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tykurtz /
Last active December 25, 2024 15:31
Grokking the coding interview equivalent leetcode problems


I liked the way Grokking the coding interview organized problems into learnable patterns. However, the course is expensive and the majority of the time the problems are copy-pasted from leetcode. As the explanations on leetcode are usually just as good, the course really boils down to being a glorified curated list of leetcode problems.

So below I made a list of leetcode problems that are as close to grokking problems as possible.

Pattern: Sliding Window

# Luke's config for the Zoomer Shell
# Enable colors and change prompt:
autoload -U colors && colors
PS1="%B%{$fg[red]%}[%{$fg[yellow]%}%n%{$fg[green]%}@%{$fg[blue]%}%M %{$fg[magenta]%}%~%{$fg[red]%}]%{$reset_color%}$%b "
# History in cache directory:
ganapativs / iTerm2 + oh-my-zsh + Pure theme + zsh plugins
Last active December 19, 2024 22:33
iTerm2 + oh-my-zsh + Pure theme + zsh plugins setup
akehrer / sqlite_to_json.sql
Created January 9, 2018 19:58
SQLite Results as JSON using the SQLite JSON1 extension
-- When SQLite is compiled with the JSON1 extensions it provides builtin tools
-- for manipulating JSON data stored in the database.
-- This is a gist showing SQLite return query data as a JSON object.
-- An example table with some data
full_name TEXT NOT NULL,
primaryobjects /
Last active December 21, 2024 07:36
How to download m3u8 and ts video movie streams.

m3u8 Downloading

  1. Open Chrome Developer tools and click the Network tab.
  2. Navigate to the page with the video and get it to start playing.
  3. Filter the list of files to "m3u8".
  4. Find master.m3u8 or index.m3u8 and click on it.
  5. Save the file to disk and look inside it.
  6. If the file contains a single m3u8 master url, copy that one instead.
  7. Run the program m3u8x.
  8. Paste the same m3u8 url in both textboxes (URL and Quality URL) and click "Headers" and set the referral url and user-agent from the request as found in Chrome.
tomsing1 /
Last active June 19, 2024 21:52
First steps with the Luigi workflow manager

First steps with the Luigi workflow manager

As an introduction into Luigi, I am following this tutorial with some modifications, e.g. installation using conda.

The problems and solutions described in the examples below have led to the development of sciluigi,

sketchytech / TimeDate.swift
Created November 14, 2016 10:11
Swift 3: Time and Date
import UIKit
// see here for details about date formatter
func time()->(h:Int,m:Int,s:Int) {
let formatStrings = ["hh","mm","ss"]
var hms = [Int]()
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
let date = Date()
ttscoff / dontforget.bash
Last active August 11, 2024 20:05
Quick reminders from Terminal (bash)
# dontforget
# A stupid script for short term reminders in bash
# Arguments just need to contain a number and a bunch of words.
# The number can be anywhere in the arguments, but there shouldn't
# be any other numeric digits.
tsl0922 / .tmux.conf
Last active December 5, 2024 08:54
vim style tmux config
# vim style tmux config
# use C-a, since it's on the home row and easier to hit than C-b
set-option -g prefix C-a
unbind-key C-a
bind-key C-a send-prefix
set -g base-index 1
# Easy config reload
bind-key R source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display-message "tmux.conf reloaded."
natelandau / .bash_profile
Last active November 10, 2024 21:53
Mac OSX Bash Profile
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description: This file holds all my BASH configurations and aliases
# Sections:
# 1. Environment Configuration
# 2. Make Terminal Better (remapping defaults and adding functionality)
# 3. File and Folder Management
# 4. Searching
# 5. Process Management