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Created July 31, 2022 10:57
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import os
import subprocess
import serial
import as lp
from import *
from amaranth_boards.resources import *
from amaranth.vendor.lattice_ice40 import LatticeICE40Platform
__all__ = ["IceLogicBusPlatform"]
class PortNotFound(Exception):
# Pinout definitions
INT =" J11" #also ILB Blue LED pin
RX = " K7"
RX = " K7"
TX = " L7"
SPI = " K9 J9 L10 L7" #si,so, sck,ss
QSPIDATA = " J9 K9 K6 L5"
QSPICK = " L10"
QSPICS = " K10"
QSPIDR = " J11"
HYPERBUSDATA = " K3 K4 L1 K5 J3 L3 L4 J5"
HYPERBUSCS = " J2 K2" # HyperRam,Flash
TILE1 = " F1 F2 F4 F3 G1 G2 G3 H3 H1 H2 J1 K1" #C
TILE2 = " K11 H10 J10 G8 H11 G10 D9 E11 G9 G11 F10 F9" #G
TILE3 = " B1 B2 C4 C3 C2 C1 E1 D1 D2 D3 E2 E3" #B
TILE4 = " A9 C8 A8 C7 A6 A5 A2 A3 F11 E9 E10 E8" #F
BLADE1 = " K7 L7 J7 H7 L8 J8"
BLADE2 = " B3 A1 A4 B4 B5 D5"
BLADE3 = " D7 B6 A7 B8 B9 C9"
BLADE4 = " D10 D11 C11 B11 A11 A10"
PMOD1A = " F1 F4 G1 G3 - -"
PMOD1B = " F2 F3 G2 H3 - -"
PMOD2A = " H1 J1 B1 C4 - -"
PMOD2B = " H2 K1 B2 C3 - -"
PMOD3A = " C2 E1 D2 E2 - -"
PMOD3B = " C1 D1 D3 E3 - -"
PMOD4A = " A9 A8 A6 A2 - -"
PMOD4B = " C8 C7 A5 A3 - -"
PMOD5A = " F11 E10 K11 J10 - -"
PMOD5B = " E9 E8 H10 G8 - -"
PMOD6A = " H11 D9 G9 F10 - -"
PMOD6B = " G10 E11 G11 F9 - -"
# USER = " J11 B6 D7 B7"
# SUPER = " B4 A4 A1 B3 _ _ _ _"
GENPINS = " - - - - - - - -"
# QSPIE = " J8 H7 K7 L8 H9 L7 J7" # qdo,qd1,qd2,qd3,qck,qss,qdr
# TILE2 = " D10 D11 B11 C11 A10 A11 C9 B9 A7 B8 D5 B5"
MEZZA = " L1 J3 L2 K3 L3 J4 K4 L4 J5 K5 K6 - - - - - - - - - - -" # Rx,Tx, DQ2,DQ4,DQK,DQ0,DQ5,DQR,DQ1,DQ6,DQ7,DQ3,DS0
MEZZB = " L10 - J9 K9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"
# IceLogicDeck :
class IceLogicBusPlatform(LatticeICE40Platform):
upload_port = None
device = "iCE40HX4K"
package = "BG121"
default_clk = "clk25"
resources = [
Resource("clk25", 0, Pins("B7", dir="i"),
Clock(25e6), Attrs(GLOBAL=True, IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS")
# led
Resource("led", 0, Pins(INT, dir="o", invert=True),
Resource("int", 0, Pins(INT, dir="o", invert=True),
Resource("tx", 0, Pins(TX, dir="o"),
Resource("rx", 0, Pins(RX, dir="o"),
# Resource("sck", 0, Pins("L10", dir="o"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS")),
# Resource("copi", 0, Pins("J9", dir="o"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS")),
# Resource("cs_n", 0, Pins("L7", dir="o"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS")),
# Resource("cipo", 0, Pins("K9", dir="i"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS")),
Resource("qspi", 0,
Subsignal("data", Pins(QSPIDATA, dir="io")),
Subsignal("clk", Pins(QSPICK, dir="i")),
Subsignal("cs", Pins(QSPICS, dir="i")),
Attrs(IO_STANDARD="3.3-V LVTTL")),
# Old QSPI resource depreciated
Resource("qd0", 0, Pins("J9", dir="io"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS")),
Resource("qd1", 0, Pins("K9", dir="io"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS")),
Resource("qd2", 0, Pins("K6", dir="io"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS")),
Resource("qd3", 0, Pins("L5", dir="io"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS")),
Resource("qck", 0, Pins("L10", dir="i"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS")),
Resource("qss", 0, Pins("K10", dir="i"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS")),
# Hyperbus
Resource("hyperbus", 0,
Subsignal("data", Pins(HYPERBUSDATA, dir="io")),
Subsignal("clk", Pins(HYPERBUSCLK, dir="o")),
Subsignal("rd", Pins(HYPERBUSRD, dir="io")),
Subsignal("cs", Pins(HYPERBUSCS, dir="o")),
Subsignal("int", Pins(HYPERFLASHINT, dir="i")),
Attrs(IO_STANDARD="3.3-V LVTTL")),
# Uart
rx="K7", tx="L7",
# *SPIFlashResources(0,
# cs_n="L7", clk="L10", copi="J9", cipo="K9",
# attrs=Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS")
# )
#Hyperram ?
connectors = [
# Tile connectors
Connector("tile", 1, TILE1 + GENPINS), #
Connector("tile", 2, TILE2 + GENPINS), #
Connector("tile", 3, TILE3 + GENPINS), #
Connector("tile", 4, TILE4 + GENPINS), #
# Micro Blade connectores
Connector("blade", 1, BLADE1),
Connector("blade", 2, BLADE2),
Connector("blade", 3, BLADE3),
Connector("blade", 4, BLADE4),
# Mezzanine Connectors
Connector("mez", 0, MEZZA), #
Connector("mez", 1, MEZZB), #
Connector("pmod", 0, PMOD1A + PMOD1B), # PMOD1/2
Connector("pmod", 1, PMOD2A + PMOD2B), # PMOD3/4
Connector("pmod", 2, PMOD3A + PMOD3B), # PMOD5/6
Connector("pmod", 3, PMOD4A + PMOD4B), # PMOD7/8
Connector("pmod", 4, PMOD5A + PMOD5B), # PMOD9/10
Connector("pmod", 5, PMOD6A + PMOD6B), # PMOD11/12
def add_blade(self, name, blade, dir):
self.add_resources(Resource(name, 0,
Subsignal(name + "_signals",
Pins("1 2 3 4 5 6", dir=dir, conn=("blade", blade)),
def get_port(self):
for p in lp.comports():
if p.vid == 5824:
self.upload_port = p
def toolchain_program(self, products, name, **kwargs):
if self.upload_port is None:
if self.upload_port is None:
raise PortNotFound("'{}' could not find a suitable device for upload port, cannot upload"
# print("could not find a suitable device for upload port, cannot upload")
# return
print("Found device for uploading: ", self.upload_port.product + ' as device ' + self.upload_port.device)
print("Uploading ", self.upload_port.product + ' as device ' + self.upload_port.device)
with serial.Serial(self.upload_port.device) as ser:
with products.extract("{}.bin".format(name)) as bitstream_filename:
with open(bitstream_filename, 'rb') as f:
# device = os.environ.get("DEVICE", p.device) # "/dev/ttyACM2"
# with products.extract("{}.bin".format(name)) as bitstream_filename:
# subprocess.check_call(["cp", bitstream_filename, device])
# def upload(self port=None):
# if port is None:
# for p in lp():
# if p.vid is 5824:
# ser = serial.Serial(p.device)
# with open(products.extract("{}.bin".format(name))) as f:
# ser.write(
def get_upload_port(self):
if self.upload_port is None:
if self.upload_port is None:
print("could not find a suitable device for upload port, cannot upload")
print("Found device for uploading: ", self.upload_port.product + ' as device ' + self.upload_port.device)
def bus_send(self, bytes2send):
with serial.Serial(self.upload_port.device) as ser:
def bus_fetch(self, comad, count):
with serial.Serial(self.upload_port.device) as ser:
ser.write(comad + count.to_bytes(4, "big"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
#from .test.blinky import *
from amaranth_boards.test.blinky import *
IceLogicBusPlatform().build(Blinky(), do_program=True)
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