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Created November 29, 2010 22:20
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(defun collect-followers (screen-name)
(let ((lst))
(labels ((collect-it (l)
(setf lst (nconc lst l))))
(with-cursor (:collector #'collect-it :test #'rate-limit-exceeded ) (follower-ids screen-name))) lst))
(defun collect-friends (screen-name)
(let ((lst))
(labels ((collect-it (l)
(setf lst (nconc lst l))))
(with-cursor (:collector #'collect-it :test #'rate-limit-exceeded ) (friend-ids screen-name))) lst))
CL-USER> (rate-limit-status)
CL-USER> (length (collect-followers "sarahpalinusa"))
CL-USER> (rate-limit-status)
(defun friend-ids (screen-name &key (cursor -1))
(apply 'twitter-op :friends/ids :screen-name screen-name :cursor cursor nil ))
(defun follower-ids (screen-name &key (cursor -1))
(apply 'twitter-op :followers/ids :screen-name screen-name :cursor cursor nil ))
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