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Profiling and data analysis resources


Looking at software from a different angle as done during profiling and data analysis has numerous benefits. It requires and increases our understanding of the problems being solved by the software. It exposes us to unexpected discoveries and insights. It allows us to suggest improvements.

Since there is a great element of skills involved, and it is rarely taught in Computer Science degrees, the role of practice is very important to gain the necessary skills.

Suggested reading list






Rob Pike Rules


  • Rule 1. You can’t tell where a program is going to spend its time. Bottlenecks occur in surprising places, so don’t try to second guess and put in a speed hack until you’ve proven that’s where the bottleneck is.
  • Rule 2. Measure. Don’t tune for speed until you’ve measured, and even then don’t unless one part of the code overwhelms the rest.
  • Rule 3. Fancy algorithms are slow when n is small, and n is usually small. Fancy algorithms have big constants. Until you know that n is frequently going to be big, don’t get fancy. (Even if n does get big, use Rule 2 first.)
  • Rule 4. Fancy algorithms are buggier than simple ones, and they’re much harder to implement. Use simple algorithms as well as simple data structures.
  • Rule 5. Data dominates. If you’ve chosen the right data structures and organized things well, the algorithms will almost always be self-evident. Data structures, not algorithms, are central to programming.

From Reality to Model, rather than Model to Reality

Software creation is often presented as the creation of a model that will run “in reality.”

This activity of profiling and analyzing data + code is about reversing that arrow:


When and if we model, we go from reality to models not from models to reality


Rico Mariani: “Performance Culture Best Practices”



Two Rules You Must Follow

Rule #1: Measure

Just thinking about what to measure will help you do a good job If you don’t measure you can be sure it will be slow, big, or whatever else you don’t want If you haven’t measured, your job’s not finished

Rule #2: Do your homework

Good engineering requires you to understand your raw materials What are the key properties of your Framework? Your processor? Your target system? Three Steps To Success


An exercise to assess the value of a new feature and the cost your customer would be willing to pay, not a technical assessment of what is possible


Design and validate against the budget, this is a design plan and a risk assessment


Measure the final results, discard failures without remorse or penalty, don’t make your customers live with them

“How NOT to Measure Latency” by Gil Tene

@url{} How NOT to Meaure Latency by Gil Tene.


Gil Tene, Azul CTO and Cofounder of Azul System. (Builder of high performance JVMs) Ex: Nortel Networks, Shasta Networks, Check Point Software Technologies.

@url: @url: @url:


This talk has been given in multiple forms. It usually gets a Oh Shit! response from its audience. Gil Tene presents himself as an experienced System Builder.

The topic is latency, or response-time. The time it takes for one operation to happen.

More accurately, as we’re dealing with not just one operation but many, the topic is how to study the latency behavior of a system: How does latency in general behave?

Pretty, misleading charts

If there’s one thing you should and can measure and plot, it’s the max response time. This is a genuine signal of something that happened.

However often the question we ask ourselves is what the most common response time was. This can however lead to misleading visualizations, unfortunately present in many monitoring and measuring systems.

see @url: wrong-with_21.html

a percentage corresponding to a certain amount of observations from a system. The 95% percentile of requests is: if you take 100 requests, looking at 95 of them.

A typical chart contains:

  • response time of a system over time (2h)
  • latency as one series per percentile

Beware of graphs that only plot only what’s convenient. Gil Tene here shows a graph that shows response times at most for 95% of requests. What happens for the 5% of requests that were left out?

Then the presenter makes a thought experiment. What is the user experience like?

He takes the example of users visiting a website. These users have a typical interaction of about 5 pages visit each of which make about 40 requests. Each request is essential, and may lead to a bad user experience.

Let’s figure out how many users encounter the requests that were in our 95% percentile? Just 0.95^200 = 0.0035% of your users, which is basically nobody.

So why should we look at the 95% and below percentile? This chart was really misleading in that it gave us the impression that we were looking at a common case!

Let’s do the experiment in reverse. What percentile of requests should you look at to have an idea of what 99% of the users experience?

99% = y^200 log(99%) = 200*log(y) y = exp(log(0.99)/200) = 99.9950 %

Gil Tene suggests collecting and printing the response time with x axis: percentile and y axis: response time, to get an overview of the response time at various percentiles.

Sale pitch: HdrHistogram. @url:

The coordinated omission problem.

A problem due to measurement methodology. That induces bad conclusion about performance.

Under a serial load generator, emitting operations one after the other at a fixed rate, an unresponsive system that freezes for a long time, will give misleading read-outs, underestimating the extent of the freeze:

As the system becomes unresponsive (completely) for a long time, we get 1 bad response time, and n very good ones once it has become responsive again.

A naive load generator does that if it waits and does not emit requests until the previous one has responded.

In code measurement the same occurs: as we collect traces of operations, we won’t get new traces of what was wrong because we simply were unresponsive. This results in only keeping the “good” numbers.

Service Time vs Response Time.

The serial load generator/measurement shown in the part before was bad in that it only measured service time and did not include waiting time.

However latency is really composed of the total waiting + service times:

| Response Time       | 
|      | Service Time |
| Wait | Work         |
  • Wait is pure waste. (Queuing to get service?)
  • Work is productive. (Getting serviced)

Tip to verify whether your load generator/monitoring system measures actual response time:

  • Push it hard. After a while the response time should grow linearly.
  • Linear response is when the system reaches fragility.

Sustainable Throughput

Latency relating to throughput and load.

Figuring out how to avoid “saturation” is better than trying to study what happens after or at saturation. Figure out how fast are we while still being safe.

Comparing response time or latency behaviors

Differential comparison at various workloads. 40K/85K/ {90K bad} Looking at requirements can help comparing two setups/systems and assess whether which ones are more economical than others for the requirement.

Plot the max

Is a good visual summary for comparing two systems.

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