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Created March 4, 2018 07:32
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"profiles": [
"devices": [
"disable_built_in_keyboard_if_exists": false,
"identifiers": {
"is_keyboard": true,
"is_pointing_device": false,
"product_id": 4871,
"vendor_id": 65261
"ignore": true
"disable_built_in_keyboard_if_exists": false,
"identifiers": {
"is_keyboard": true,
"is_pointing_device": false,
"product_id": 657,
"vendor_id": 1452
"ignore": false
"fn_function_keys": {
"f1": "vk_consumer_brightness_down",
"f10": "mute",
"f11": "volume_down",
"f12": "volume_up",
"f2": "vk_consumer_brightness_up",
"f3": "vk_mission_control",
"f4": "vk_launchpad",
"f5": "vk_consumer_illumination_down",
"f6": "vk_consumer_illumination_up",
"f7": "vk_consumer_previous",
"f8": "vk_consumer_play",
"f9": "vk_consumer_next"
"name": "Default profile",
"selected": true,
"simple_modifications": {
"a": "a",
"b": "x",
"backslash": "backslash",
"c": "j",
"caps_lock": "left_control",
"close_bracket": "equal_sign",
"comma": "w",
"d": "e",
"e": "period",
"equal_sign": "close_bracket",
"f": "u",
"g": "i",
"h": "d",
"hyphen": "open_bracket",
"i": "c",
"j": "h",
"k": "t",
"l": "n",
"m": "m",
"n": "b",
"o": "r",
"open_bracket": "slash",
"p": "l",
"period": "v",
"q": "quote",
"quote": "hyphen",
"r": "p",
"s": "o",
"semicolon": "s",
"slash": "z",
"t": "y",
"u": "g",
"v": "k",
"w": "comma",
"x": "q",
"y": "f",
"z": "semicolon"
"virtual_hid_keyboard": {
"keyboard_type": "ansi"
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