function() {
var map = new OpenLayers.Map('', {
controls: [],
projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"),
units: "m",
tmshv / classify_point.js
Created August 6, 2012 14:30
Определение положения точки относительно направленного отрезка прямой линии
* define type of point relativly line
* point: {x:[number], y:[number]}
* line:
first:{x:[number], y:[number]},
second:{x:[number], y:[number]}
function classify(point, line) {
tmcw /
Last active April 3, 2024 06:18
The difference between XYZ and TMS tiles and how to convert between them

The difference between XYZ and TMS tiles and how to convert between them

Lots of tile-based maps use either the XYZ or TMS scheme. These are the maps that have tiles ending in /0/0/0.png or something. Sometimes if it's a script, it'll look like &z=0&y=0&x=0 instead. Anyway, these are usually maps in Spherical Mercator.

Good examples are OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, MapBox, MapQuest, etc. Lots of maps.

Most of those are in XYZ. The best documentation for that is slippy map tilenames on the OSM Wiki, and Klokan's Tiles a la Google.

miguelgrinberg /
Last active March 29, 2024 09:05
The code from my article on building RESTful web services with Python and the Flask microframework. See the article here:
from flask import Flask, jsonify, abort, request, make_response, url_for
from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth
app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path = "")
auth = HTTPBasicAuth()
def get_password(username):
if username == 'miguel':
arjendk /
Last active May 20, 2021 13:33
Installing CartoDB on Ubuntu Server 12.04
brenopolanski /
Last active June 14, 2019 04:02
How to Install Indicator Synapse (Spotlight Alternative) on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or Linux Mint 17

Indicator Synapse is a Spotlight Alternative, developed by Tom Beckmann.


How to Install Indicator Synapse (Spotlight Alternative) on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or Linux Mint 17 run this commands in terminal:

$ [sudo] add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/apps
$ [sudo] apt-get update
$ [sudo] apt-get install indicator-synapse
mbiette /
Created September 24, 2015 17:44
Simple python script to send an email with a csv attached
# coding=utf-8
__author__ = 'Maxime Biette'
conf = {
'from': '',
'to': '',
'server': '',
'port': '587',
'tls': 'yes',
'login': '',
-- CREATE test tables
CREATE TABLE label_point (
gid serial NOT NULL,
geom geometry(point, 3857),
label_sample varchar(255),
NikolayS / gist:1bbc624dfc088be6f15c
Last active July 23, 2023 16:51
Oracle's attempt to protect its place on the Russian market of database systems (RU + EN)
(документ, упоминаемый в статье Ведомостей
Почему PostgreSQL не является аналогом СУБД Oracle
С 1 января 2016 года в России вступает в действие постановление РФ "Об установлении запрета на допуск
Программного обеспечения, происходящего из иностранных государств, для целей осуществления закупок для обеспечения
государственных и муниципальных нужд". В соответствии с этим постановлением 1 января 2016 года формируется
реестр российского программного обеспечения (ПО)и госорганизации могут покупать ПО иностранных фирм