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Python module extending class 'argparse.ArgumentParser' to support custom help/usage output (incl. example/demo)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -
# Python Module Argument Parser -
# -
# Created by Fonic <> -
# Date: 06/20/19 - 04/03/24 -
# -
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------
# -
# Exports -
# -
# -------------------------------------
__all__ = [ "ArgumentParser" ]
# -------------------------------------
# -
# Imports -
# -
# -------------------------------------
import os
import sys
import argparse
import textwrap
# -------------------------------------
# -
# Code -
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# -------------------------------------
# ArgumentParser class providing custom help/usage output
class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
# Postition of 'width' argument:
def __init__(self, *args, width=78, **kwargs):
# At least self.positionals + self.options need to be initialized before calling
# __init__() of parent class, as argparse.ArgumentParser.__init__() defaults to
# 'add_help=True', which results in call of add_argument("-h", "--help", ...)
self.program = { key: kwargs[key] for key in kwargs }
self.positionals = []
self.options = []
self.width = width
super(ArgumentParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ArgumentParser, self).add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
argument = { key: kwargs[key] for key in kwargs }
# Positional: argument with only one name not starting with '-' provided as
# positional argument to method -or- no name and only a 'dest=' argument
if (len(args) == 0 or (len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str) and not args[0].startswith("-"))):
argument["name"] = args[0] if (len(args) > 0) else argument["dest"]
# Option: argument with one or more flags starting with '-' provided as
# positional arguments to method
argument["flags"] = [ item for item in args ]
def format_usage(self):
# Use user-defined usage message
if ("usage" in self.program):
prefix = "Usage: "
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=self.width)
wrapper.initial_indent = prefix
wrapper.subsequent_indent = len(prefix) * " "
if (self.program["usage"] == "" or str.isspace(self.program["usage"])):
return wrapper.fill("No usage information available")
return wrapper.fill(self.program["usage"])
# Generate usage message from known arguments
output = []
# Determine what to display left and right, determine string length for left
# and right
left1 = "Usage: "
left2 = self.program["prog"] if ("prog" in self.program and self.program["prog"] != "" and not str.isspace(self.program["prog"])) else os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if (len(sys.argv[0]) > 0 and sys.argv[0] != "" and not str.isspace(sys.argv[0])) else ""
llen = len(left1) + len(left2)
arglist = []
for option in self.options:
#arglist += [ "[%s]" % item if ("action" in option and (option["action"] == "store_true" or option["action"] == "store_false")) else "[%s %s]" % (item, option["metavar"]) if ("metavar" in option) else "[%s %s]" % (item, option["dest"].upper()) if ("dest" in option) else "[%s]" % item for item in option["flags"] ]
flags = str.join("|", option["flags"])
arglist += [ "[%s]" % flags if ("action" in option and (option["action"] == "store_true" or option["action"] == "store_false")) else "[%s %s]" % (flags, option["metavar"]) if ("metavar" in option) else "[%s %s]" % (flags, option["dest"].upper()) if ("dest" in option) else "[%s]" % flags ]
for positional in self.positionals:
arglist += [ "%s" % positional["metavar"] if ("metavar" in positional) else "%s" % positional["name"] ]
right = str.join(" ", arglist)
rlen = len(right)
# Determine width for left and right parts based on string lengths, define
# output template. Limit width of left part to a maximum of self.width / 2.
# Use max() to prevent negative values. -1: trailing space (spacing between
# left and right parts), see template
lwidth = llen
rwidth = max(0, self.width - lwidth - 1)
if (lwidth > int(self.width / 2) - 1):
lwidth = max(0, int(self.width / 2) - 1)
rwidth = int(self.width / 2)
#outtmp = "%-" + str(lwidth) + "s %-" + str(rwidth) + "s"
outtmp = "%-" + str(lwidth) + "s %s"
# Wrap text for left and right parts, split into separate lines
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=lwidth)
wrapper.initial_indent = left1
wrapper.subsequent_indent = len(left1) * " "
left = wrapper.wrap(left2)
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=rwidth)
right = wrapper.wrap(right)
# Add usage message to output
for i in range(0, max(len(left), len(right))):
left_ = left[i] if (i < len(left)) else ""
right_ = right[i] if (i < len(right)) else ""
output.append(outtmp % (left_, right_))
# Return output as single string
return str.join("\n", output)
def format_help(self):
output = []
dewrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=self.width)
# Add usage message to output
# Add description to output if present
if ("description" in self.program and self.program["description"] != "" and not str.isspace(self.program["description"])):
# Determine what to display left and right for each argument, determine max
# string lengths for left and right
lmaxlen = rmaxlen = 0
for positional in self.positionals:
positional["left"] = positional["metavar"] if ("metavar" in positional) else positional["name"]
for option in self.options:
if ("action" in option and (option["action"] == "store_true" or option["action"] == "store_false")):
option["left"] = str.join(", ", option["flags"])
option["left"] = str.join(", ", [ "%s %s" % (item, option["metavar"]) if ("metavar" in option) else "%s %s" % (item, option["dest"].upper()) if ("dest" in option) else item for item in option["flags"] ])
for argument in self.positionals + self.options:
argument["right"] = ""
if ("help" in argument and argument["help"] != "" and not str.isspace(argument["help"])):
argument["right"] += argument["help"]
#argument["right"] += "No description available"
argument["right"] += "No help available"
if ("choices" in argument and len(argument["choices"]) > 0):
argument["right"] += " (choices: %s)" % str.join(", ", ("'%s'" % item if isinstance(item, str) else "%s" % str(item) for item in argument["choices"]))
if ("default" in argument and argument["default"] != argparse.SUPPRESS):
argument["right"] += " (default: %s)" % ("'%s'" % argument["default"] if isinstance(argument["default"], str) else "%s" % str(argument["default"]))
lmaxlen = max(lmaxlen, len(argument["left"]))
rmaxlen = max(rmaxlen, len(argument["right"]))
# Determine width for left and right parts based on maximum string lengths,
# define output template. Limit width of left part to a maximum of self.width
# / 2. Use max() to prevent negative values. -4: two leading spaces (indent)
# + two trailing spaces (spacing between left and right), see template
lwidth = lmaxlen
rwidth = max(0, self.width - lwidth - 4)
if (lwidth > int(self.width / 2) - 4):
lwidth = max(0, int(self.width / 2) - 4)
rwidth = int(self.width / 2)
#outtmp = " %-" + str(lwidth) + "s %-" + str(rwidth) + "s"
outtmp = " %-" + str(lwidth) + "s %s"
# Wrap text for left and right parts, split into separate lines
lwrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=lwidth)
rwrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=rwidth)
for argument in self.positionals + self.options:
argument["left"] = lwrapper.wrap(argument["left"])
argument["right"] = rwrapper.wrap(argument["right"])
# Add positional arguments to output
if (len(self.positionals) > 0):
for positional in self.positionals:
for i in range(0, max(len(positional["left"]), len(positional["right"]))):
left = positional["left"][i] if (i < len(positional["left"])) else ""
right = positional["right"][i] if (i < len(positional["right"])) else ""
output.append(outtmp % (left, right))
# Add option arguments to output
if (len(self.options) > 0):
for option in self.options:
for i in range(0, max(len(option["left"]), len(option["right"]))):
left = option["left"][i] if (i < len(option["left"])) else ""
right = option["right"][i] if (i < len(option["right"])) else ""
output.append(outtmp % (left, right))
# Add epilog to output if present
if ("epilog" in self.program and self.program["epilog"] != "" and not str.isspace(self.program["epilog"])):
# Return output as single string
return str.join("\n", output)
# Method redefined as format_usage() does not return a trailing newline like
# the original does
def print_usage(self, file=None):
if (file == None):
file = sys.stdout
file.write(self.format_usage() + "\n")
# Method redefined as format_help() does not return a trailing newline like
# the original does
def print_help(self, file=None):
if (file == None):
file = sys.stdout
file.write(self.format_help() + "\n")
def error(self, message):
sys.stderr.write(self.format_usage() + "\n")
sys.stderr.write(("Error: %s" % message) + "\n")
# -------------------------------------
# -
# Demo -
# -
# -------------------------------------
# Demonstrate module usage and features if run directly
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
# Create ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Description message displayed after usage and before positional arguments and options. Can be used to describe the application in a short summary. Optional, omitted if empty.",
epilog="Epilog message displayed at the bottom after everything else. Can be used to provide additional information, e.g. license, contact details, copyright etc. Optional, omitted if empty.",
argument_default=argparse.SUPPRESS, allow_abbrev=False, add_help=False)
# Add options
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config-file", action="store", dest="config_file", metavar="FILE", type=str, default="config.ini")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--database-file", action="store", dest="database_file", metavar="file", type=str, help="SQLite3 database file to read/write", default="database.db")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--log-file", action="store", dest="log_file", metavar="file", type=str, help="File to write log to", default="debug.log")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--threads", action="store", dest="threads", type=int, help="Number of threads to spawn", default=3)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", action="store", dest="port", type=int, help="TCP port to listen on for access to the web interface", choices=[80, 8080, 8081], default=8080)
parser.add_argument("--max-downloads", action="store", dest="max_downloads", metavar="value", type=int, help="Maximum number of concurrent downloads", default=5)
parser.add_argument("--download-timeout", action="store", dest="download_timeout", metavar="value", type=int, help="Download timeout in seconds", default=120)
parser.add_argument("--max-requests", action="store", dest="max_requests", metavar="value", type=int, help="Maximum number of concurrent requests", default=10)
parser.add_argument("--request-timeout", action="store", dest="request_timeout", metavar="value", type=int, help="Request timeout in seconds", default=60)
parser.add_argument("--output-facility", action="store", dest="output_facility", metavar="value", type=str.lower, choices=["stdout", "stderr"], help="Output facility to use for console output", default="stdout")
parser.add_argument("--log-level", action="store", dest="log_level", metavar="VALUE", type=str.lower, choices=["debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical"], help="Log level to use", default="info")
parser.add_argument("--use-color", action="store", dest="use_color", metavar="value", type=bool, help="Colorize console output", default=True)
parser.add_argument("--log-template", action="store", dest="log_template", metavar="value", type=str)
parser.add_argument("-s", "--some-option", action="store", dest="some_option", metavar="VALUE", type=str, help="Some fancy option with miscellaneous choices", choices=[123, "foobar", False])
parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Display this message")
# Add positionals
parser.add_argument("input_url", action="store", metavar="URL", type=str, help="URL to download from")
parser.add_argument("output_file", action="store", metavar="DEST", type=str, help="File to save download as")
# Parse command line
args = parser.parse_args()
print("Command line parsed successfully.")
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khemrajd commented Apr 4, 2024

Well done. 👍 Thanks

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