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Created October 24, 2020 09:58
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10/24 17:57
File: Maze.cpp
Stephen Chenney,
Yu-Chi Lai,
(c) 2001-2002 Stephen Chenney, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Class header file for Maze class. Manages the maze.
Platform: Visio Studio.Net 2003 (converted to 2005)
#include "Maze.h"
#include "all_cpp_std.h"
#include "all_fl_gl.h"
#include "all_glm.h"
#include "LineSeg.h"
#include <tuple>
#define square(x) ((x)*(x))
//#define check_matrix
using namespace std;
const char Maze::X = 0;
const char Maze::Y = 1;
const char Maze::Z = 2;
const float Maze::BUFFER = 0.1f;
glm::mat4x4 global::model_view;//只能在一個CPP內初始化,其他CPP有include all_glm.h,就可存取projection
glm::mat4x4 global::projection;//只能在一個CPP內初始化,其他CPP有include all_glm.h,就可存取projection
void print_mat4x4(glm::mat4x4& m) {
for (int i = 0;i < 4;i++) {
for (int j = 0;j < 4;j++) {
std::cout << m[i][j] << ' ';
std::cout << std::endl;
bool cross_param(glm::vec4& result, glm::vec4& s1, glm::vec4& e1, glm::vec4& s2, glm::vec4& e2, bool se);
// * Constructor for the maze exception
MazeException(const char* m)
message = new char[strlen(m) + 4];
strcpy(message, m);
// * Constructor to create the default maze
Maze(const int nx, const int ny, const float sx, const float sy)
// Build the connectivity structure.
Build_Connectivity(nx, ny, sx, sy);
// Make edges transparent to create a maze.
// Set the extents of the maze
// Default values for the viewer.
viewer_posn[X] = viewer_posn[Y] = viewer_posn[Z] = 0.0;
viewer_dir = 0.0;
viewer_fov = 45.0;
// Always start on the 0th frame.
frame_num = 0;
// * Construtor to read in precreated maze
Maze(const char* filename)
char err_string[128];
FILE* f;
int i;
// Open the file
if (!(f = fopen(filename, "r")))
throw new MazeException("Maze: Couldn't open file");
// Get the total number of vertices
if (fscanf(f, "%d", &num_vertices) != 1)
throw new MazeException("Maze: Couldn't read number of vertices");
// Read in each vertices
vertices = new Vertex * [num_vertices];
for (i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) {
float x, y;
if (fscanf(f, "%g %g", &x, &y) != 2) {
sprintf(err_string, "Maze: Couldn't read vertex number %d", i);
throw new MazeException(err_string);
vertices[i] = new Vertex(i, x, y);
// Get the number of edges
if (fscanf(f, "%d", &num_edges) != 1)
throw new MazeException("Maze: Couldn't read number of edges");
// read in all edges
edges = new Edge * [num_edges];
for (i = 0; i < num_edges; i++) {
int vs, ve, cl, cr, o;
float r, g, b;
if (fscanf(f, "%d %d %d %d %d %g %g %g",
&vs, &ve, &cl, &cr, &o, &r, &g, &b) != 8) {
sprintf(err_string, "Maze: Couldn't read edge number %d", i);
throw new MazeException(err_string);
edges[i] = new Edge(i, vertices[vs], vertices[ve], r, g, b);
edges[i]->Add_Cell((Cell*)cl, Edge::LEFT);
edges[i]->Add_Cell((Cell*)cr, Edge::RIGHT);
edges[i]->opaque = o ? true : false;
// Read in the number of cells
if (fscanf(f, "%d", &num_cells) != 1)
throw new MazeException("Maze: Couldn't read number of cells");
// Read in all cells
cells = new Cell * [num_cells];
for (i = 0; i < num_cells; i++) {
int epx, epy, emx, emy;
if (fscanf(f, "%d %d %d %d", &epx, &epy, &emx, &emy) != 4) {
sprintf(err_string, "Maze: Couldn't read cell number %d", i);
throw new MazeException(err_string);
cells[i] = new Cell(i, epx >= 0 ? edges[epx] : NULL,
epy >= 0 ? edges[epy] : NULL,
emx >= 0 ? edges[emx] : NULL,
emy >= 0 ? edges[emy] : NULL);
if (cells[i]->edges[0]) {
if (cells[i]->edges[0]->neighbors[0] == (Cell*)i)
cells[i]->edges[0]->neighbors[0] = cells[i];
else if (cells[i]->edges[0]->neighbors[1] == (Cell*)i)
cells[i]->edges[0]->neighbors[1] = cells[i];
else {
"Maze: Cell %d not one of edge %d's neighbors",
i, cells[i]->edges[0]->index);
throw new MazeException(err_string);
if (cells[i]->edges[1]) {
if (cells[i]->edges[1]->neighbors[0] == (Cell*)i)
cells[i]->edges[1]->neighbors[0] = cells[i];
else if (cells[i]->edges[1]->neighbors[1] == (Cell*)i)
cells[i]->edges[1]->neighbors[1] = cells[i];
else {
"Maze: Cell %d not one of edge %d's neighbors",
i, cells[i]->edges[1]->index);
throw new MazeException(err_string);
if (cells[i]->edges[2]) {
if (cells[i]->edges[2]->neighbors[0] == (Cell*)i)
cells[i]->edges[2]->neighbors[0] = cells[i];
else if (cells[i]->edges[2]->neighbors[1] == (Cell*)i)
cells[i]->edges[2]->neighbors[1] = cells[i];
else {
"Maze: Cell %d not one of edge %d's neighbors",
i, cells[i]->edges[2]->index);
throw new MazeException(err_string);
if (cells[i]->edges[3]) {
if (cells[i]->edges[3]->neighbors[0] == (Cell*)i)
cells[i]->edges[3]->neighbors[0] = cells[i];
else if (cells[i]->edges[3]->neighbors[1] == (Cell*)i)
cells[i]->edges[3]->neighbors[1] = cells[i];
else {
"Maze: Cell %d not one of edge %d's neighbors",
i, cells[i]->edges[3]->index);
throw new MazeException(err_string);
if (fscanf(f, "%g %g %g %g %g",
&(viewer_posn[X]), &(viewer_posn[Y]), &(viewer_posn[Z]),
&(viewer_dir), &(viewer_fov)) != 5)
throw new MazeException("Maze: Error reading view information.");
// Some edges have no neighbor on one side, so be sure to set their
// pointers to NULL. (They were set at -1 by the save/load process.)
for (i = 0; i < num_edges; i++) {
if (edges[i]->neighbors[0] == (Cell*)-1)
edges[i]->neighbors[0] = NULL;
if (edges[i]->neighbors[1] == (Cell*)-1)
edges[i]->neighbors[1] = NULL;
// Figure out which cell the viewer is in, starting off by guessing the
// 0th cell.
frame_num = 0;
// * Destructor must free all the memory allocated.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
delete vertices[i];
delete[] vertices;
for (i = 0; i < num_edges; i++)
delete edges[i];
delete[] edges;
for (i = 0; i < num_cells; i++)
delete cells[i];
delete[] cells;
// * Randomly generate the edge's opaque and transparency for an empty maze
void Maze::
Build_Connectivity(const int num_x, const int num_y,
const float sx, const float sy)
int i, j, k;
int edge_i;
// Ugly code to allocate all the memory for a new maze and to associate
// edges with vertices and faces with edges.
// Allocate and position the vertices.
num_vertices = (num_x + 1) * (num_y + 1);
vertices = new Vertex * [num_vertices];
k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_y + 1; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < num_x + 1; j++) {
vertices[k] = new Vertex(k, j * sx, i * sy);
// Allocate the edges, and associate them with their vertices.
// Edges in the x direction get the first num_x * ( num_y + 1 ) indices,
// edges in the y direction get the rest.
num_edges = (num_x + 1) * num_y + (num_y + 1) * num_x;
edges = new Edge * [num_edges];
k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_y + 1; i++) {
int row = i * (num_x + 1);
for (j = 0; j < num_x; j++) {
int vs = row + j;
int ve = row + j + 1;
edges[k] = new Edge(k, vertices[vs], vertices[ve],
rand() / (float)RAND_MAX * 0.5f + 0.25f,
rand() / (float)RAND_MAX * 0.5f + 0.25f,
rand() / (float)RAND_MAX * 0.5f + 0.25f);
edge_i = k;
for (i = 0; i < num_y; i++) {
int row = i * (num_x + 1);
for (j = 0; j < num_x + 1; j++) {
int vs = row + j;
int ve = row + j + num_x + 1;
edges[k] = new Edge(k, vertices[vs], vertices[ve],
rand() / (float)RAND_MAX * 0.5f + 0.25f,
rand() / (float)RAND_MAX * 0.5f + 0.25f,
rand() / (float)RAND_MAX * 0.5f + 0.25f);
// Allocate the cells and associate them with their edges.
num_cells = num_x * num_y;
cells = new Cell * [num_cells];
k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_y; i++) {
int row_x = i * (num_x + 1);
int row_y = i * num_x;
for (j = 0; j < num_x; j++) {
int px = edge_i + row_x + 1 + j;
int py = row_y + j + num_x;
int mx = edge_i + row_x + j;
int my = row_y + j;
cells[k] = new Cell(k, edges[px], edges[py], edges[mx], edges[my]);
edges[px]->Add_Cell(cells[k], Edge::LEFT);
edges[py]->Add_Cell(cells[k], Edge::RIGHT);
edges[mx]->Add_Cell(cells[k], Edge::RIGHT);
edges[my]->Add_Cell(cells[k], Edge::LEFT);
// * Add edges from cell to the set that are available for removal to
// grow the maze.
static void
Add_To_Available(Cell* cell, int* available, int& num_available)
int i, j;
// Add edges from cell to the set that are available for removal to
// grow the maze.
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Cell* neighbor = cell->edges[i]->Neighbor(cell);
if (neighbor && !neighbor->counter) {
int candidate = cell->edges[i]->index;
for (j = 0; j < num_available; j++)
if (candidate == available[j]) {
printf("Breaking early\n");
if (j == num_available) {
available[num_available] = candidate;
cell->counter = 1;
// * Grow a maze by removing candidate edges until all the cells are
// connected. The edges are not actually removed, they are just made
// transparent.
void Maze::
Cell* to_expand;
int index;
int* available = new int[num_edges];
int num_available = 0;
int num_visited;
int i;
// Choose a random starting cell.
index = (int)floor((rand() / (float)RAND_MAX) * num_cells);
to_expand = cells[index];
Add_To_Available(to_expand, available, num_available);
num_visited = 1;
// Join cells up by making edges opaque.
while (num_visited < num_cells && num_available > 0) {
int ei;
index = (int)floor((rand() / (float)RAND_MAX) * num_available);
to_expand = NULL;
ei = available[index];
if (edges[ei]->neighbors[0] &&
to_expand = edges[ei]->neighbors[0];
else if (edges[ei]->neighbors[1] &&
to_expand = edges[ei]->neighbors[1];
if (to_expand) {
edges[ei]->opaque = false;
Add_To_Available(to_expand, available, num_available);
available[index] = available[num_available - 1];
for (i = 0; i < num_cells; i++)
cells[i]->counter = 0;
// * Go through all the vertices looking for the minimum and maximum
// extents of the maze.
void Maze::
int i;
min_xp = vertices[0]->posn[Vertex::X];
max_xp = vertices[0]->posn[Vertex::X];
min_yp = vertices[0]->posn[Vertex::Y];
max_yp = vertices[0]->posn[Vertex::Y];
for (i = 1; i < num_vertices; i++) {
if (vertices[i]->posn[Vertex::X] > max_xp)
max_xp = vertices[i]->posn[Vertex::X];
if (vertices[i]->posn[Vertex::X] < min_xp)
min_xp = vertices[i]->posn[Vertex::X];
if (vertices[i]->posn[Vertex::Y] > max_yp)
max_yp = vertices[i]->posn[Vertex::Y];
if (vertices[i]->posn[Vertex::Y] < min_yp)
min_yp = vertices[i]->posn[Vertex::Y];
// * Figure out which cell the view is in, using seed_cell as an
// initial guess. This procedure works by repeatedly checking
// whether the viewpoint is in the current cell. If it is, we're
// done. If not, Point_In_Cell returns in new_cell the next cell
// to test. The new cell is the one on the other side of an edge
// that the point is "outside" (meaning that it might be inside the
// new cell).
void Maze::
Find_View_Cell(Cell* seed_cell)
Cell* new_cell;
while (!(seed_cell->Point_In_Cell(viewer_posn[X], viewer_posn[Y],
viewer_posn[Z], new_cell))) {
if (new_cell == 0) {
// The viewer is outside the top or bottom of the maze.
throw new MazeException("Maze: View not in maze\n");
seed_cell = new_cell;
view_cell = seed_cell;
// * Move the viewer's position. This method will do collision detection
// between the viewer's location and the walls of the maze and prevent
// the viewer from passing through walls.
void Maze::
Move_View_Posn(const float dx, const float dy, const float dz)
Cell* new_cell;
float xs, ys, zs, xe, ye, ze;
// Move the viewer by the given amount. This does collision testing to
// prevent walking through walls. It also keeps track of which cells the
// viewer is in.
// Set up a line segment from the start to end points of the motion.
xs = viewer_posn[X];
ys = viewer_posn[Y];
zs = viewer_posn[Z];
xe = xs + dx;
ye = ys + dy;
ze = zs + dz;
// Fix the z to keep it in the maze.
if (ze > 1.0f - BUFFER)
ze = 1.0f - BUFFER;
if (ze < BUFFER - 1.0f)
ze = BUFFER - 1.0f;
// Clip_To_Cell clips the motion segment to the view_cell if the
// segment intersects an opaque edge. If the segment intersects
// a transparent edge (through which it can pass), then it clips
// the motion segment so that it _starts_ at the transparent edge,
// and it returns the cell the viewer is entering. We keep going
// until Clip_To_Cell returns NULL, meaning we've done as much of
// the motion as is possible without passing through walls.
while ((new_cell = view_cell->Clip_To_Cell(xs, ys, xe, ye, BUFFER)))
view_cell = new_cell;
// The viewer is at the end of the motion segment, which may have
// been clipped.
viewer_posn[X] = xe;
viewer_posn[Y] = ye;
viewer_posn[Z] = ze;
// * Set the viewer's location
void Maze::
Set_View_Posn(float x, float y, float z)
// First make sure it's in some cell.
// This assumes that the maze is rectangular.
if (x < min_xp + BUFFER)
x = min_xp + BUFFER;
if (x > max_xp - BUFFER)
x = max_xp - BUFFER;
if (y < min_yp + BUFFER)
y = min_yp + BUFFER;
if (y > max_yp - BUFFER)
y = max_yp - BUFFER;
if (z < -1.0f + BUFFER)
z = -1.0f + BUFFER;
if (z > 1.0f - BUFFER)
z = 1.0f - BUFFER;
viewer_posn[X] = x;
viewer_posn[Y] = y;
viewer_posn[Z] = z;
// Figure out which cell we're in.
// * Set the angle in which the viewer is looking.
void Maze::
Set_View_Dir(const float d)
viewer_dir = d;
// * Set the horizontal field of view.
void Maze::
Set_View_FOV(const float f)
viewer_fov = f;
// * Draws the map view of the maze. It is passed the minimum and maximum
// corners of the window in which to draw.
void Maze::
Draw_Map(int min_x, int min_y, int max_x, int max_y)
int height;
float scale_x, scale_y, scale;
int i;
// Figure out scaling factors and the effective height of the window.
scale_x = (max_x - min_x - 10) / (max_xp - min_xp);
scale_y = (max_y - min_y - 10) / (max_yp - min_yp);
scale = scale_x > scale_y ? scale_y : scale_x;
height = (int)ceil(scale * (max_yp - min_yp));
min_x += 5;
min_y += 5;
// Draw all the opaque edges.
for (i = 0; i < num_edges; i++)
if (edges[i]->opaque) {
float x1, y1, x2, y2;
x1 = edges[i]->endpoints[Edge::START]->posn[Vertex::X];
y1 = edges[i]->endpoints[Edge::START]->posn[Vertex::Y];
x2 = edges[i]->endpoints[Edge::END]->posn[Vertex::X];
y2 = edges[i]->endpoints[Edge::END]->posn[Vertex::Y];
fl_color((unsigned char)floor(edges[i]->color[0] * 255.0),
(unsigned char)floor(edges[i]->color[1] * 255.0),
(unsigned char)floor(edges[i]->color[2] * 255.0));
fl_line(min_x + (int)floor((x1 - min_xp) * scale),
min_y + height - (int)floor((y1 - min_yp) * scale),
min_x + (int)floor((x2 - min_xp) * scale),
min_y + height - (int)floor((y2 - min_yp) * scale));
void Frustum(float* matrix, float left, float right, float bottom, float top,
float znear, float zfar);
// Matrix will receive the calculated perspective matrix.
// You would have to upload to your shader
// or use glLoadMatrixf if you aren't using shaders.
void Perspective(float fovyInDegrees, float aspectRatio,
float znear, float zfar)
float matrix[16];
float ymax, xmax;
float temp, temp2, temp3, temp4;
ymax = znear * tanf(fovyInDegrees * M_PI / 360.0);
xmax = ymax * aspectRatio;
Frustum(matrix, -xmax, xmax, -ymax, ymax, znear, zfar);
#ifdef check_matrix
glMultMatrixf(matrix);//乘上最上面的矩陣並儲存 loadmatrix則是直接取代
global::projection = glm::make_mat4(matrix);
#endif // check_matrix
void Frustum(float* matrix, float left, float right, float bottom, float top,
float znear, float zfar)
float temp, temp2, temp3, temp4;
temp = 2.0 * znear;
temp2 = right - left;
temp3 = top - bottom;
temp4 = zfar - znear;
matrix[0] = temp / temp2;
matrix[1] = 0.0;
matrix[2] = 0.0;
matrix[3] = 0.0;
matrix[4] = 0.0;
matrix[5] = temp / temp3;
matrix[6] = 0.0;
matrix[7] = 0.0;
matrix[8] = (right + left) / temp2;
matrix[9] = (top + bottom) / temp3;
matrix[10] = (-zfar - znear) / temp4;
matrix[11] = -1.0;
matrix[12] = 0.0;
matrix[13] = 0.0;
matrix[14] = (-temp * zfar) / temp4;
matrix[15] = 0.0;
void NormalizeVector(float x[3]) {
float Norm = sqrt(square(x[0]) + square(x[1]) + square(x[2]));
x[0] /= Norm;
x[1] /= Norm;
x[2] /= Norm;
void ComputeNormalOfPlane(float result[3], float A[3], float B[3]) {
result[0] = A[1] * B[2] - A[2] * B[1];
result[1] = A[2] * B[0] - A[0] * B[2];
result[2] = A[0] * B[1] - A[1] * B[0];
void LookAt(float eyePosition3DX, float eyePosition3DY, float eyePosition3DZ,
float center3DX, float center3DY, float center3DZ,
float upVector3DX, float upVector3DY, float upVector3DZ)
float forward[3], side[3], up[3];
float matrix2[16];
// --------------------
forward[0] = center3DX - eyePosition3DX;
forward[1] = center3DY - eyePosition3DY;
forward[2] = center3DZ - eyePosition3DZ;
// --------------------
// Side = forward x up 向量外積
float tmp[3] = { upVector3DX ,upVector3DY, upVector3DZ };
ComputeNormalOfPlane(side, forward, tmp);
// Recompute up as: up = side x forward 向量外積
ComputeNormalOfPlane(up, side, forward);
// --------------------
matrix2[0] = side[0];
matrix2[4] = side[1];
matrix2[8] = side[2];
matrix2[12] = 0.0;
// --------------------
matrix2[1] = up[0];
matrix2[5] = up[1];
matrix2[9] = up[2];
matrix2[13] = 0.0;
// --------------------
matrix2[2] = -forward[0];
matrix2[6] = -forward[1];
matrix2[10] = -forward[2];
matrix2[14] = 0.0;
// --------------------
matrix2[3] = matrix2[7] = matrix2[11] = 0.0;
matrix2[15] = 1.0;
// --------------------
#ifdef check_matrix
glMultMatrixf(matrix2);//乘上最上面的矩陣並儲存 loadmatrix則是直接取代
glTranslatef(-eyePosition3DX, -eyePosition3DY, -eyePosition3DZ);
global::model_view = glm::make_mat4(matrix2);
global::model_view = glm::translate(global::model_view, glm::vec3(-eyePosition3DX, -eyePosition3DY, -eyePosition3DZ));
#endif // check_matrix
inline float Det(float a, float b, float c, float d)
return a * d - b * c;
///Calculate intersection of two lines.
///\return true if found, false if not found or error
bool LineLineIntersect(float x1, float y1, //Line 1 start
float x2, float y2, //Line 1 end
float x3, float y3, //Line 2 start
float x4, float y4, //Line 2 end
double& ixOut, double& iyOut) //Output
double detL1 = Det(x1, y1, x2, y2);
double detL2 = Det(x3, y3, x4, y4);
double x1mx2 = x1 - x2;
double x3mx4 = x3 - x4;
double y1my2 = y1 - y2;
double y3my4 = y3 - y4;
double xnom = Det(detL1, x1mx2, detL2, x3mx4);
double ynom = Det(detL1, y1my2, detL2, y3my4);
double denom = Det(x1mx2, y1my2, x3mx4, y3my4);
if (denom == 0.0)//Lines don't seem to cross
ixOut = NAN;
iyOut = NAN;
return false;
ixOut = xnom / denom;
iyOut = ynom / denom;
if (!isfinite(ixOut) || !isfinite(iyOut)) //Probably a numerical issue
return false;
return true; //All OK
// * Draws the first-person view of the maze. It is passed the focal distance.
void Maze::
Draw_View(const float focal_dist, const float aspect)
float my_near = 0.01;
float my_far = 200.0f;
global::model_view = glm::mat4(1);//填1才會是identity matrix
global::projection = glm::mat4(1);//填1才會是identity matrix
Perspective(viewer_fov, aspect, my_near, my_far);
float viewer_pos[3] = {viewer_posn[Maze::Y], 0.0f, viewer_posn[Maze::X] };
LookAt(viewer_pos[Maze::X], viewer_pos[Maze::Y], viewer_pos[Maze::Z],
viewer_pos[Maze::X] + sin(Maze::To_Radians(viewer_dir)),
viewer_pos[Maze::Z] + cos(Maze::To_Radians(viewer_dir)),
0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
#ifdef check_matrix
for (int i = 0; i < (int)this->num_edges; i++) {
float edge_start[2] = {
this->edges[i]->endpoints[Edge::START]->posn[Vertex::Y] };
float edge_end[2] = {
this->edges[i]->endpoints[Edge::END]->posn[Vertex::Y] };
float color[3] = { this->edges[i]->color[0], this->edges[i]->color[1], this->edges[i]->color[2] };
if (this->edges[i]->opaque)
matrix_test_draw_wall(edge_start, edge_end, color);
cout << viewer_fov;
frustum view(Vertex(my_near * tan(To_Radians(viewer_fov * 0.5)), my_near), Vertex(-my_near * tan(To_Radians(viewer_fov * 0.5)), my_near), Vertex(-my_far * tan(To_Radians(viewer_fov * 0.5)), my_far), Vertex(my_far * tan(To_Radians(viewer_fov * 0.5)), my_far));
//frustum view(Vertex(my_near*tan(viewer_fov*0.5), my_near), Vertex(-my_near * tan(viewer_fov * 0.5), my_near), Vertex(-my_far * tan(viewer_fov * 0.5), my_far), Vertex(my_far * tan(viewer_fov * 0.5), my_far));
//draw_cell(camera_cell_index, view);
for (int i = 0;i < num_edges;i++) {
if (!edges[i]->opaque) continue;
LineSeg edge_line(edges[i]);
glm::vec4 start(edge_line.start[1], 1.0f, edge_line.start[0], 1.0f), end(edge_line.end[1], 1.0f, edge_line.end[0], 1.0f);
start =/* global::projection* */global::model_view * start;
end = /*global::projection **/ global::model_view * end;
if (start[3] < 0 || end[3] < 0) {
bool draw_edge = true;
//start /= start[3];
//end /= end[3];
for (int j = 0;j < 4;j++) {//跑視錐的四個邊
char s = view.which_edge(j).Point_Side(start[0], start[2]);
char e = view.which_edge(j).Point_Side(end[0], end[2]);
if (s == Edge::LEFT && e == Edge::LEFT)
cout << "out out" << endl;
draw_edge = false;
else if (s == Edge::RIGHT && e == Edge::LEFT)
//pair<glm::vec4, glm::vec4> frustum_line = view.pair_vec4_which_side(j);
//if(cross_param(end, start, end, frustum_line.first, frustum_line.second, false))
float percent = view.which_line(j).Cross_Param(LineSeg(start,end));
if (percent < 1.0e20f && percent>0 && percent < 1) {
draw_edge = true;
end[0] = start[0] + (end[0] - start[0]) * percent;
end[2] = start[2] + (end[2] - start[2]) * percent;
cout << "cut end" << endl;
else if (s == Edge::LEFT && e == Edge::RIGHT)
//pair<glm::vec4, glm::vec4> frustum_line = view.pair_vec4_which_side(j);
//if(cross_param(start,start, end, frustum_line.first, frustum_line.second, true))draw_edge = true;
float percent = view.which_line(j).Cross_Param(LineSeg(start, end));
if (percent < 1.0e20f && percent>0 && percent < 1) {
draw_edge = true;
start[0] = start[0] + (end[0] - start[0]) * percent;
start[2] = start[2] + (end[2] - start[2]) * percent;
cout << "cut start" << endl;
//else {
// draw_edge = true;
//if (!draw_edge) continue;
start = global::projection * start;
end = global::projection * end;
if (/*start[2] < 0 || end[2] < 0 ||*/ start[3] <0 || end[3] <0) continue;
if (edges[i]->opaque)
//start /= abs(start[3]);
//end /= abs(end[3]);
start /=start[3];
end /= end[3];
//cout << start[0] << ' ' << start[1] << endl;
//cout << end[0] << ' ' << end[1] << endl;
cout << "----------------------------" << endl;
//if (start[0] < -1) {
//else if (start[0] > 1) {
//if (start[1] < -1) start[1] = -1;
//else if (start[1] > 1) start[1] = 1;
//if (end[0] < -1) end[0] = -1;
//else if (end[0] > 1) end[0] = 1;
//if (end[1] < -1) end[1] = -1;
//else if (end[1] > 1) end[1] = 1;
glVertex2f(start[0], start[1]);
glVertex2f(end[0], end[1]);
glVertex2f(end[0], -end[1]);
glVertex2f(start[0], -start[1]);
void Maze::
matrix_test_draw_wall(const float start[2], const float end[2], const float color[3]) {
float edge0[3] = { start[Y], 0.0f, start[X] };
float edge1[3] = { end[Y], 0.0f, end[X] };
glVertex4f(edge0[X], 1.0f, edge0[Z], 1);
glVertex4f(edge1[X], 1.0f, edge1[Z], 1);
glVertex4f(edge1[X], -1.0f, edge1[Z], 1);
glVertex4f(edge0[X], -1.0f, edge0[Z], 1);
//char side(float ax, float ay, float bx, float by, float xp, float yp){
// float d = (xp - ax) * (by - ay) - (yp - ay) * (bx - ax);
// return d < 0 ? Edge::LEFT : Edge::RIGHT;
bool cross_param(glm::vec4& result,glm::vec4& s1, glm::vec4& e1,glm::vec4& s2, glm::vec4& e2,bool se) {
float dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2;
float denom, s;
// This computation comes from writing each segment in parametric form,
// and solving a simulataneous equation to determine the parameter
// value of the intersection point on this LineSeg.
dx1 = e2[0] - s2[0];
dy1 = e2[2] - s2[2];
dx2 = e1[0] - s1[0];
dy2 = e1[2] - s1[2];
if ((denom = dx2 * dy1 - dy2 * dx1) == 0.0) return false;
// Parallel segments.
s = (s2[0] - s1[0]) * dy1 - (s2[2] - s1[2]) * dx1;
float percent = s / denom;
if (se) {
result = glm::vec4(s1[0] + percent * (e1[0] - s1[0]), s1[1], s1[2] + percent * (e1[2] - s1[2]), s1[3]);
else {
result = glm::vec4(s1[0] + percent * (e1[0] - s1[0]), e1[1], s1[2] + percent * (e1[2] - s1[2]), e1[3]);
return true;
void Maze::Draw_Wall(float sx, float sy, float ex, float ey, float rr, float gg, float bb) {
void Maze::draw_cell(int camera_cell_index,frustum view) {
//Cell* now = cells[camera_cell_index];
//for (int i = 0;i < 4;i++) {//跑四面牆
// if (!now->edges[i]->opaque) continue;
// LineSeg edge_line(now->edges[i]);
// glm::vec4 start(edge_line.start[1], 1.0f, edge_line.start[0], 1.0f), end(edge_line.end[1], 1.0f, edge_line.end[0], 1.0f);
// start = global::model_view * start;
// end = global::model_view * end;
// bool draw_edge = false;
// for (int j = 0;j < 4;j++) {//跑視錐的四個邊
// char s = view.which_side(j).Point_Side(start[0],start[2]);
// char e = view.which_side(j).Point_Side(end[0], end[2]);
// if (s == Edge::LEFT && e == Edge::LEFT)
// {
// //在視錐外
// continue;
// }
// else if (s == Edge::RIGHT && e == Edge::LEFT)
// {
// draw_edge = true;
// pair<glm::vec4, glm::vec4> frustum_line = view.pair_vec4_which_side(j);
// end = cross_param(frustum_line.first, frustum_line.second, start, end);
// }
// else if (s == Edge::LEFT && e == Edge::RIGHT)
// {
// draw_edge = true;
// pair<glm::vec4, glm::vec4> frustum_line = view.pair_vec4_which_side(j);
// start = cross_param(frustum_line.first, frustum_line.second, start, end);
// }
// }
// //if (!draw_edge) continue;
// start = global::projection * start;
// end = global::projection * end;
// if (now->edges[i]->opaque)
// {
// //start /= start[3];
// //end /= end[3];
// glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
// glColor3fv(now->edges[i]->color);
// cout << start[0] << ' ' << start[1] << endl;
// cout << end[0] << ' ' << end[1] << endl;
// cout << "----------------------------"<<endl;
// glVertex2f(start[0]/start[3], start[1] / start[3]);
// glVertex2f(end[0] / end[3], end[1]/end[3]);
// glVertex2f(end[0]/ end[3], -end[1]/ end[3]);
// glVertex2f(start[0] / start[3], -start[1] / start[3]);
// glEnd();
// }
//Cell* now = cells[camera_cell_index];
//vector<tuple<glm::vec4, glm::vec4, float*> > all_draw;
//for (int i = 0;i < 4;i++) {
// if (!now->edges[i]->opaque) continue;
// all_draw.push_back(make_tuple(
// glm::vec4(now->edges[i]->endpoints[Edge::START]->posn[Y], 1.0f, now->edges[i]->endpoints[Edge::START]->posn[X], 1.0f),
// glm::vec4(now->edges[i]->endpoints[Edge::END]->posn[Y], 1.0f, now->edges[i]->endpoints[Edge::END]->posn[X], 1.0f), now->edges[i]->color));
// get<0>(all_draw.back()) = global::model_view * get<0>(all_draw.back());
// get<1>(all_draw.back()) = global::model_view * get<1>(all_draw.back());
//for (int i = 0;i < 4;i++) {//跑視錐的四個邊
// for (int j = 0;j < all_draw.size();j++) {//跑四面牆
// char s = view.which_side(i).Point_Side(get<0>(all_draw[j])[0], get<0>(all_draw[j])[2]);
// char e = view.which_side(i).Point_Side(get<1>(all_draw[j])[0], get<1>(all_draw[j])[2]);
// if (s == Edge::LEFT && e == Edge::LEFT)
// {
// //在視錐外
// all_draw.erase(all_draw.begin()+j);
// j--;
// continue;
// }
// else if (s == Edge::RIGHT && e == Edge::LEFT)
// {
// pair<glm::vec4, glm::vec4> frustum_line = view.pair_vec4_which_side(i);
// get<1>(all_draw[j]) = cross_param(frustum_line.first, frustum_line.second, get<0>(all_draw[j]), get<1>(all_draw[j]));
// }
// else if (s == Edge::LEFT && e == Edge::RIGHT)
// {
// pair<glm::vec4, glm::vec4> frustum_line = view.pair_vec4_which_side(i);
// get<0>(all_draw[j]) = cross_param(frustum_line.first, frustum_line.second, get<0>(all_draw[j]), get<1>(all_draw[j]));
// }
// }
// //if (!draw_edge) continue;
//for (int j = 0;j < all_draw.size();j++) {
// get<0>(all_draw[j]) = global::projection * get<0>(all_draw[j]);
// get<1>(all_draw[j]) = global::projection * get<1>(all_draw[j]);
// //start /= start[3];
// //end /= end[3];
// glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
// glColor3fv(get<2>(all_draw[j]));
// cout << get<0>(all_draw[j])[0] << ' ' << get<0>(all_draw[j])[1] << endl;
// cout << get<1>(all_draw[j])[0] << ' ' << get<1>(all_draw[j])[1] << endl;
// cout << "----------------------------" << endl;
// glVertex2f(get<0>(all_draw[j])[0] / get<0>(all_draw[j])[3], get<0>(all_draw[j])[1] / get<0>(all_draw[j])[3]);
// glVertex2f(get<1>(all_draw[j])[0] / get<1>(all_draw[j])[3], get<1>(all_draw[j])[1] / get<1>(all_draw[j])[3]);
// glVertex2f(get<1>(all_draw[j])[0] / get<1>(all_draw[j])[3], -get<1>(all_draw[j])[1] / get<1>(all_draw[j])[3]);
// glVertex2f(get<0>(all_draw[j])[0] / get<0>(all_draw[j])[3], -get<0>(all_draw[j])[1] / get<0>(all_draw[j])[3]);
// glEnd();
// * Draws the frustum on the map view of the maze. It is passed the
// minimum and maximum corners of the window in which to draw.
void Maze::
Draw_Frustum(int min_x, int min_y, int max_x, int max_y)
int height;
float scale_x, scale_y, scale;
float view_x, view_y;
// Draws the view frustum in the map. Sets up all the same viewing
// parameters as draw().
scale_x = (max_x - min_x - 10) / (max_xp - min_xp);
scale_y = (max_y - min_y - 10) / (max_yp - min_yp);
scale = scale_x > scale_y ? scale_y : scale_x;
height = (int)ceil(scale * (max_yp - min_yp));
min_x += 5;
min_y += 5;
view_x = (viewer_posn[X] - min_xp) * scale;
view_y = (viewer_posn[Y] - min_yp) * scale;
fl_line(min_x + (int)floor(view_x +
cos(To_Radians(viewer_dir + viewer_fov / 2.0)) * scale),
min_y + height -
(int)floor(view_y +
sin(To_Radians(viewer_dir + viewer_fov / 2.0)) *
min_x + (int)floor(view_x),
min_y + height - (int)floor(view_y));
fl_line(min_x + (int)floor(view_x +
cos(To_Radians(viewer_dir - viewer_fov / 2.0)) *
min_y + height -
(int)floor(view_y + sin(To_Radians(viewer_dir - viewer_fov / 2.0)) *
min_x + (int)floor(view_x),
min_y + height - (int)floor(view_y));
// * Draws the viewer's cell and its neighbors in the map view of the maze.
// It is passed the minimum and maximum corners of the window in which
// to draw.
void Maze::
Draw_Neighbors(int min_x, int min_y, int max_x, int max_y)
int height;
float scale_x, scale_y, scale;
int i, j;
// Draws the view cell and its neighbors in the map. This works
// by drawing just the neighbor's edges if there is a neighbor,
// otherwise drawing the edge. Every edge is shared, so drawing the
// neighbors' edges also draws the view cell's edges.
scale_x = (max_x - min_x - 10) / (max_xp - min_xp);
scale_y = (max_y - min_y - 10) / (max_yp - min_yp);
scale = scale_x > scale_y ? scale_y : scale_x;
height = (int)ceil(scale * (max_yp - min_yp));
min_x += 5;
min_y += 5;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Cell* neighbor = view_cell->edges[i]->Neighbor(view_cell);
if (neighbor) {
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
Edge* e = neighbor->edges[j];
if (e->opaque) {
float x1, y1, x2, y2;
x1 = e->endpoints[Edge::START]->posn[Vertex::X];
y1 = e->endpoints[Edge::START]->posn[Vertex::Y];
x2 = e->endpoints[Edge::END]->posn[Vertex::X];
y2 = e->endpoints[Edge::END]->posn[Vertex::Y];
fl_color((unsigned char)floor(e->color[0] * 255.0),
(unsigned char)floor(e->color[1] * 255.0),
(unsigned char)floor(e->color[2] * 255.0));
fl_line(min_x + (int)floor((x1 - min_xp) * scale),
min_y + height - (int)floor((y1 - min_yp) * scale),
min_x + (int)floor((x2 - min_xp) * scale),
min_y + height - (int)floor((y2 - min_yp) * scale));
else {
Edge* e = view_cell->edges[i];
if (e->opaque) {
float x1, y1, x2, y2;
x1 = e->endpoints[Edge::START]->posn[Vertex::X];
y1 = e->endpoints[Edge::START]->posn[Vertex::Y];
x2 = e->endpoints[Edge::END]->posn[Vertex::X];
y2 = e->endpoints[Edge::END]->posn[Vertex::Y];
fl_color((unsigned char)floor(e->color[0] * 255.0),
(unsigned char)floor(e->color[1] * 255.0),
(unsigned char)floor(e->color[2] * 255.0));
fl_line(min_x + (int)floor((x1 - min_xp) * scale),
min_y + height - (int)floor((y1 - min_yp) * scale),
min_x + (int)floor((x2 - min_xp) * scale),
min_y + height - (int)floor((y2 - min_yp) * scale));
// * Save the maze to a file of the given name.
bool Maze::
Save(const char* filename)
FILE* f = fopen(filename, "w");
int i;
// Dump everything to a file of the given name. Returns false if it
// couldn't open the file. True otherwise.
if (!f) {
return false;
fprintf(f, "%d\n", num_vertices);
for (i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
fprintf(f, "%g %g\n", vertices[i]->posn[Vertex::X],
fprintf(f, "%d\n", num_edges);
for (i = 0; i < num_edges; i++)
fprintf(f, "%d %d %d %d %d %g %g %g\n",
edges[i]->neighbors[Edge::LEFT] ?
edges[i]->neighbors[Edge::LEFT]->index : -1,
edges[i]->neighbors[Edge::RIGHT] ?
edges[i]->neighbors[Edge::RIGHT]->index : -1,
edges[i]->opaque ? 1 : 0,
edges[i]->color[0], edges[i]->color[1], edges[i]->color[2]);
fprintf(f, "%d\n", num_cells);
for (i = 0; i < num_cells; i++)
fprintf(f, "%d %d %d %d\n",
cells[i]->edges[0] ? cells[i]->edges[0]->index : -1,
cells[i]->edges[1] ? cells[i]->edges[1]->index : -1,
cells[i]->edges[2] ? cells[i]->edges[2]->index : -1,
cells[i]->edges[3] ? cells[i]->edges[3]->index : -1);
fprintf(f, "%g %g %g %g %g\n",
viewer_posn[X], viewer_posn[Y], viewer_posn[Z],
viewer_dir, viewer_fov);
return true;
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