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Created November 6, 2021 17:35
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彩色影像處理作業1 B10815057 廖聖郝
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <random>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <time.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <limits>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <CvPlot/cvplot.h>
#include "cvui.h"
#define WINDOW_NAME "B10815057_廖聖郝_彩色影像處理_作業1"
//產生雜訊範圍內所有值對應雜訊值的table (對照表)
void get_gaussian_noise_table(double* rand_mapping_table, int gaussian_range, double gaussian_sigma) {
double y_sum = 0.0f;
double cumulative = 0.0f;
for (int x = -gaussian_range, index = 0; x <= gaussian_range; x++, index++) {
double y = exp(-(double)(x * x) / (2.0f * gaussian_sigma * gaussian_sigma));
y_sum += y;
rand_mapping_table[index] = y;
for (int x = -gaussian_range, index = 0; x <= gaussian_range; x++, index++) {
rand_mapping_table[index] /= y_sum;
cumulative += rand_mapping_table[index];
rand_mapping_table[index] = cumulative;
int gaussian_noise(double* rand_mapping_table, int gaussian_range, double random_val) {
int index = 0;
int x;
for (x = -gaussian_range; x <= gaussian_range; x++, index++) {
if (rand_mapping_table[index] > random_val) break;
if (x > gaussian_range)x = gaussian_range;
return x;
constexpr int RAND_DOUBLE_MIN = 0;
constexpr int RAND_DOUBLE_MAX = 1;
std::random_device rd;
std::default_random_engine eng(rd());
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> distr(RAND_DOUBLE_MIN, RAND_DOUBLE_MAX);
double random01() {
return distr(eng);
int main() {
std::locale loc = std::locale::global(std::locale(""));
cv::Mat frame = cv::Mat(cv::Size(1490, 520), CV_8UC1); //彩色用CV_8UC3
std::string filename = "ntust_gray.jpg";
cv::Mat source_img = cv::imread(filename, 0);
cv::Mat destination_img = cv::imread(filename, 0);
bool have_noise = false;
double gaussian_sigma = 25.0f;
double pre_gaussian_sigma = gaussian_sigma;
int gaussian_range = 100;
int pre_gaussian_range = gaussian_range;
double* rand_mapping_table = new double[gaussian_range * 2 + 1];
double salt_pepper_N_percent = 0.1f;
int filter_height = 3;
int filter_width = 3;
std::vector<cv::Point2d> transformation_points{ { 0, 0 }, { 1,1 } };
auto axes = CvPlot::plot(transformation_points, "-o");
cv::Mat test = axes.render(300, 400);
cv::imshow(u8"Right click to reset", test);
CvPlot::Window windowImage(u8"Right click to reset", axes, 300, 400);
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point pre_click = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
windowImage.setMouseEventHandler([&](const CvPlot::MouseEvent& mouseEvent) {
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
if ((mouseEvent.flags() & cv::MouseEventFlags::EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON) && (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now_time - pre_click).count() > 100)) {
if (mouseEvent.pos().x > 1.0f || mouseEvent.pos().x < 0.0f || mouseEvent.pos().y > 1.0f || mouseEvent.pos().y < 0.0f) return false;
double x = mouseEvent.pos().x;
double y = mouseEvent.pos().y;
for (int i = 1; i < transformation_points.size(); i++) {
if (transformation_points[i].x > x) {
// 1 / 255 ~= 0.004
if (abs(transformation_points[i].x - x) < 0.004f || abs(transformation_points[i - 1].x - x) < 0.004f) return false;
transformation_points.insert(transformation_points.begin() + i, cv::Point2d(x, y));
pre_click = now_time;
axes = CvPlot::plot(transformation_points, "-o");
return true;
if (mouseEvent.flags() & cv::MouseEventFlags::EVENT_FLAG_RBUTTON) {
transformation_points.push_back(cv::Point2d(0, 0));
transformation_points.push_back(cv::Point2d(1, 1));
axes = CvPlot::plot(transformation_points, "-o");
return true;
return false;
get_gaussian_noise_table(rand_mapping_table, gaussian_range, gaussian_sigma);
while (cv::getWindowProperty(WINDOW_NAME, 0) >= 0) {
frame = cv::Scalar(49, 52, 49);
cvui::printf(frame, 10, 10, "Source Image");
if (!source_img.empty()) cvui::image(frame, 10, 30, source_img);
if (!have_noise) {
if (cvui::button(frame, 670, 170, 150, 30, "Gaussian Noise")) {
for (int i = 0; i < source_img.rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < source_img.cols; j++) {
int noise = gaussian_noise(rand_mapping_table, gaussian_range, random01());
int base_color =<uchar>(i, j);
int result = base_color + noise;
if (result > 255) result = 255;
else if (result < 0) result = 0;
//把加入雜訊後的值放到目標圖片的pixel<uchar>(i, j) = result;
have_noise = true;
cvui::printf(frame, 670, 30, "Gaussian Range");
cvui::counter(frame, 700, 60, &gaussian_range);
if (gaussian_range > 255) { gaussian_range = 255; }
else if (gaussian_range < 0) { gaussian_range = 0; }
cvui::printf(frame, 670, 100, "Gaussian Sigma");
cvui::trackbar(frame, 670, 120, 150, &gaussian_sigma, (double)0.1f, (double)100.0f);
cvui::printf(frame, 670, 240, "N percent noise");
cvui::trackbar(frame, 670, 260, 150, &salt_pepper_N_percent, (double)0.0f, (double)1.0f);
if (cvui::button(frame, 670, 310, 150, 30, "Salt Pepper Noise")) {
for (int i = 0; i < source_img.rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < source_img.cols; j++) {
//若0~1隨機值小於指定值N,以各50%機率選擇黑(0)或白(255)<uchar>(i, j) = random01() > salt_pepper_N_percent ?<uchar>(i, j) : (random01() > 0.5f ? 255 : 0);
have_noise = true;
else {
if (cvui::button(frame, 670, 170, 150, 30, "Mean Filter")) {
cv::Mat new_mat = cv::Mat::zeros(destination_img.rows, destination_img.cols, CV_8UC1);
for (int i = 0; i < destination_img.rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < destination_img.cols; j++) {
int total = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < filter_height; k++) {
for (int g = 0; g < filter_width; g++) {
int x = j + g;
int y = i + k;
if (filter_height % 2) y -= (int)(filter_height / 2);
else y -= (int)(filter_height / 2) - 1;
if (filter_width % 2) x -= (int)(filter_width / 2);
else x -= (int)(filter_width / 2) - 1;
if (y < 0) y *= -1;
else if (y >= destination_img.rows) y = 2 * (destination_img.rows - 1) - y;
if (x < 0) x *= -1;
else if (x >= destination_img.cols) x = 2 * (destination_img.cols - 1) - x;
total +=<uchar>(y, x);
//將濾鏡中所有pixel的值取平均,放到目標圖片的pixel<uchar>(i, j) = total / (filter_width * filter_height);
if (cvui::button(frame, 670, 310, 150, 30, "Median Filter")) {
cv::Mat new_mat = cv::Mat::zeros(destination_img.rows, destination_img.cols, CV_8UC1);
int* all_val = new int[filter_height * filter_width];
for (int i = 0; i < destination_img.rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < destination_img.cols; j++) {
int index = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < filter_height; k++) {
for (int g = 0; g < filter_width; g++) {
int x = j + g;
int y = i + k;
if (filter_height % 2) y -= (int)(filter_height / 2);
else y -= (int)(filter_height / 2) - 1;
if (filter_width % 2) x -= (int)(filter_width / 2);
else x -= (int)(filter_width / 2) - 1;
if (y < 0) y *= -1;
else if (y >= destination_img.rows) y = 2 * (destination_img.rows - 1) - y;
if (x < 0) x *= -1;
else if (x >= destination_img.cols) x = 2 * (destination_img.cols - 1) - x;
all_val[index++] =<uchar>(y, x);
std::sort(all_val, all_val + (filter_height * filter_width));
//將中位數的pixel值,放到目標圖片的pixel<uchar>(i, j) = all_val[filter_height * filter_width / 2];
delete[] all_val;
if (cvui::button(frame, 670, 390, 150, 30, "Transformation")) {
for (int i = 0; i < source_img.rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < source_img.cols; j++) {
if (<uchar>(i, j) == 0 ||<uchar>(i, j) == 255) {<uchar>(i, j) =<uchar>(i, j);
double input_x = (double)<uchar>(i, j) / 255.0f;
double output_y = 0.0f;
//跑過每個transformation points
for (int k = 1; k < transformation_points.size(); k++) {
if (input_x <= transformation_points[k].x) {
double x_offset = transformation_points[k].x - transformation_points[k - 1].x;
double y_offset = transformation_points[k].y - transformation_points[k - 1].y;
if (x_offset < std::numeric_limits<double>::min()) {
output_y = (transformation_points[k].y + transformation_points[k - 1].y) / 2.0f;
output_y = transformation_points[k - 1].y + y_offset * ((input_x - transformation_points[k - 1].x) / x_offset);
//將輸出y值乘上255得到輸出pixel值,放到目標圖片的pixel<uchar>(i, j) = output_y * 255.0f;
if (cvui::button(frame, 670, 480, 150, 30, "Reset")) {
have_noise = false;
cvui::printf(frame, 840, 10, "Destination Image");
if (!destination_img.empty()) cvui::image(frame, 840, 30, destination_img);
if (gaussian_sigma != pre_gaussian_sigma) {
get_gaussian_noise_table(rand_mapping_table, gaussian_range, gaussian_sigma);
pre_gaussian_sigma = gaussian_sigma;
if (gaussian_range != pre_gaussian_range) {
if (rand_mapping_table != nullptr) delete[] rand_mapping_table;
rand_mapping_table = new double[gaussian_range * 2 + 1];
get_gaussian_noise_table(rand_mapping_table, gaussian_range, gaussian_sigma);
pre_gaussian_range = gaussian_range;
cv::imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame);
if (cv::waitKey(20) == 27) {
return 0;
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