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fons / mongodb-regressio-test
Created August 17, 2012 20:58
mongodb regression test
CL-MONGO-TEST> (quick-test)
---- starting test of package : { test counting documents } ---------------
testing counting : client count : 43 -- server count 43.0d0
---- finished test of package { test counting documents } sucessfully ------
---- starting test of package : { finding documents by field } ---------------
findOne is default : 1
limit == 0 returns all 43 : 43
---- finished test of package { finding documents by field } sucessfully ------
---- starting test of package : { deleting documents } ---------------
---- finished test of package { deleting documents } sucessfully ------
fons / search-ref.lisp
Created December 7, 2010 02:06
example of the search api in cl-twitter
(define-element search-ref ( (metadata search-ref-metadata))
"An individual search reference"
(id "Integer ID of message" nil)
(text "The text of the tweet" nil)
(to-user "Screen name" nil)
(to-user-id "ID of receiver" nil)
(from-user "Screen name" nil)
(from-user-id "ID of sender" nil)
(iso-language-code "Two character language code for content" nil)
(source "Source of the result" nil)
fons / collect-frfol.lisp
Created November 29, 2010 22:20
(defun collect-followers (screen-name)
(let ((lst))
(labels ((collect-it (l)
(setf lst (nconc lst l))))
(with-cursor (:collector #'collect-it :test #'rate-limit-exceeded ) (follower-ids screen-name))) lst))
(defun collect-friends (screen-name)
(let ((lst))
(labels ((collect-it (l)
(setf lst (nconc lst l))))
; cl-mongo is asdf installable. I'm using sbcl in this demo so I can use require
(require :cl-mongo)
(require :cl-mongo-test)
(use-package :cl-mongo)
--common lisp regex engines
-- John Fremlin teepeedee (he's on github)
--> same pdf
Earlier overview of building fast servers on linux :
#include <stdio.h>
int main()