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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save fmjrey/9889500 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Counterclockwise Plugin script for adding ANSI escape code support in REPL view.
;; CounterClockWiwe plugin for adding ANSI escape code support to REPLs.
;; To enable its functionality install the ANSI console plugin found at:
;; See CCW user documentation for details on plugin installation:
;; See also:
;; Latest version at
;; Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
;; Copyright (c) 2014 François Rey
(ns ansi-repl
(:require [ccw.bundle :as bundle]
[ccw.core.factories :as factories]
[ccw.e4.dsl :refer :all]
[ccw.eclipse :as eclipse]
[ccw.repl.view-helpers :as view-helpers])
[ccw.repl REPLView]
[org.eclipse.ui PlatformUI IPartListener]
[org.eclipse.swt.custom StyledText ST]
;; logging to eclipse log
(defn log [& m]
;; Comment out the line below when logging is no longer necessary.
;; Logging is useful for developing, but can be annoying because
;; it brings to the foreground the Error Log view.
;(CCWPlugin/log (str "ANSI-REPL: " (apply str m)))
;; The following methods use reflection otherwise clojure
;; compilation will fail without the ansi console plugin.
(def ansi-console-bundle (bundle/bundle "net.mihai-nita.ansicon.plugin"))
(declare make-ansi-listener)
(if (bundle/available? ansi-console-bundle)
(def make-ansi-listener
(factories/make-factory ansi-console-bundle "mnita.ansiconsole.participants.AnsiConsoleStyleListener" [])))
;; Plugin state that survives plugin reload.
;; Used to make sure we're not adding new listeners when one
;; is already present, otherwise reloading the plugin keeps
;; adding new listeners.
;; No need for an atom if only accessed from the UI thread.
(defonce state {:installed false :part-listener nil :repls {}})
(defn installed? []
(:installed state))
(defn flag-installed []
(alter-var-root #'state assoc :installed true))
(defn flag-uninstalled []
(alter-var-root #'state assoc :installed false))
(defn repl-names-where-installed []
"Returns a possibly empty list of REPL names where ANSI support is installed."
(doall (map #(.getPartName %) (keys (:repls state)))))
(defn status-msg []
(if (bundle/available? ansi-console-bundle)
(if (installed?)
(if-let [rn (seq (repl-names-where-installed))]
(str "ANSI support installed on these REPLs: \n"
(apply str (map #(str " - " % \newline) rn)))
(str "ANSI support installed, but there's no REPL."))
"ANSI support disabled.")
(if ansi-console-bundle
(str "ANSI support disabled: ANSI Console bundle in state " (.getState ansi-console-bundle))
"ANSI support disabled: ANSI Console bundle not found!")))
;; StyleListener functions
(defn redraw [^StyledText st]
(if-not (. st (isDisposed))
(.redrawRange st 0 (.getCharCount st) true)))
(defn remove-style-listener [^REPLView rv]
;(log (str "removing ansi listener for " (.getPartName rv)))
(let [^StyledText st (.logPanel rv)
sl (get-in state [:repls rv :listener])]
(when sl
(if-not (. st (isDisposed)) (.removeLineStyleListener st sl))
(alter-var-root #'state update-in [:repls rv] dissoc :listener)
(log (str "removed listener for " (.getPartName rv)))
(view-helpers/ui-async (redraw st)))))
(defn add-style-listener [^REPLView rv]
(let [^StyledText st (.logPanel rv)]
(when (get-in state [:repls rv :listener])
(log (str "replacing existing listener for " (.getPartName rv)))
(remove-style-listener rv))
(let [sl (make-ansi-listener)]
(log (str "adding listener to " (.getPartName rv)))
(.addLineStyleListener st sl)
(alter-var-root #'state assoc-in [:repls rv :listener] sl)
(view-helpers/ui-async (redraw st)))))
;; REPL Toolbar toggle button
(when ansi-console-bundle
(def icon-enabled-descriptor
(ImageDescriptor/createFromURL (.getEntry ansi-console-bundle "/icons/ansiconsole.gif"))))
(def ansi-action-id "toggle-ansi-support")
(defn remove-toolbar-action [^REPLView rv]
(when-let [action (get-in state [:repls rv :action])]
(.. rv getViewSite getActionBars getToolBarManager (remove ansi-action-id))
(alter-var-root #'state update-in [:repls rv] dissoc :action)
(log (str "removed toolbar button from " (.getPartName rv)))))
(defn add-toolbar-action [^REPLView rv]
(when (get-in state [:repls rv :action])
(log (str "replacing toolbar button on " (.getPartName rv)))
(remove-toolbar-action rv))
(let [action (proxy [Action] ["Process ANSI escape code" Action/AS_CHECK_BOX]
(run []
(if (.isChecked (get-in state [:repls rv :action]))
(add-style-listener rv)
(remove-style-listener rv))))]
(doto action
(.setToolTipText "Process ANSI escape code")
(.setImageDescriptor icon-enabled-descriptor)
(.setId ansi-action-id))
(log (str "adding toolbar button on " (.getPartName rv)))
(.. rv getViewSite getActionBars getToolBarManager (add action))
(.. rv getViewSite getActionBars getToolBarManager (update true))
;; In a proxy there's no easy way to emulate the self-reference (this)
;; so we keep a record of the action for a given repl.
(alter-var-root #'state assoc-in [:repls rv :action] action)))
;; Install/uninstall on a given REPL
(defn install-on [^REPLView rv]
(if (bundle/available? ansi-console-bundle)
(if (installed?)
(add-toolbar-action rv)
(log (str "can't install on " (.getPartName rv) ":\n" (status-msg))))
(log (str "can't install on " (.getPartName rv) ":\n" (status-msg)))))
(defn uninstall-from [^REPLView rv]
(remove-toolbar-action rv)
(remove-style-listener rv)
(alter-var-root #'state update-in [:repls] dissoc rv))
;; PartListener functions
;; Note: SWT listener methods are invoked by the UI thread.
(defn make-part-listener []
;(log "creating part listener")
(partOpened [this p] (if (instance? REPLView p) (install-on p)))
(partClosed [this p] (if (instance? REPLView p) (uninstall-from p)))
(partActivated [this p] ())
(partBroughtToTop [this p] ())
(partDeactivated [this p] ())))
(defn remove-part-listener []
;(log (str "removing part listener"))
(when-let [^IPartListener pl (:part-listener state)]
(log (str "removing part listener " pl))
(.. PlatformUI
(removePartListener pl))
(alter-var-root #'state dissoc :part-listener)))
(defn add-part-listener []
(if (bundle/available? ansi-console-bundle)
;; adding part listener
(let [^IPartListener pl (make-part-listener)]
(log (str "adding part listener"))
(.. PlatformUI
(addPartListener pl))
(alter-var-root #'state assoc :part-listener pl)))
(log "Cannot add part listener: ANSI Console plugin no longer available?")))
;; Install/Uninstall ansi support
(defn install []
(log "installing ANSI REPL")
(when (and (bundle/available? ansi-console-bundle) (not (installed?)))
;; install a part listener for handling future REPLs
;; handle existing REPLs
(->> (CCWPlugin/getREPLViews)
;(map #(do (log (str "found " (.getPartName %))) %))
(filter #(if-let [rvl (.getLaunch %)] (not (.isTerminated rvl))))
(map #(install-on %))
(log (status-msg)))
(defn uninstall []
(log "disabling ANSI REPL")
;; install a part listener for handling future REPLs
;; handle existing REPLs
(doall (map #(remove-style-listener %) (keys (:repls state))))
;; mark as uninstalled
(log (status-msg))
;; Define eclipse key binding
(defn display-status [context]
(eclipse/info-dialog "ANSI REPL" (status-msg)))
(defcommand ansi-repl-status "ANSI REPL: display status")
(defhandler ansi-repl-status display-status)
(defkeybinding ansi-repl-status "Alt+U A")
;; Install upon starting the plugin
(view-helpers/ui-async (install))
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fmjrey commented Apr 12, 2014

The lastest version of this plugin now adds a button on the REPL toolbar to enable/disable ANSI escape code processing.
Changes in CCW pull request #30 will make it possible to preserve normal CCW formatting when disabling ANSI support.

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Hi, for the record, I reworked both your ccw contribution, and integrated it, and also this plugin, which is, in its fixed version (some issues with listeners orderings), in the more visible place:

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