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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Counterclockwise Plugin script for adding ANSI escape code support in REPL view.
;; CounterClockWiwe plugin for adding ANSI escape code support to REPLs.
;; To enable its functionality install the ANSI console plugin found at:
;; See CCW user documentation for details on plugin installation:
;; See also:
;; Latest version at
;; Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
;; Copyright (c) 2014 François Rey
(ns ansi-repl
(:require [ccw.bundle :as bundle]
[ccw.core.factories :as factories]
[ccw.e4.dsl :refer :all]
[ccw.eclipse :as eclipse]
[ccw.repl.view-helpers :as view-helpers])
[ccw.repl REPLView]
[org.eclipse.ui PlatformUI IPartListener]
[org.eclipse.swt.custom StyledText ST]
;; logging to eclipse log
(defn log [& m]
;; Comment out the line below when logging is no longer necessary.
;; Logging is useful for developing, but can be annoying because
;; it brings to the foreground the Error Log view.
;(CCWPlugin/log (str "ANSI-REPL: " (apply str m)))
;; The following methods use reflection otherwise clojure
;; compilation will fail without the ansi console plugin.
(def ansi-console-bundle (bundle/bundle "net.mihai-nita.ansicon.plugin"))
(declare make-ansi-listener)
(if (bundle/available? ansi-console-bundle)
(def make-ansi-listener
(factories/make-factory ansi-console-bundle "mnita.ansiconsole.participants.AnsiConsoleStyleListener" [])))
;; Plugin state that survives plugin reload.
;; Used to make sure we're not adding new listeners when one
;; is already present, otherwise reloading the plugin keeps
;; adding new listeners.
;; No need for an atom if only accessed from the UI thread.
(defonce state {:installed false :part-listener nil :repls {}})
(defn installed? []
(:installed state))
(defn flag-installed []
(alter-var-root #'state assoc :installed true))
(defn flag-uninstalled []
(alter-var-root #'state assoc :installed false))
(defn repl-names-where-installed []
"Returns a possibly empty list of REPL names where ANSI support is installed."
(doall (map #(.getPartName %) (keys (:repls state)))))
(defn status-msg []
(if (bundle/available? ansi-console-bundle)
(if (installed?)
(if-let [rn (seq (repl-names-where-installed))]
(str "ANSI support installed on these REPLs: \n"
(apply str (map #(str " - " % \newline) rn)))
(str "ANSI support installed, but there's no REPL."))
"ANSI support disabled.")
(if ansi-console-bundle
(str "ANSI support disabled: ANSI Console bundle in state " (.getState ansi-console-bundle))
"ANSI support disabled: ANSI Console bundle not found!")))
;; StyleListener functions
(defn redraw [^StyledText st]
(if-not (. st (isDisposed))
(.redrawRange st 0 (.getCharCount st) true)))
(defn remove-style-listener [^REPLView rv]
;(log (str "removing ansi listener for " (.getPartName rv)))
(let [^StyledText st (.logPanel rv)
sl (get-in state [:repls rv :listener])]
(when sl
(if-not (. st (isDisposed)) (.removeLineStyleListener st sl))
(alter-var-root #'state update-in [:repls rv] dissoc :listener)
(log (str "removed listener for " (.getPartName rv)))
(view-helpers/ui-async (redraw st)))))
(defn add-style-listener [^REPLView rv]
(let [^StyledText st (.logPanel rv)]
(when (get-in state [:repls rv :listener])
(log (str "replacing existing listener for " (.getPartName rv)))
(remove-style-listener rv))
(let [sl (make-ansi-listener)]
(log (str "adding listener to " (.getPartName rv)))
(.addLineStyleListener st sl)
(alter-var-root #'state assoc-in [:repls rv :listener] sl)
(view-helpers/ui-async (redraw st)))))
;; REPL Toolbar toggle button
(when ansi-console-bundle
(def icon-enabled-descriptor
(ImageDescriptor/createFromURL (.getEntry ansi-console-bundle "/icons/ansiconsole.gif"))))
(def ansi-action-id "toggle-ansi-support")
(defn remove-toolbar-action [^REPLView rv]
(when-let [action (get-in state [:repls rv :action])]
(.. rv getViewSite getActionBars getToolBarManager (remove ansi-action-id))
(alter-var-root #'state update-in [:repls rv] dissoc :action)
(log (str "removed toolbar button from " (.getPartName rv)))))
(defn add-toolbar-action [^REPLView rv]
(when (get-in state [:repls rv :action])
(log (str "replacing toolbar button on " (.getPartName rv)))
(remove-toolbar-action rv))
(let [action (proxy [Action] ["Process ANSI escape code" Action/AS_CHECK_BOX]
(run []
(if (.isChecked (get-in state [:repls rv :action]))
(add-style-listener rv)
(remove-style-listener rv))))]
(doto action
(.setToolTipText "Process ANSI escape code")
(.setImageDescriptor icon-enabled-descriptor)
(.setId ansi-action-id))
(log (str "adding toolbar button on " (.getPartName rv)))
(.. rv getViewSite getActionBars getToolBarManager (add action))
(.. rv getViewSite getActionBars getToolBarManager (update true))
;; In a proxy there's no easy way to emulate the self-reference (this)
;; so we keep a record of the action for a given repl.
(alter-var-root #'state assoc-in [:repls rv :action] action)))
;; Install/uninstall on a given REPL
(defn install-on [^REPLView rv]
(if (bundle/available? ansi-console-bundle)
(if (installed?)
(add-toolbar-action rv)
(log (str "can't install on " (.getPartName rv) ":\n" (status-msg))))
(log (str "can't install on " (.getPartName rv) ":\n" (status-msg)))))
(defn uninstall-from [^REPLView rv]
(remove-toolbar-action rv)
(remove-style-listener rv)
(alter-var-root #'state update-in [:repls] dissoc rv))
;; PartListener functions
;; Note: SWT listener methods are invoked by the UI thread.
(defn make-part-listener []
;(log "creating part listener")
(partOpened [this p] (if (instance? REPLView p) (install-on p)))
(partClosed [this p] (if (instance? REPLView p) (uninstall-from p)))
(partActivated [this p] ())
(partBroughtToTop [this p] ())
(partDeactivated [this p] ())))
(defn remove-part-listener []
;(log (str "removing part listener"))
(when-let [^IPartListener pl (:part-listener state)]
(log (str "removing part listener " pl))
(.. PlatformUI
(removePartListener pl))
(alter-var-root #'state dissoc :part-listener)))
(defn add-part-listener []
(if (bundle/available? ansi-console-bundle)
;; adding part listener
(let [^IPartListener pl (make-part-listener)]
(log (str "adding part listener"))
(.. PlatformUI
(addPartListener pl))
(alter-var-root #'state assoc :part-listener pl)))
(log "Cannot add part listener: ANSI Console plugin no longer available?")))
;; Install/Uninstall ansi support
(defn install []
(log "installing ANSI REPL")
(when (and (bundle/available? ansi-console-bundle) (not (installed?)))
;; install a part listener for handling future REPLs
;; handle existing REPLs
(->> (CCWPlugin/getREPLViews)
;(map #(do (log (str "found " (.getPartName %))) %))
(filter #(if-let [rvl (.getLaunch %)] (not (.isTerminated rvl))))
(map #(install-on %))
(log (status-msg)))
(defn uninstall []
(log "disabling ANSI REPL")
;; install a part listener for handling future REPLs
;; handle existing REPLs
(doall (map #(remove-style-listener %) (keys (:repls state))))
;; mark as uninstalled
(log (status-msg))
;; Define eclipse key binding
(defn display-status [context]
(eclipse/info-dialog "ANSI REPL" (status-msg)))
(defcommand ansi-repl-status "ANSI REPL: display status")
(defhandler ansi-repl-status display-status)
(defkeybinding ansi-repl-status "Alt+U A")
;; Install upon starting the plugin
(view-helpers/ui-async (install))
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fmjrey commented Apr 5, 2014

This CCW plugin requires CCW and ANSI Console to be installed in your eclipse installation.
Install this file as indicated in CCW documentation.
To see this plugin in action, you may want to install pretty support in your lein profile.clj as explained in this blog post.
The downside of this plugin at present is that we loose syntax coloring of code, see issue 629.

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fmjrey commented Apr 12, 2014

The lastest version of this plugin now adds a button on the REPL toolbar to enable/disable ANSI escape code processing.
Changes in CCW pull request #30 will make it possible to preserve normal CCW formatting when disabling ANSI support.

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Hi, for the record, I reworked both your ccw contribution, and integrated it, and also this plugin, which is, in its fixed version (some issues with listeners orderings), in the more visible place:

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