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Last active June 27, 2017 14:33
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More democracy
- Elections (for public offices, yes, but what kinds? Eg I don't really want elected judges or elected bureaucrats)
- Reasonably frequent elections
- Biproportional allotment, as close to PR as possible etc
- Clean elections
- Public funding
- Automatic enrollment
- Auditable results
- Private voting
- No gerrymandering
- No rotten boroughs
- No voter suppression or voter intimidation
- Freedom of conscience (eg you cannot be penalised for how you vote)
- Some kind of Bill of Human Rights or etc which can't be waived by elected officials
- The Franchise must extend to all citizens and permanent residents of their majority, regardless of other factors eg no wealth/property requirements, not limited by race or gender, no felony disenfranchisement etc.
Labour laws
- More labour protection
- Workers rights
- Unionisation (except for police and managers - no unions for them)
- Push towards worker coops
Anticorruption Laws
- America put a number of thesee into place (RICO, The Hatch Act etc) as part of internal cleanups, and then even more (Eg the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) in place as part of the propaganda war during the Cold War. These have fallen out of fashion in America, but while they lasted they were actually quite good.
Antitrust/Competition laws
Human rights
The Rights of the Child
Abolishment of Prisons
Wealth tax
Company law and Tax law
- Simplification and streamlining
- Fewer loopholes
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