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Created October 27, 2015 17:47
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09:37:55 From Michel Bachmann : everyone: go to gallery view (top right corner)
09:38:44 From pedrojardim : Chelsea
09:49:03 From Evo : BTW, I was just offered 920 acres for experimentation in California to use.
09:53:08 From alexaclay : amazing!
09:56:07 From Evo : I have a few opportunities we can have people plug in with....
09:56:17 From Joel Dietz : cool
09:56:20 From Evo : 1. The land and freespace experiments in California
09:56:23 From Michel Bachmann : sorry, had to restart my computer
09:56:25 From Joel Dietz : where are they?
09:56:38 From Evo : 2. Association/Society building for change agents for alignment around actions and projects
09:57:14 From Evo : 3. Working on an IDEO proposal for a living learning lab, growing vertical gardens that can be drop shipped to new displaced communities
09:58:35 From Evo : The land is 2 hrs north of SF, between Santa Rosa and Middletown (near the ValleyFire/Harbin, but did not burn - raw land with nothing on it) - it is for sale but not expected to sell anytime soon, or a community collective could choose to stay there long term. My goal is to network these tribes and communities in association.
09:59:21 From Evo : For governance I liked Sandra's suggestions on the last call
10:00:24 From alexaclay : i guess it is like what is the identity of this group? so it is a group of 10-15 working on emerging projects around this Neo-tribes theme.
10:00:57 From alexaclay : really helpful Chelsea. thank you!
10:07:06 From leesean : What are the different channels/projects on the table right now? 1. Facebook group
10:07:08 From Evo : I'm a big fan of simple, clean code with as few mandates as possible....lightweight and decentralized decision making. Lead us through the process is more difficult and elegant, yes Derek.
10:07:31 From leesean : 2. Brazil course. 3. Medium Channel. 4. Film. 5. Potential consultancy model.
10:07:33 From alexaclay : Agency model, Brazil course, Costa Rica gathering, Book & film, Amateur ethnography, UnNation building are some of the things
10:08:08 From Evo : I'll be working on the society/association layer either way and would like to invite others to join in.
10:08:38 From Evo : Now as founding members, next year as change agent members as we open Q1 2016. Identifying who should be at the table is key now.
10:09:11 From alexaclay : awesome.
10:09:44 From Evo : The media layer we've been prototyping is game/series/live so it should not erode any of your work on the book/film around NeoTribes.
10:09:58 From Evo : hopefully they support one another in the knowledge base
10:11:22 From alexaclay : I think it’s just about DOING shit with the things that are emerging and then maybe there is a higher level conversation at a stage to align around shared purpose. i guess is it too soon to build overlapping culture? i feel more energy w/ particular projects
10:11:33 From Joel Dietz : yup
10:11:46 From Evo : sandra kwak
10:11:48 From Joel Dietz : I think the way to do is just have member organizations that are loosely affiliated for now
10:12:03 From Joel Dietz : you can do some quality control later on if there is a need for it
10:12:19 From alexaclay : i like the idea of working in 3s
10:12:30 From Joel Dietz : around a particular topic?
10:12:39 From alexaclay : around the different projects that are emerging
10:17:16 From Evo : agreed Chelsea!
10:17:53 From alexaclay : i think that’s better because we’ll all have done experiments by Feb.
10:19:23 From leesean : I like the idea of periodic check ins
10:20:35 From alexaclay : I think we create island of stability with the projects
10:20:52 From mix : **noticing** we've got about 10 mins left, and haven't heard from everyone.
10:22:19 From Evo : I'm down for developing our own definitions, posting them to the FB group to see where we overlap (and overlap with other networks/circles)
10:22:39 From alexaclay : Tristan, i think the need you identified is more about exploring the vision and the concept which is part of the exploration of book/film and will get teased out more in the monthly meet-ups
10:22:57 From alexaclay : with amateur ethnography work also we’ll be talking to folks and exploring and Medium is enabling this
10:23:32 From alexaclay : anti-coordination isn’t anti-social
10:23:50 From Michel Bachmann : for me it's not about coordination but about framing
10:24:13 From Evo : I'd love to see clear invitations to participate like we've seen with the Brazilian event.
10:24:23 From alexaclay : but we don’t need a homogenous definition of neo-tribes
10:24:28 From leesean : and there is a difference between consultation and coordination. Agreed that we don’t need to over coordinate now, but we can figure out a way to consult others in the community about what is going on. (in non-binding way)
10:25:59 From Evo : An agency can coordinate professionally if/when it develops - it feels like the individual projects will need a bit of framing or structure while the whole can take some time to evolve. I'm in the structuring/foundational phase of the association and attempting to keep that code as light and simple as possible to leave room for a wide variety of change agents to collaborate.
10:26:12 From alexaclay : Actions: 1. allow emergence 2. explore Costa Rica invitation / gathering 3. monthly check-ins where specific projects share
10:26:37 From leesean : Is there documentation about this Costa Rica thing? I might have missed that
10:26:54 From alexaclay : there is only mystical sense perception Lee-Sean, haven’t u felt it?
10:27:01 From leesean : haha ok
10:34:10 From alexaclay : I also love heterodox NEO_TRIBE islands sitting next to each other. rather than swallowing up the islands in a meta-framing
10:34:18 From alexaclay : for me, the projects do the work of the “meaning making"
10:34:27 From Joel Dietz : i like that description for the Facebook group
10:34:30 From Joel Dietz : it is good enough for me
10:39:52 From alexaclay : 10 minutes
10:40:06 From Evo : cool, sorry I have little voice today.
10:41:40 From mix : Actions :
10:41:42 From Evo : I have recorded the second half of the call today if we need archives, and will save chat
10:42:03 From mix : - Joel will organise the next checkin / meetup
10:42:27 From mix : - Tristan : will start sharing his interpretations of neotribes to start conversation
10:43:43 From alexaclay : 3s
10:44:30 From mix : - Michel will coordinate a meeting about (with derek/ tristan/alexa) about what needs to decided for a facilitated neotribes conversation
10:44:49 From mix : - Evo is going to be investingat a 501c3
10:45:04 From Evo : 501(c)6 Association/Society for collective action and change agent alignment
10:45:15 From Evo : not a 501(c)3, too limited for action.
10:45:26 From alexaclay : Evo do u have background 1-pager on what you’re envisioning?
10:45:26 From mix : (thanks!)
10:45:36 From mix : - alexa will work on the costa rica invitation (with ed/ derek/ ..)
10:45:43 From Evo : Membership society + decentralized ID/blockchain + collective action experience economy in the mix.
10:46:11 From leesean : <- email me if you are interested in Medium group (writing or editing)
10:46:27 From Evo : joel => github
10:48:14 From Evo : Save the Chat to the FB group?
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