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Mason France francepack

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Project: Number Guesser

Group Member Names:

"Magical" Mason France, "Motor" Mike Korg

Goals and Expectations for the Project:

Complete each phase of this project to the best of our ability. We are hoping to accomplish full functionality. We are starting out with this as a goal, but . As a team, we hope to work collaborativly to come to a full understanding of the code involved in this project. We hope to work together, as well as independently on portions of this. We will know that we are successful when we are both satisfied with the end product, and can explain the code we used to achieve it.

Career Development

Activity 1

Pick out 3 behaviors that resonate with you in the list and describe why they resonate with you in a reflection.

Quite a few of these resonate with me for a variety of reasons. I liked suggestion # 3 about micro-decisions and naming things... Something I've done since middle school is play Dungeons and Dragons. In my adult life, I have taught several friends to play this, taking on the role of Dungeon Master. As the DM, you have to accomidate what the players want to do and where they want to go, which often involves making up many names of people they chose to encounter that maybe you didn't expect or weren't prepared for. To deal with this effectively, I had to teach myself to not get to hung up on micro decisions surrounding fast personality creation, particularly what the new characters name is. I'd often find myself naming a bunch of people every session and while their names weren't that important, it was important to track the names since you never knew which

Gear Up Prework

What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

In my life, I have mostly viewed empathy as being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes. This was reinforced as I had opportunities to travel around Eastern Europe and Japan through choir tours, which exposed me to quite different ways of life than my own early in life. My most recent job required empathy. I was in charge of scheduling our 200+ employees, so it often fell to me to understand what was going on in employees lives to help them be successful in their scheduling as well as determine who should continue to be scheduled. While its a big responsibility, this kind of empathy helps me maintain the organizational success of my company as well as help the employees who make effort succeed.

How does empathy help you build better software?

Reading these articles, I found it interesting that empathy is such an in demand skill for coders, however, it does make sense. Coders, afterall, are generally trying to


Day 1

HTML/CSS Chap 1-2 questions

On a website, what is the purpose of HTML code?

HTML code informs about the structure and presentation of a webpage. Without it, a computer would not know how to display text in any nuanced way.

What is the difference between an element and a tag?

The tag refers to the brackets and what lives in them (is this a header?, a paragraph?, etc) whereas an element includes the opening/closing tags as well as the content/info the tags contain.

Why do we use attributes in HTML elements?

Attributes supply additional info about the content of an element. We use them to further label elements so that code can be applied to all elements with a particular attribute.

Describe the purpose of the head, title, and body HTML elements.