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@fractastical generic SObject Deepclone prototype
//prototype only. Does not actually work yet...
public with sharing class SObjectUtils {
//Does not support fields with multiple reference object types
public SObject deepClone(SObject so) {
SObject newSO = so.clone(false,true);
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult R = so.getSObjectType().getDescribe();
List<Schema.ChildRelationship> CR = R.getChildRelationships();
for (Schema.ChildRelationship c : CR) {
String relName = c.getRelationshipName();
String value = (String) so.get(relName);
String childObjectName = c.getChildSObject().getDescribe().getName();
String queryString = 'select id from ' + childObjectName + ' where id=\'' + value + '\' limit 1';
SObject child = Database.query(queryString);
SObjectType sot = so.getSObjectType();
Map<String, SObjectField> fields = sot.getDescribe().fields.getMap();
List<SObjectField> fieldtokens = fields.values();
for(SObjectField fieldtoken:fieldtokens) {
DescribeFieldResult dfr = fieldtoken.getDescribe();
newSO.put(dfr.getName(), so.get(dfr.getName()) + '_copy');
System.debug('rn:' + dfr.getRelationshipName() + 'ro:' + dfr.getRelationshipOrder());
// Has a relationship and is not a child in that relationship
if(dfr.getRelationshipName() != null && dfr.isCreateable()) //dfr.getRelationshipOrder() != null && dfr.getRelationshipOrder() != 1)
String relName = dfr.getRelationshipName();
if (relName.substring(relName.length() - 3, relName.length()) == '__r')
relName = relName.substring(0,relName.length()-1) + 'c';
//if(globalDesc == null)
// globalDesc = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
//SObjectType innerSot = gd.get(relName);
System.debug('select id from ' + relName + ' where id = \'' + dfr.getReferenceTo() + '\'');
SObject innerObject = Database.query('select id from ' + relName + ' where id = \'' + dfr.getReferenceTo() + '\'');
// getReferenceTo
// getRelationshipName // Sobject name
// getRelationshipOrder // 1 if child
// newSO.put(dfr.getName(), so.get(dfr.getName()) + ' copy');
upsert newSO;
return newSo;
public String hello(){
return '';
public static testMethod void t1() {
TestLookupObject__c tlo = new TestLookupObject__c(); = 'tlo';
insert tlo;
TestObject__c to = new TestObject__c();
to.Test_Lookup_Object__c =; ='to';
insert to;
User u = TestUtility.createTestUser([select id, name from Profile where name='System Administrator' limit 1]);
System.runAs(u) {
TestObject__c to2 = to.clone(false, true);
upsert to2;
SObject so2 = (SObject) to;
SObject so3 = so2.clone(false, true);
upsert so3;
//hello(); createTestUser
SObjectUtils sou = new SObjectUtils();
SObject newSo = sou.deepClone((SObject) to);
String nsoid = (String) newSo.get('Test_Lookup_Object__c');
TestLookupObject__c tloc = [select id, name from TestLookupObject__c where id =: nsoid limit 1];
public static testMethod void t2() {
Campaign c = new Campaign(); = 'c';
insert c;
Contact co = new Contact();
co.FirstName = 'Joe';
co.LastNAme = 'User';
insert co;
CampaignMember cm = new CampaignMember();
cm.CampaignId =;
cm.ContactId =;
insert cm;
User u = TestUtility.createTestUser([select id, name from Profile where name='System Administrator' limit 1]);
System.runAs(u) {
Campaign c2 = c.clone(false, true);
upsert c2;
SObject so2 = (SObject) to;
SObject so3 = so2.clone(false, true);
upsert so3;*/
//hello(); createTestUser
SObjectUtils sou = new SObjectUtils();
SObject newSo = sou.deepClone((SObject) c);
String nsoid = (String) newSo.get('Id');
CampaignMember cm2 = [select id, ContactId from CampaignMember where CampaignId =: nsoid limit 1];
System.assertEquals(, cm2.ContactId);
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