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flamendless flamendless

Focusing on Game Development and University
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1bardesign / dialogue.lua
Created June 12, 2019 02:32
example dialogue system for love2d based on coroutines - runnable love file prepared here:
--dialogue type
local dialogue = {}
dialogue._mt = {
__index = dialogue,
function dialogue:new(f)
return setmetatable({
-- these have to be sorted by longest first
local keywords = {
local symbols = {
-- Generate Normal Map
-- It works only for RGB color mode.
if app.apiVersion < 1 then
return app.alert("This script requires Aseprite v1.2.10-beta3")
1bardesign / main.lua
Created November 13, 2018 00:10
example use
local recolour = require("recolour")
--we want to recolour this asset image
local to_recolour = love.image.newImageData("path/to/image.png")
--using this palette image
local palette = love.image.newImageData("path/to/palette.png")