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Last active May 28, 2024 17:00
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Python module extending class 'argparse.ArgumentParser' to support custom help/usage output (incl. example/demo)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -
# Python Module Argument Parser -
# -
# Created by Fonic <> -
# Date: 06/20/19 - 04/03/24 -
# -
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------
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# Exports -
# -
# -------------------------------------
__all__ = [ "ArgumentParser" ]
# -------------------------------------
# -
# Imports -
# -
# -------------------------------------
import os
import sys
import argparse
import textwrap
# -------------------------------------
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# Code -
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# ArgumentParser class providing custom help/usage output
class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
# Postition of 'width' argument:
def __init__(self, *args, width=78, **kwargs):
# At least self.positionals + self.options need to be initialized before calling
# __init__() of parent class, as argparse.ArgumentParser.__init__() defaults to
# 'add_help=True', which results in call of add_argument("-h", "--help", ...)
self.program = { key: kwargs[key] for key in kwargs }
self.positionals = []
self.options = []
self.width = width
super(ArgumentParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ArgumentParser, self).add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
argument = { key: kwargs[key] for key in kwargs }
# Positional: argument with only one name not starting with '-' provided as
# positional argument to method -or- no name and only a 'dest=' argument
if (len(args) == 0 or (len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str) and not args[0].startswith("-"))):
argument["name"] = args[0] if (len(args) > 0) else argument["dest"]
# Option: argument with one or more flags starting with '-' provided as
# positional arguments to method
argument["flags"] = [ item for item in args ]
def format_usage(self):
# Use user-defined usage message
if ("usage" in self.program):
prefix = "Usage: "
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=self.width)
wrapper.initial_indent = prefix
wrapper.subsequent_indent = len(prefix) * " "
if (self.program["usage"] == "" or str.isspace(self.program["usage"])):
return wrapper.fill("No usage information available")
return wrapper.fill(self.program["usage"])
# Generate usage message from known arguments
output = []
# Determine what to display left and right, determine string length for left
# and right
left1 = "Usage: "
left2 = self.program["prog"] if ("prog" in self.program and self.program["prog"] != "" and not str.isspace(self.program["prog"])) else os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if (len(sys.argv[0]) > 0 and sys.argv[0] != "" and not str.isspace(sys.argv[0])) else ""
llen = len(left1) + len(left2)
arglist = []
for option in self.options:
#arglist += [ "[%s]" % item if ("action" in option and (option["action"] == "store_true" or option["action"] == "store_false")) else "[%s %s]" % (item, option["metavar"]) if ("metavar" in option) else "[%s %s]" % (item, option["dest"].upper()) if ("dest" in option) else "[%s]" % item for item in option["flags"] ]
flags = str.join("|", option["flags"])
arglist += [ "[%s]" % flags if ("action" in option and (option["action"] == "store_true" or option["action"] == "store_false")) else "[%s %s]" % (flags, option["metavar"]) if ("metavar" in option) else "[%s %s]" % (flags, option["dest"].upper()) if ("dest" in option) else "[%s]" % flags ]
for positional in self.positionals:
arglist += [ "%s" % positional["metavar"] if ("metavar" in positional) else "%s" % positional["name"] ]
right = str.join(" ", arglist)
rlen = len(right)
# Determine width for left and right parts based on string lengths, define
# output template. Limit width of left part to a maximum of self.width / 2.
# Use max() to prevent negative values. -1: trailing space (spacing between
# left and right parts), see template
lwidth = llen
rwidth = max(0, self.width - lwidth - 1)
if (lwidth > int(self.width / 2) - 1):
lwidth = max(0, int(self.width / 2) - 1)
rwidth = int(self.width / 2)
#outtmp = "%-" + str(lwidth) + "s %-" + str(rwidth) + "s"
outtmp = "%-" + str(lwidth) + "s %s"
# Wrap text for left and right parts, split into separate lines
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=lwidth)
wrapper.initial_indent = left1
wrapper.subsequent_indent = len(left1) * " "
left = wrapper.wrap(left2)
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=rwidth)
right = wrapper.wrap(right)
# Add usage message to output
for i in range(0, max(len(left), len(right))):
left_ = left[i] if (i < len(left)) else ""
right_ = right[i] if (i < len(right)) else ""
output.append(outtmp % (left_, right_))
# Return output as single string
return str.join("\n", output)
def format_help(self):
output = []
dewrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=self.width)
# Add usage message to output
# Add description to output if present
if ("description" in self.program and self.program["description"] != "" and not str.isspace(self.program["description"])):
# Determine what to display left and right for each argument, determine max
# string lengths for left and right
lmaxlen = rmaxlen = 0
for positional in self.positionals:
positional["left"] = positional["metavar"] if ("metavar" in positional) else positional["name"]
for option in self.options:
if ("action" in option and (option["action"] == "store_true" or option["action"] == "store_false")):
option["left"] = str.join(", ", option["flags"])
option["left"] = str.join(", ", [ "%s %s" % (item, option["metavar"]) if ("metavar" in option) else "%s %s" % (item, option["dest"].upper()) if ("dest" in option) else item for item in option["flags"] ])
for argument in self.positionals + self.options:
argument["right"] = ""
if ("help" in argument and argument["help"] != "" and not str.isspace(argument["help"])):
argument["right"] += argument["help"]
#argument["right"] += "No description available"
argument["right"] += "No help available"
if ("choices" in argument and len(argument["choices"]) > 0):
argument["right"] += " (choices: %s)" % str.join(", ", ("'%s'" % item if isinstance(item, str) else "%s" % str(item) for item in argument["choices"]))
if ("default" in argument and argument["default"] != argparse.SUPPRESS):
argument["right"] += " (default: %s)" % ("'%s'" % argument["default"] if isinstance(argument["default"], str) else "%s" % str(argument["default"]))
lmaxlen = max(lmaxlen, len(argument["left"]))
rmaxlen = max(rmaxlen, len(argument["right"]))
# Determine width for left and right parts based on maximum string lengths,
# define output template. Limit width of left part to a maximum of self.width
# / 2. Use max() to prevent negative values. -4: two leading spaces (indent)
# + two trailing spaces (spacing between left and right), see template
lwidth = lmaxlen
rwidth = max(0, self.width - lwidth - 4)
if (lwidth > int(self.width / 2) - 4):
lwidth = max(0, int(self.width / 2) - 4)
rwidth = int(self.width / 2)
#outtmp = " %-" + str(lwidth) + "s %-" + str(rwidth) + "s"
outtmp = " %-" + str(lwidth) + "s %s"
# Wrap text for left and right parts, split into separate lines
lwrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=lwidth)
rwrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=rwidth)
for argument in self.positionals + self.options:
argument["left"] = lwrapper.wrap(argument["left"])
argument["right"] = rwrapper.wrap(argument["right"])
# Add positional arguments to output
if (len(self.positionals) > 0):
for positional in self.positionals:
for i in range(0, max(len(positional["left"]), len(positional["right"]))):
left = positional["left"][i] if (i < len(positional["left"])) else ""
right = positional["right"][i] if (i < len(positional["right"])) else ""
output.append(outtmp % (left, right))
# Add option arguments to output
if (len(self.options) > 0):
for option in self.options:
for i in range(0, max(len(option["left"]), len(option["right"]))):
left = option["left"][i] if (i < len(option["left"])) else ""
right = option["right"][i] if (i < len(option["right"])) else ""
output.append(outtmp % (left, right))
# Add epilog to output if present
if ("epilog" in self.program and self.program["epilog"] != "" and not str.isspace(self.program["epilog"])):
# Return output as single string
return str.join("\n", output)
# Method redefined as format_usage() does not return a trailing newline like
# the original does
def print_usage(self, file=None):
if (file == None):
file = sys.stdout
file.write(self.format_usage() + "\n")
# Method redefined as format_help() does not return a trailing newline like
# the original does
def print_help(self, file=None):
if (file == None):
file = sys.stdout
file.write(self.format_help() + "\n")
def error(self, message):
sys.stderr.write(self.format_usage() + "\n")
sys.stderr.write(("Error: %s" % message) + "\n")
# -------------------------------------
# -
# Demo -
# -
# -------------------------------------
# Demonstrate module usage and features if run directly
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
# Create ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Description message displayed after usage and before positional arguments and options. Can be used to describe the application in a short summary. Optional, omitted if empty.",
epilog="Epilog message displayed at the bottom after everything else. Can be used to provide additional information, e.g. license, contact details, copyright etc. Optional, omitted if empty.",
argument_default=argparse.SUPPRESS, allow_abbrev=False, add_help=False)
# Add options
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config-file", action="store", dest="config_file", metavar="FILE", type=str, default="config.ini")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--database-file", action="store", dest="database_file", metavar="file", type=str, help="SQLite3 database file to read/write", default="database.db")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--log-file", action="store", dest="log_file", metavar="file", type=str, help="File to write log to", default="debug.log")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--threads", action="store", dest="threads", type=int, help="Number of threads to spawn", default=3)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", action="store", dest="port", type=int, help="TCP port to listen on for access to the web interface", choices=[80, 8080, 8081], default=8080)
parser.add_argument("--max-downloads", action="store", dest="max_downloads", metavar="value", type=int, help="Maximum number of concurrent downloads", default=5)
parser.add_argument("--download-timeout", action="store", dest="download_timeout", metavar="value", type=int, help="Download timeout in seconds", default=120)
parser.add_argument("--max-requests", action="store", dest="max_requests", metavar="value", type=int, help="Maximum number of concurrent requests", default=10)
parser.add_argument("--request-timeout", action="store", dest="request_timeout", metavar="value", type=int, help="Request timeout in seconds", default=60)
parser.add_argument("--output-facility", action="store", dest="output_facility", metavar="value", type=str.lower, choices=["stdout", "stderr"], help="Output facility to use for console output", default="stdout")
parser.add_argument("--log-level", action="store", dest="log_level", metavar="VALUE", type=str.lower, choices=["debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical"], help="Log level to use", default="info")
parser.add_argument("--use-color", action="store", dest="use_color", metavar="value", type=bool, help="Colorize console output", default=True)
parser.add_argument("--log-template", action="store", dest="log_template", metavar="value", type=str)
parser.add_argument("-s", "--some-option", action="store", dest="some_option", metavar="VALUE", type=str, help="Some fancy option with miscellaneous choices", choices=[123, "foobar", False])
parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Display this message")
# Add positionals
parser.add_argument("input_url", action="store", metavar="URL", type=str, help="URL to download from")
parser.add_argument("output_file", action="store", metavar="DEST", type=str, help="File to save download as")
# Parse command line
args = parser.parse_args()
print("Command line parsed successfully.")
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fonic commented Apr 5, 2020

Customize argument parser (argparse) help/usage message by extending class 'argparse.ArgumentParser'

How it works:

  • derive new class from argparse.ArgumentParser
  • tap into constructor of argparse.ArgumentParser to capture and store program info (e.g. description, usage)
  • tap into argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument() to capture and store added arguments (e.g. flags, help, defaults)
  • redefine argparse.ArgumentParser.print_help() and use previously stored program info / arguments to produce custom help/usage text

The example code above covers some common use cases. Note that it is by no means complete (for example, there is currently no support for options with more than one argument), but is should provide a good impression of what is possible.

Related StackOverflow question: link
Related StackOverflow answer: link

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khemrajd commented Apr 3, 2024

Is it possible add to print available choices in help message? This program suppress the choices during help messages we user wants to use choices.

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fonic commented Apr 4, 2024

Is it possible add to print available choices in help message? This program suppress the choices during help messages we user wants to use choices.

That actually is a reasonable request. Support for listing choices was added.

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khemrajd commented Apr 4, 2024

Well done. 👍 Thanks

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